Personal Message

full name / face claim: kim minjeong (winter) / shin sohee

age + dob : 1st jan 2001

prev occupation: nugu idol

scandal: drug abuse / leaked tapes

skill points: vocal 6, dance 4

background (tw: mentions of su*c*de)

a person born into poverty in a single child family could easily be manipulated, just like in sohee's case. believing that finally debuting after 5 gruelling trainee years at the age of 19 would resolve all of her problems and give herself and her mother a better life, especially when their debut garnered so much hype and attention, this wasn't the case as the trainee debt the group gathered couldn't easily be paid off. without big company connections bringing in brand deals and advertisements, the group was forced by their ceo to partake in networking, drinking with higher ups in the industry, which sohee made so much money from in just a single day, taking weed, snorting crack which her other group members did not try. it was just one time, she thought, she wouldn't possibly be addicted to it, she thought. but it was the lure of money and how "good" it felt, literally in the moment, and the way her mother gave her a wide smile when sohee bought new clothes and an expensive handbag for her that she willingly did it over and over again. the money was all hers to keep as well, at the ceo's graciousness and to whom she eventually fell in love with and had with for the first time, to the promise that she wouldn't have to do all of it again, and that her group would get the recognition that they deserve. but of course, that promise came with the terms: "you just have to do it once with him, sohee, you know i love you, right? it's just , think about the money that you'll get! you could easily afford a house for you and your mother. she's frail, you want her to retire, don't you?" convinced, sohee did it - drugs/ with another broadcasting ceo. and another, and another, then 3, 5 people in a day, to the point where her sponsors gave her so much that she broke up with the ceo because he couldn't give her what she wanted, what she needed anymore. the group at this point was done too, only sohee was getting attention, and the other girls were smart enough to realise that it was abuse, leading to legal contract terminations and the company's downfall. by the age of 22, she was finally gathering the brand deals and advertisements she always wanted, also a house fully paid for, a porsche, and her mum fully retired, but her former ceo, believing that his downfall was caused by her, couldn't stand to see her flying so high, leaked out her tapes which was quickly covered by the media, her alleged connections to various entertainment people which got her cut off from all sponsors, proper or otherwise. just like how all parents want the best of their children, her mother blamed herself for turning sohee into a life of vice just to pull her out of poverty, and eventually passed on after jumping from height, and sohee, already spiralling down using crack and random one night stands as a form of escape, wanted to do the same after finishing up the funeral, if not for her best friend who called the police, stopping her from doing so. forcibly checked into rehab, she lived a life there for 2 years, finally being deemed clear and of sound mind to manage herself once again. but was she really fine?