Personal Message

full name: karlyle hwang
faceclaim: choi seungcheol
age: 28
role: master
secondary gender: omega ( power bottom; emphasis on power )
scent: oriental lillies & citrus
house: gemini house
occupation: head of the gemini house
short bio: it is already known to everyone that money equals power. if people were still set in the old ways of taking one's secondary gender as a means of judging hierarchy, then all they need to do is meet the head of the gemini house to realize how deeply wrong they are. looking down on lyle for being an omega would be your biggest mistake considering how he could quite literally buy your entire life and send you to the blushing lotus with one scribble of his signature on a fresh cheque. lyle never beats around the bush about anything and views the program with the most business-like perspective. breeders to him are nothing but his employees and a means of making money. "you wish to live in this world? then pick up your own weight and stop complaining," he would always say. there is a reason as to why lyle is the way he is, but he'd never be caught speaking of it.