Personal Message

takada kenta ;

i'd let the world burn, i let the world burn for you 

  • omega
    • smells like lavendar and vanilla 
    • 5'7
    • stands out amid his crew because of his smaller stature and a very slight build; it should be obvious he's an omega but some think he must be a beta, because why would an omega be a pirate? 
  • 29 
    • personality loading. 
    • rather playful and mischievous, especially when his crew is plundering or when he's in the middle of a fight 
    • he is cunning and calculating, capable of manipulating situations in his favor on a whim. often, when he's discovered as an omega, kenta uses it to his advantage and to mentally disarm his opponent
    • he isn't afraid of killing someone to get what he wants or to protect himself. 
  • pirate
    • first mate of his ship
    • one may wonder how an omega could get so high in the ranks but kenta cut the hands off of any man who tried to touch him and slit their throats if they tried it again. 
    • he's disarming to their enemies, a pretty slip of a man that can't be dangerous... until he cuts someone's throat
    • he carries two cutlasses sheathed on his left hip and two knives sheathed on his right hip, as well as knives in his boots and tucked in his shirt. he would rather kill someone with his cutlass than have to let them get close enough he has to use his knives. regrettably, he's too poor a shot with a flintlock to carry one. 
  • more to come when i'm awake and alive