ic info
posted 3 hours ago
basic info
full name
park seonghwa
date of birth
time of death
05.12.23 20:04
deceased, ghost
teacher. streamer
zodiac sign
personal info
homoual. bottom
current status
love interest
possible connection
ex love interest
possible connection
Seonghwa's fashion sense embraces androgynous stylized clothing, favoring cozy, comfortably stylish pieces that defy traditional gender norms. He effortlessly mixes skirts, dresses, or heels with oversized sweaters, cropped tees, or baggy jeans, creating a look that balances standing out with subtle sophistication. He adores color while also appreciating the versatility of a black and white combo, often accessorizing with bags, hats, glasses, and occasionally dyed hair, expressing his unique sense of style that's both contemporary and distinctively his own. 
20k notes
about me
posted 4 hours ago
Park Seonghwa died in 2023 while protecting one of his students from a kidnapping ring. He believes he can't move on until he sees that the child he saved lives a happy life. What truly holds him back is the guilt of not living up to his parent's expectations. They were strict about his career choice but supportive of who he was. They didn't mind that he was gay or that his job didn’t pay much; they just wanted him to marry and support himself and the family.
Seonghwa doesn't regret his actions but regrets not fulfilling his parents' dreams. He was selfless and dedicated to others, and now, he struggles with his unresolved feelings. He hopes to find peace by ensuring the child's happiness and coming to terms with his own regrets.
Seonghwa did not only work as a teacher, he also did ASMR streams in which he would build lego sets and figurines.. and during the evening twice a month he would partake in a more adult stream, concealing his identity. This work helped pay for the bills more than teaching ever could. Nobody in his personal life outside of his singular best friend knew about his identity when involving the adult content.
60k notes
now playing
posted 6 hours ago
yes girl
Bea Miller
90k notes
posted 7 hours ago
Building Lego sets and figurines, teaching, ASMR streams, quiet evenings, coffee shops, helping others, music, and spending time with his best friend.
Crowded places, dishonesty, feeling unaccomplished, judgmental people, failure, public speaking, loud noises, unresolved conflicts.
Knitting, indie gaming, collecting vintage cookbooks, trying new coffee orders, baking desserts, painting miniatures, film videography, practicing calligraphy.
Being forgotten, disappointing his parents, losing loved ones, the dark, drowning, heights, enclosed spaces, being judged.
Pre-death: Becoming a beloved teacher. Post-death: finding happiness, and falling in love before he moves on.
10k notes
posted 4 hours ago
staff/visitor; similar age; possible ex;
fc recs: ateez (hongjoong), any.
+ best friends
You were his best friend from when the two of you were only teenagers. As closeted gays who adore similar, eclectic, and artistic things, you hit it off quite well. Though love didn't exactly work out for you two, an undeniable friendship eventually formed, leaving you bonded for life. Imagine your surprise when you get the call about his passing... though over a year has passed, he still checks in on you from time to time. He didn't even fathom the possibility of seeing you where he resides.
ghost/resident; any age; possible romance
fc recs: any allowable fc.
+ newfound emotions
Love was something Seonghwa had yet to conquer when he was alive. He had his flings, and even a few longer relationships but nothing that had him thinking 'Damn, he is the one'. Call him crazy, but it would be nice to claim that in death since he wasn't successful in life- and you? He feels that way about... he just doesn't think you are feeling the same towards him.
any; any age; related to the child he saved
fc recs: any allowable fc.
+ the savior
Seonghwa visits the little boy often. His family was incredibly grateful to him and his sacrifice, so much so- they paid for his entire post-death costs, his burial, cremation, the funeral.. due to this, his family gave them a share of his ashes. There is no negative light in between the two families, and one day, a sibling of the boy visits the columbarium in hopes of meeting the man who saved his little brother..
any; similar age; a fan of his streams (either)
fc recs: any allowable fc.
+ the fanboy
You watched Seonghwa's content before he died-- you also noticed when they stopped coming. Somehow, you end up meeting Seonghwa (whether as a ghost, or perhaps an incidental sighting) and you cannot get him out of your head. His voice is just.. so familiar.
60k notes
played by hyperstellar
What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.
—Albert Pike