Personal Message
huh yunjin.
huh yunjin.
huh yunjin.
it is almost impossible to watch a sunset
and not dream – bernard williams
current muse
activity level
reply speed
basic information
date of birth: 8 october, 2001
place of birth: seoul, south korea
zodiac: libra
height: 172cm / 5'7"
pronouns: she/they
romantic orientation: demiromantic
ual orientation: lesbian
occupation: heiress
section : childhood
born in seoul, south korea, yunjin's parents moved out of the country to go to new york city when she was around five years old. she grew up with a silver spoon in , content to be spoiled as an only child, but they hit hard times when she was in high school. it came out that her parents had been in severe debt from gambling, and they had to move in with some family friends. yunjin had to learn how to live doing things by herself, and she became good friends with the kids her age they were staying with.
section : coming of age
just after yunjin graduated high school in new york city, her grandfather in south korea passed away and left her his entire estate and money, having disowned her father before his passing. yunjin flew back to south korea to take care of everything, eventually deciding to stay there and enjoy life since she had no idea what she was going to do with her life. university didn't appeal to her, as she just had no idea what she wanted to study for her career.
section : present day
yunjin still hasn't gone to university, deciding to live in luxury once again but not overindulging herself and not spending too much money so it didn't run out. she keeps her grandfather's (now hers) estate as clean as she can be, spending her days gardening and her nights reading in the giant library.
personality & details
anime, video games, cosplay, rupaul's drag race, pineapples, going to the pool or beach, scuba diving, cuddling with her pets, making her own clothes and shoes
racists, homophobes, pushy religious people, smelly people, body odor, celery
cosplaying, smoking cigarettes, going out to a bar/club, napping, doing her nails, dyeing her hair, spending time outside, going on midnight drives
picking at her nails, humming while deep in thought, bouncing her leg while sitting
having close friends, wanting people around who don't want her money, falling in love
other information
fluent in both english and korean, dreams of travelling to greece and immersing herself in the culture
❛ name here ; relationship
coming soon
❛ name here ; relationship
coming soon
❛ name here ; relationship
coming soon
❛ name here ; relationship
coming soon
❛ childhood best friend ; open
all genders ; born 00-02
yunjin and her family moved out of the country when she was five years old, but she still remembers her best friend, the one person that she had been the closest to. while she hadn't been able to keep in contact with them, having left the country at only five and not knowing how to reach out, they lost touch. but now that yunjin is back in town, she is hopeful that they can reconnect and catch up, seeing what's going on in each other's lives.
❛ toxic ex ; open
female ; born 94-99
when yunjin moved back to south korea, she was freshly nineteen years old and still grieving the loss of her grandfather, whom she had been very close to even though they had lived in different countries. during this time, she had gotten into a relationship with someone who was not good for her, someone who was older and knew that she had a lot of money that she didn't care about spending. after a couple years, she eventually ended the relationship and cut off all contact, but it still affects her to this day.
❛ best friend ; open
all genders ; any age
yunjin has been living in south korea for almost four years now, and she is loving it. while she had left all of her friends behind in new york city, she met her new best friend, and it was as though they had known each other for so much longer than almost four years. yunjin regards this person as her sibling, a family member whom she would do anything for, and she's even offered countless times for her friend to move in with her into her big house so she was no longer lonely. finally, someone who wants to be friends with her for who she is and not how much money she has.
out of character
hello, thank you for checking out my profile! you may call me didi!! i am a full time worker and as such, am not always active. i am the most reachable through pm, so if you need anything, head there first; however, tags are also welcome.
i absolutely do not enjoy being poked and i will end a thread if you poke me expecting a response. it may take me up to a week to finally reply to a thread, but i will get to all replies eventually! if i am unable to make it within a week, i will notify you.
i do not rp nsfw with anybody under the age of 21 and i do not plot nsfw out of the gate. i only rp nsfw in either a rated room or pms, not walls.
my timezone is gmt -6, but i am up at odd hours of the day. usually when i'm at work, i won't write any replies, but i'll be around to chat or respond to pms.
i am only reachable through here, as i do not give out my personal discord information. i may create a discord specifically for this account eventually, but do not expect that i have any other social media outside of this.