Personal Message
mignon. roughly 22. day-time mechanic, night-time survivor. 
✱ OOC AGE    ⸺  21+
✱ TIME ZONE    ⸺  gmt -4
✱ FC NAME    ⸺  mignon
✱ FC MEDIA    ⸺  mignon (nsfw bl series)
✱ FC AGE    ⸺  college age; early 20s
✱ OCCUPATION    ⸺  underground fighter; apprentice car mechanic
✱ ONE WORD DESIRE    ⸺  home
✱ MORAL ALIGNMENT    ⸺  true neutral


fit to survive



forever 22


vampiric mortal


let me in




basic information



mignon. 'son of a .' 'useless.' 'hey you.'

puppy. (only by heizou)

date of birth + age

08.12.200X ; college age

Place of birth

seoul, south korea


30% human, 70% vampire


day-time mechanic, night-time cage fighter.


panual, demiromantic

relationship status


To all my tomorrows

"if you want all of me, then you'll have all of me"


ask to be added here ♥




ask to be added here ♥


ask to be added here ♥

writing style

Script, Para, Multipara

pov preference

detailed 3rd


I work full-time so please bear with me on replies. it's also been a few years since i've rejoined the rp community, so it may take a while for me to regain a handle on how things operate around here. if you aren't willing to wait for replies, then i would advise not rping with me. Thank you!

in character


after losing his parents at a young age, he was sorted into foster care, hopping from family to family but never laying down roots or getting too comfortable until he came of age and grew out the system. after graduating high school, he bounced around from odd job to odd job to afford just enough to stay alive. however, same as the life he's always known, he never stayed anywhere - or with anyone - long. his longest running gig was as a 'freelance ,' where he sold his time, and several times himself, for rent and a hot meal.

not too long after was he hired as a mechanic to a small, rundown shop whose owner doubled as his pseudo-guardian, overseer, and manager. while it wasn't ideal, he had a roof over his head and a mostly-filling meal at the price of reeking of motor oil. although that is just the upfront payment. when the moon rises, he falls to the underground where his real job begins.

history / about

personality traits curious. cautious. amiable. protective. possessive. genuine. honest. considerate. a non-thinker.

Likes sleeping. eating. spring. warm weather.

Dislikes fighting. insincerity. dishonesty. winter. being hungry. injuries. being treated/seen as a kid.

Hobbies hanging out with the doctor in the underground medical ward. napping under the sun.

Secrets none!

Fears going hungry. dying alone.

The facts
— finished primary and secondary school with poor grades. went straight into working following graduation.
— is naive and well-aware of what he doesn't know. but does get embarrased by his own naivety.
— has a vague memory of what his parents looked like.
— any practical skills learned were picked up either in the underground ring or from customers who visit the shop.
— he can speak korean and some japanese (a language skill picked up in the underground, although most of his lexicon is vulgar), but can only read hangul.
— dreams of one day visiting the ocean and seeing the beach during sunrise.
— tries to keep an optimistic outlook on life.
— becoming part vampire impacted his blood cell count, so he is perpetually anemic and feels colder to the touch than a normal human. however, he still has blood flowing through his veins, unlike a full vampire.

personality / quirks

out of character


ONE. it's been about five years since i've rped, so do bear with me as i try to get back into the swing of things around here. my availability and online time are also sporadic. i work full-time, so most of my activity (and, consequently, my replies) will occur in the evening (est).

TWO. i have no preference at the moment between plotting and improvising. i'm flexible and happy to follow along with any ideas or suggestions you may have or want to portray with my character.

THREE. rooms > walls, most likely. please come to my pm only to plot.

FOUR. given my schedule, most replies may come late and alert-checks won't come until perhaps hours later. but i will try to get to all messages at one point (within usually 24 hrs) so don't worry.

FIVE. I tend to make a lot of typos and leave out words (probably because i type faster than my mind can process the words). so please bear with me and my typos.

SIX. please don't ping me consecutively for replies. i'm most likely aware and just haven't had the time yet to commit to it.

SEVEN. I am not my character. In the chat, I may get lazy and slip in a few ooc things, but when it comes to actual roleplaying, me and my character are two different people.

out of character

Esse quam videri.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Information here.

Vestis virum reddit.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Information here.







date: here.

status: forever his.

Terms of our Contract

i love you. i love you. i love you!! my boyfriend (not boyfriend) is so pretty! and cute! and smart!! eget dictum mauris porta id. Quisque lectus lacus, porta sit amet lobortis et, venenatis et lectus. Integer eleifend augue at tortor mollis porttitor. Curabitur malesuada auctor dolor, quis consectetur arcu cursus et. Cras sagittis fermentum sagittis. Integer imperdiet sapien eu libero lobortis, sit amet finibus massa sagittis. Proin volutpat, ligula quis dignissim rhoncus, est est molestie libero, id laoreet urna diam vitae justo. Donec tempus congue eros, eleifend aliquet nisl blandit a. Vivamus sed diam at lorem convallis porta. Aliquam non lobortis sapien, non faucibus dolor.