established 2024

full name : lee minho.
birthdate : oct 25, 1997 (26).
orientation : biromantic.
occupation : owner and chef of fine dining restaurant.
preferred genres : comedy, slice of life, angst.
timezone : -5.
love interest : none.
zodiac sign : scorpio.


It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone. 


likes :  Sweets, spicy foods, animals, hard work being recognized, music of all types, wildlife and nature, traveling to new places, time to himself, not having to worry about things, coffee. 

dislikes :  His time being wasted, busy schedules (his schedule is almost always busy), being angry and/or agitated, getting caught in the rain, weather that's too hot or too cold, things being half-assed, wasted potential, people who can dish it but can't take it, people that only think of themselves. 

hobbies : Doesn't have many hobbies outside of working, but when he does have free time he is either drawing, reading his favorite literature, or catching up on shows he hadn't had much time to watch.. 

talents :  Does his best when he's working under pressure and thinks the quickest that way, eerily good at sudoku, speaks Japanese fluently. 

goals :  For his restaurant to become one of the highest rated eateries in the country, to find a way out of his late father's shadow. 

extra : He may seem cold at first, but he can be the silliest, funniest and most thoughtful person. Sometimes he has difficulty expressing his more sensitive emotions, but it is evident that he cares more for others than himself majority of the time. 

@my love

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