Personal Message
— basic trivia.
  • full name: roy harper.
  • age: late 20s.
  • occupation: vigilante — former mercenary — teacher (in his civilian life).
  • alias: arsenal — red arrow (former) — speedy (former).
  • orientation: biual demiromantic.
— tl;dr.
  • coming soon!
— notes on portrayal.
  • like all my other dc characters if you've come across them, my portrayal of roy harper is an amalgamation of various canon medias including but not limited to the comics, dcau, video games, etc. if it matters, my main frames of reference for now is young justice (2010) and a bit of the comics, as well my own brain. in other words, i can and will project my headcanons as well as whatever fanon content i fancy. this is subject to change as i'm still catching up with roy content so bear with me!
  • that being said, i may also omit and/or modify some canon material to my liking. think of this roy harper as a mix and match across different medias, basically.
— ooc info.
  • about: mika + they/them + of legal age (21+). you can also use my character's name and pronouns.
  • plotting: pm to plot, or discord if you have me there. plotting > winging. i can brainstorm, but i'd appreciate it if you don't come to me completely empty-handed and expect me to do all the thinking.
  • activity: replies are sporadic but i know who i owe them to, so refrain from poking me. i have a life outside rpr and obviously am going to prioritize that over this site. i tend to be active in chats but me being there and not replying to our threads does not mean i'm ignoring you.
  • writing: i write in 3rd pov only (my default is present tense and chances are i won't change my style to match yours, but i also do past tense when the situation calls for it). detailed for threads, but i'm open to scripting in ic chats and whatnot. also, be warned that i am a chronic overwriter, but you're not obliged to mirror anything i give you. i'm a-ok with replies of all styles and lengths as long as i have material to work with.
  • genre: the only thing i'm not open to writing is . implications/f2b are fine if it comes down to it, but you and your character must be at least 21 for me to consider it.