lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
name here
write something about your connection here, it's a pre simple section.
name here
write something about your connection here, it's a pre simple section.
name here
write something about your connection here, it's a pre simple section.
name here
write something about your connection here, it's a pre simple section.
name here
write something about your connection here, it's a pre simple section.
name here
write something about your connection here, it's a pre simple section.
about me
  • Full Name: Amarra Heaven
  • Date of Birth: 09.15.99
  • Current House: Gemini
  • Occupation: breeder (streamer in secret)
  • Orientation: homoual // demi-ual/romantic
  • Gender/Pronouns: genderfluid / any pron
  • Breeder Status: on the market
  • Secondary Gender: omega // anatomically female [ and ]
  • Zodiac Species: black-footed (wild) cat
  • Scent: Brown sugar syrup lavender milk tea
  • Heat Cycle: here
  • Timezone: gmt -5
  • Writing Style: allpovs but 3rd preferred
  • Writing Length: mirror/ multipara, novella
  • Favourite Colour: red
  • Favourite TV Show: cyberpunk anime
  • Favourite Movie: ponyo
  • Favourite Drink: passionfruit juice
  • Favourite Food: pizza with spicy prawns
now playing
Victoria Monét
trivial information
trivial information
some text for you write something; could be a short description about them that elaborates on the points below, could be a quote, could be anything! lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
positive traits
trait here, here, and here, you can keep it simple by writing characteristics or you can go fancy with writing a short para! everything will adjust as you need it too!
negative traits
trait here, here, and here, you can keep it simple by writing characteristics or you can go fancy with writing a short para!
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
bad habits
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
[ triggering subjects // ual assault as a youth ]

Amarra Heaven. Born September 15, 1999. And dropped off to adoption only 2 years later. Amarra is a victim to the terrible system of adoption and foster homes. He'd been juggled back at forth between homes due to being discriminated and abused ually. Amarra carried heavy trauma, but still came out alive somehow.
At the age of 18, Amarra thought that, maybe ing himself would be better than rotting in the system. So, he ran away in search for a Mistress to take care of him. Instead, he found the Gemini House. And meeting such a gentle Master has changed the course of his life dramatically.
❝ Sometimes, I wanted to give up. But, would I have ever forgiven myself?
Master Karlyle has been nothing but a saint to Amarra. Even with intergrating into this breeder life, Amarra still has issues behind doors with masters. Amarra, being anatomically a female, he is discriminated often by Masters. Either they want "full" man [whatever that is], or Amarra would have to completely identify as a 'female' to be fully of their liking. Amarra has had a history of abusive Masters because of this. So, Karlyle being the protective bear he is, allows Amarra to live their life through streaming.

Amarra lives a completely different persona online. He does not share his face, but the love he recieves is unmatched. Amarra expresses all the things that he cannot outside of his current home. He is always excited when it is time to stream.

psst. Amarra is also a live stream worker. Maybe you'll be lucky to see either 'Heaven', the cute streamer or 'Haven', the  personal online fleshlight, in action <3
please read
Hello! Nice to meet you,
I'm Rose/ my character name

I am 25 OOC

If you have any plots in mind or would like to brain storm with either Amarra or Dimitri, please dm me! I have no problem with triggering plots <3 it is hard to trigger me online [SAFE WORD FOR SHARED RPS:: APPLE SEED <<< PLOT WILL STOP]. 

Please don't poke me for replies. I am autistic and I have to be in certain headspaces to reply esp if they are lengthy.

I am also black so please if anything that i say offends you, let me know. I say ngga quite often lol