

Full Name

Park Seonghwa


Hwa, Mars, Star

Date of birth & age

April 3rd & 1024


High Warlock


ual orientation Panual

romantic orientation Demi-romantic

Relationship status


Spouse/Current partner


History / About

[cw // death of parents ahead]

Born to a farmer and his wife, Seonghwa was an obedient yet playful young boy, and even into his teens he only had a couple of rebellious streaks before settling down. He helped around the farm as much as could, no matter the task. His parents were quite religious, but Seonghwa found himself to be indifferent. He had his parents to look up to, he didn't need religion.

He was barely 17 when he was conscripted into the military. His father was exempt as he had sustained a hip injury less than a year beforehand. Leaving his family had been the most difficult thing, and he never knew how long a couple of years could feel. When he returned home, he was relieved to see that his parents were just as well as they had mentioned in the letters they had sent back and forth. Just as he thought things were settling down, eight years later, he was forced onto the battlefields once more. This time had to be the last time.

This time was longer. He worked through the same routine for weeks, months, and eventually years. He knew when it was day and night, but he couldn't tell how long it had been since he had last seen his parents. Three years into this war, Seonghwa had had enough. So he did what was basically prohibited in the military - he deserted them. He left for home and knew that he wouldn't look back.He came home to his mother who had caught a severe cold, and his father who was following along. As much as it would have pleased his parents if he had turned to religion then, he didn't.

he ended up turning towards what his parents would deem evil. seonghwa never saw his patron as evil though, just misunderstood. He made a pact with a demon, a powerful one too. He would never be able to help his parents, but he at least knew that he would avoid getting ill, and he could always get some revenge, no?

He spent the next several centuries hopping around from city to city, country to country, doing what he thought was right and what was best for the people. He eventually found himself back at home, in korea, around the late 1800s. many things had changed over the years and he was happy to help the magical and supernatural community prosper in korea. especially since he was now all-powerful and could do basically anything with the flick of a wrist.

Seonghwa has been protecting nocturne city for a couple of centuries now, and he is always happy to meet and greet new residents and visitors - old and new - whenever they enter the city, or if they drop by his apothecary (when he is actually there that is).

Personality / Quirks

personality junk Serious, flirty at times, a tiny bit jaded at times, TBA.

Likes Plants, people, nature, magic, music, clothes, jewellery, heels, skirts, jewels & gems.

Dislikes Evil-doers & hunters.

Hobbies Studying about magic, gardening, making clothes, dancing.

Secrets Is worried about the safety of Nocturne City. Has killed more people than some know.

Fears The downfall of the city.

Powers Teleportation, Elemental Manipulation, Weapon Handling, Material manipulation, TBA

Weaknesses Beheading, Pact ending, More powerful warlocks, TBA

The Quirks Fun Facts About Them.
— A little morally grey at times.
— Jaded and like to think a lot.
— Multitasks easily.
— Physical age is 28.
— Short-tempered at times, but usually not too crazy.
— Senses are very good.

My Beloved





Ut blandit, nibh vel auctor imperdiet, nulla tortor mattis quam, eget luctus magna lectus vel nunc. Praesent nec ullamcorper dui, sit amet tincidunt leo. Morbi tempor pellentesque sapien, non mollis nibh bibendum quis. Proin eu egestas odio, eu hendrerit quam. Donec at leo lacinia, tristique eros eu, eleifend nibh. Phasellus consequat, risus semper sollicitudin condimentum, neque justo egestas urna, vel suscipit lorem turpis vel elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quis nunc ac est ullamcorper dictum sit amet in ligula. Nam eu odio eget odio pellentesque posuere in et arcu. In ut rhoncus nisl, vel posuere odio. Praesent luctus semper orci a porttitor. Pellentesque lacus libero, finibus sit amet ex sed, rutrum congue est. Nulla commodo imperdiet malesuada. Fusce interdum nibh justo, et facilisis sem viverra et. Praesent tempus sollicitudin neque, vitae pellentesque risus blandit at. Cras placerat libero in s.

Out of Character

ONE. I prefer 3rd pov over anything else. Reply speed varies on muse. Length varies from one para to multiple.

TWO. I'm a uni student and working so I'm on and off. I'm also GMT+11, so I'm in a pretty different tz to everyone else.

THREE. Only poke after a week of no reply thanks.

FOUR. Threads start with whoever it makes sense to start with. Plot >>> Winging.

FIVE. Please read about Seonghwa before asking to rp, I will do the same.

SIX. Rooms >> Walls >> PMs. I use PMs for plotting.

SEVEN. I have a life outside of rpr so please be kind, patient and respectful to not only me, but everyone <3


Esse quam videri.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Pellentesque dignissim pulvinar orci ac ultricies. Praesent eget gravida mauris. Suspendisse non justo lacinia, luctus elit vel, vulputate enim. Morbi semper auctor massa, vitae pulvinar dolor venenatis sed. Curabitur et quam non neque porta placerat. Ut consectetur mauris magna, sit amet dapibus tortor hendrerit eu. Cras in magna sed lacus sagittis molestie non ac ante. Vestibulum nec urna eu diam finibus pellentesque. Maecenas sed pulvinar ipsum. Fusce maximus nisi ex, nec vestibulum tellus suscipit ac. Maecenas a semper nisi, eu ultricies ante. Proin pretium convallis ante ut ullamcorper. Donec sit amet diam non elit consectetur porta. Ut tempor sapien magna, id elementum mi hendrerit eu. Quisque ultricies lobortis condimentum.

Vestis virum reddit.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Nam varius augue vel hendrerit fringilla. Suspendisse sit amet massa vulputate, pulvinar enim in, molestie nunc. Donec viverra auctor egestas. Integer id commodo metus. Nam cursus odio nisi, sit amet fermentum tellus tempor in. Cras consectetur, libero vitae luctus efficitur, mi leo tempor massa, at rutrum lacus nunc non dolor. Duis porttitor est nec velit convallis, quis pulvinar ex bibendum. Nam id diam id felis rutrum imperdiet sed sit amet elit. Sed posuere viverra purus eget lacinia. Ut tempor tellus et faucibus sollicitudin. Mauris in dictum nisi.

Cura te ipsum.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Aliquam vitae arcu sem. Sed pretium mi vitae diam dictum hendrerit sit amet at tortor. Integer aliquam dignissim dui sit amet consequat. Nulla nulla sapien, mollis sit amet erat sit amet, porta volutpat arcu. Nullam lobortis, dolor nec consectetur sollicitudin, sapien ex luctus purus, luctus finibus lacus dolor id augue. Maecenas eget placerat lorem. Curabitur ac nulla aliquam est pharetra tempus. Curabitur magna urna, dignissim sed maximus in, suscipit eget turpis. Donec id elementum sapien.

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