Personal Message
mignon. early 20s. part-timer. studying for college entrance exams.
> a fractured skull and a rapidly swelling brain, mignon didn't have long before he gave way to his injuries. perhaps hours, if not minutes. however, he held no regrets. well, none except when time spent - and now lost - with his one and only. but he was happy nonetheless. satisfied to have heard the doctor's reciprocal feelings before he succumbed to the fatigue that pulled at his eyes and welcomed him into a cold embrace. his head felt hot. pulsing. yet a chill came over the rest of him. as his body split open and healed itself. over and over and over again. blood pumping out of his veins and through his pores. his organs swiftly declined until they came to a stop altogether. seconds passed as his body temperature drastically dropped, limbs heavy and still. what should have occurred in an instantaneous recovery - never happened. mignon's body had rejected immortality.
when he awakes next, it is not on the doctor's back or the canvas cage floor - it is in a bed, washed under sunlight, in a room filled with a scent unfamiliar to him. and as he rises from his post, eyes dancing around his surroundings, his notices three things: 1) his head no longer hurts; 2) his body no longer aches; and 3) his doctor is nowhere to be seen.