Personal Message

an exploration of : self-loathing and reconciliation with oneself, overcoming childhood trauma, finding comfort in the uncomfortable, challenging societal norms through quiet rebellion

inspired by : robert pattinson's bruce wayne & mr.darcy of pride & prejudice


lazarus's subgender is NOT public knowledge. because of his social status and wealth, he is presumed by most to be an alpha. your muse should also operate under this assumption should they have any previous knowledge of him. your muse may NOT under any circumstances know that he is in fact a beta unless it is addressed in a thread OR we have plotted in such a way that allows your muse this knowledge.

discord is available upon request for plotting and writing!


Basic Information

  • Nickname(s): laz, lazzy.
  • Date of Birth: july 19.
  • Zodiac Sign: cancer.
  • Current Residence: quirinus manor.
  • Occupation: board president of quirinus enterprises.
  • Spoken Languages: english, korean, spanish, french, chinese.
  • ual Orientation: panual.
  • Romantic Orientation: panromantic.
  • Relationship Status: single.
100 notes

Owner, CEO of Quirinus Enterprises and Wife Found Dead In Home, Anthrax Poisoning Suspected.

•.*★ Company in a scramble to determine next steps。 The couple are survived by their only young son, Lazarus, aged 9.

None know it now, but in time, Lazarus will come to head the company's Board of Directors after it goes public with unprecedented success. Lazarus, who will be raised by loving members of the Quirinus household staff, will never fully recover from the loss of his parents, but will act in whatever way necessary to honor them in life. He will have no interest in technology, preferring instead the arts, but he will remain involved with his father's company as was his wish.

But he will not only inherit one of the greatest tech companies on the planet. With it will come immense liquid wealth and high value assets. The property will remain as an investment, but as bank accounts grow, Lazarus will begin giving money to various charities, with a heavy preference towards those which benefit orphans and children in need. In time, he will start his own foundation, Phoenix, which raises several community and outreach centers in lower income areas. 

Yet for all the good he will do, Lazarus will remain as far from the public eye as possible. Some will call him a recluse; others will speak more kindly of him, lamenting how difficult his life must have been to lose his only family so young and so tragically. He will not mind the speculation in the tabloids and on the gossip forums. The truth behind his seclusion will remain a mystery, and that is all he could ask for.

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Personality summary goes here — Can be as long as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum — Can also be styled how you want it to be。


Character likes go here — Can be as long as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。


Character dislikes go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。


Character hobbies go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。


Character secrets go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。


Character fears go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。

bad habits

Character bad habits go here — Can be as long or short as you want or need it to be but must be three lines minimum。

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paper love

allie x

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Before You Approach Me

•.*★ important。 Try to have something in mind and read my profile before actually talking to me about roleplaying. If you'd like, send me a random starter! I actually love 'em! And the more unique or out of the box, the better.

Writing & Plotting Style

•.*★ writing style。 I do script and para to novella. Script is generally done in 3rd pov, while para is done in 1st or 3rd pov. Lengthwise, I try to mirror, but I can get carried away fairly easy, so it's not guaranteed.

•.*★ plotting style。 I prefer winging over plotting most times, but I can plot. Because of this, I'll often do vague-ish plots that provide enough detail for you, but also give me enough room to play with our ideas. I also don't typically approach people unless I have a plot or idea in mind, and I really like when people do the same. Saves a lot of time.

To be honest, I also like writing starters and will most times if I know what I'm doing and if it makes sense for me to do it, but don't shove them on me. I get burned out doing so at times.

•.*★ overall。 I'm very flexible about how we actually rp and will work at your pace if possible. Like, I can do one lining script all the way to novella, in both 1st and 3rd pov. I'm really chill with whatever you wanna do!

Activity & Reply Speed

•.*★ important。 I will never poke you. Never poke me or I will ragequit/ignore you. You also don't need to remind me about me owing you a reply. I usually remember who I'm roleplaying with. Also refrain from using my activity or lack of it as an excuse to pester me about a reply. Doing like that will just annoy me and make me prolong sending something if I send something at all.

I'm usually very slow with my replies, sometimes because of the length, but sometimes because I'm just slow to do them. We can always drop/pick up our thread(s), but make sure you communicate with me. Also know that I might be active in the chat infrequently or a lot. I'm not a very consistent person when it comes to this.

Location Preferences

Honestly, I'll roleplay anywhere I can. I like rooms, walls when I'm busy, and I'm okay with PMs. Most plots I do are public friendly too, and when they aren't, I take them to PMs.

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jennifer chung

45 notes
39 notes
lazarus quirinus
quirinus enterprises
your local recluse
dog dad
tattoo collector
black coffee & bourbon
heart of gold

So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.

— e.a. bucchianari