
profile wip.

- prosecutor at the seoul central prosecutor's office
- 30 y/o

- comes from a family of attorneys and politicians on both sides of the family. his father runs the family's lawfirm that was started by his grandfather. meanwhile his mother worked for the same firm, despite her father running a practice of his own until he became a congressman. however, she eventually transitioned out of the family's company, running their foundation instead. while it helps with the family's charitable image, it also fuels their power, influencing and connecting with the rich and mighty.
- dohyun was a doogie howser, noted for his intelligence at a young age. he knew the name of every joseon ruler by the time he was two, reading and writing were no problem for him by the time he was three. he eventually skipped three grades, graduating from high school while most students his age just started. while he made his parents proud with his gifts, he was expected to follow the legal path like both sides of his family. shortly after graduating from seoul national university, where he was summa laude, vice-president of the honor society, and a ta; his version of taking a break was through his military enlistment. it was one of the few times he could interact with most men his age, but it also highlighted his rather awkward and distant nature. many thought of him as a know-it-all, who saw himself better than most. he was confident, but many mistaken it for cocky.
- he finished his academic career at seoul national university once again. at twenty-one, he started law school there. he met the typical expectations held for him, being part of the law review and working at the school's legal clinic. it was there, he realized that he wanted to make a career and path for himself while righting the wrongs of the world. instead of working at his family's firm, he became a prosecutor.  
- being younger than most of his co-workers made it difficult at times, other treating him like a child at times. however, his tenacity and ambition in the courtroom turn things around. however, his commitment to his work has been questioned as of recently.

ooc info
- if you want to plot, please have an idea in mind. if not, know what your preferences and avoidances are. that way it makes it easier to come up with an idea together. please put in some effort while plotting, i tend to feel more inspired to plot based on my partner's energy.
- genre wise i prefer angst, drama, romance, and sometimes . i also like comedy, but it has to be natural. 
- my main avoidances are , terminal illnesses, s.a., and death