Personal Message


Full Name: Dove Winters
Faceclaim: Dove Cameron
Age: 26
Role: Breeder
Secondary Gender: Omega
Scent: Ocean Spray
House: Gemini



TRIGGER WARNING: , ia, , and Genocide mentioned within "Chapter 1"

Chapter 1

Dove was born into a nomadic, slovakian pack that roamed the escapes of the empire in relative peace for their first few decades. They had no offical name to tie them down, but as their actions became known across boarders, outsiders created the phrase  "Krvavá Ruka" for them -- meaning Bloody Hand. They were netorious for their blood rituals, insectious traditions, and hybrid experiments to maintain a wolf's exterior and interior for as long as possible... They craved their ansestors power and freedom, withcraft and majesty...

Dove remembers her time in woods and desert, running and constantly roughhousing with her packmates for sport. They dyed their hair blonde as a sign of purity. Designs of prophecy were etched into their black with blades and ink... She was raised by a single father who became the primary minister of the pack- lead missionary to the cause without being the Head Alpha. As the eldest of her family, Dove was taught from ground zero how to talk, walk, fight, eat, sleep, and breathe just like a purebred least what they deemed a purebred wolf was. It was normalized for her place to be under her father, in his bed, and giving birth to his children... that was a part of being an Omega and her father losing his wife to Dove's birth...

As the threat of the pack's extisence and soft pursuasion for restitute civilization grew, the government ordered an extermination; a "humane euthenasia" if you will. Dove was 17 when she threw a child under each arm, and one into a backpack, fleeing deep into the mountains with no stop to rest for a month... The bleach wore out of their locks. Their hair grew thin. And all that was left was survivial...


Chapter 2

It was after 2 months of isolation, Dove and her children came to a medium-sized town. She kept her kids in the outskirts while she ventured into the industrilized square to observe...How different were the people in lanugage, in body, in customs? She came to only one conclusion; In order to live, they had to conform. Her children could no longer be hers...they had to be siblings (as they were too close in age) They had to live lives under different names and with different skills they weren't taught by their father. They could not be wolves, as to be connected to their heritage, or each other...


Dove promised she would provide her children a new, good life.


But due to the markings on her back from blood rituals, she was outted and then sold into the Gemini House (barley scrapping out from the Blooming Lotus House). Everything in her life is a survival game, and she plans to make her siblings (children) free of it.