Personal Message




stripper & bartender born and raised in pigneto *does not fxck people for money

occasionally does small odd jobs for the gangs to earn some pocket money

loves pigneto's rough charm and finds people from trevi hella snobby and rude

can often be seen relaxing in travestere

friendly, extroverted, very casual kind of person, not fancy, no frills kind of person

prized possession is his motorbike which he loves to ride to relax



two old parents who live in the countryside
an older brother who is homophobic, incredibely violent, takes pride in getting into fights and works for one of the gangs doing low-level grunt work; loves to throw his weight around and has punched their parents in the face before; sena hates him


preferred rping style

 - 3rd pov but 1st pov is fine for simple threads
 - i like to plot a vibe we're going for and decide which genres are on the table (angst, , drama, etc)
 - more plotting and discussion of limits if we're doing angst
 - happy to wing stuff too, we just need to decide on a starter and then we see where things go
 - PM me to start rping!
 - rooms >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ic chats