
to me,
with love.

Proflie does contain trigger warnings like , child murder, gore and cannibalism. 


Open to plot. Limit: pregnancy. 

• • •
trivial information.

basic information.

  • Nickname(s): Tae, Minnie, Min, Robin Hood
  • Date of Birth: Unknown
  • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  • Place of Birth: Pigneto
  • Current Residence: Unknown
  • Occupation: Secret
  • Spoken Languages: Many
  • ual Orientation: Demiual
  • Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
  • Relationship Status: Not looking

appearance notes.

  • Height: 5'10-5'11"
  • Weight: 140lbs
  • Hair Color: Varies, mainly black or brown
  • Eye Color: Varies, wears colored contacts. Natural is brown
  • Piercings: 3 left ear 2 on right
  • Scars: Many
  • Tattoos: Hip
  • Clothing Style: Black and trendy. 
how far they've come.
their history.

aemin grew up in the most poorest part of the city. Born to both parents who theft and husstled to feed four kids, Taemin saw how much they truely struggled. Taemin and his siblings had worn dirty clothes, sometimes went around with just pants or a shirt, once in a while they would bathe and very malnorished. But his parents tried to make the best of their situation. Despite being the youngest, just like everyone, Taemin had to work hard to held the family out. He would trick adults out of their money or food. Rush into small shops to grab something he thought his parents would want and be proud of that he got it for them. Yes, despite life already creating a cruel start for Taemin, he made the most of it. But the worst had to come. 


When Taemin was a young teen, transitioning to high school studies from his mother teaching her kids from home, there was a band of men the came into his town. It started from a normal morning just to end with fire and death at the end of the day. His parents scrambled to protect their children from the attacks the men made to his family. Taemin witnessed it all, hiding in a small closet just good enough for him to fit. Gun shots and his family screaming and begging for mercy. His mother being while his father laid cold dead on the floor. Along side him was his eldest brother with a gun shot to his head. His older youngst taking a in and out her as well. Taemin covered his mouth to keep quite yet eyes couldn't look away from the smallest crack the closet door allowed. His older brother also laid cold, on the floor next to the table he was doing his work on. Strangled it looked like. Once the rich looking men got their fill of their acts, they shot the mother, his sister was being dragged off.

"Think the boss wants her?" One of them said. Taemin couldn't stop the stream of tears from falling. Fingers tightly pressed over his mouth to keep himself from making noise. "They'll pay their debt with her. I'm sure he'll want her." With that, Taemin saw them drag his sister out and left the house dead quiet.

It felt like hours that Taemin finally came out of the closet. He saw the aftermath of everything. How the life from his family's eyes were gone. Nothing but a bunch of cells slowly decaying. He stayed in the home for days. Never leaving. He gotten used to the smell of death. He found something the men left behind. Some sort of identity enblem. Debt.. they spoke of a debt. What does that mean?  Tears started to stream down his cheeks again. He swore he'd get his revenge.

" the rich. Eat the rich. Take no mercy." 

Taemin grew up fending for himself from that day on. The cities known about the murder and thought the whole family was dead. Taemin stayed under the raider, survining in the house and hiding when people got near. His father and two brother's bodies reminded where they lay until Taemin gave them a proper burial when people were asleep. He started to hunt and kill small animals, imaging each of his kills were those men. Years and years pass and Taemin moved cities, finally getting out of the house when it was no longer liveable. Revenge always laid heavily on his mind. Only to fuel more with each nightmare he had. He kept killing animals for survival. He lived off in the woods somewhere but never stayed in the same place. 

First fresh meal. --*TW: Cannibalism--*

The afternoon was nice as Taemin took his stroll through a city. By now he was a young adult approach the age of twenty. Taemin was hardly unrecongizable now. Hair long and dark to his shoulders, there was some muscle after daily working out to get stronger just to survive. He inherited a small dagger he kept from a passer by. Taemin grew up beautiful and he quickly learned that beauty will get you everything you wanted. Through the streets he saw a kid sitting on the curb with an empty cup by him. It reminded Taemin of his younger self waiting for anyone to drop money into it. He watched a man pass him by then stopped. Not to drop any fortune, no but to kick and beat at the thin boy, hurling insults and kicking away the cup. The cup had some cash in it and they took it. 

"Dirty rats like you don't deserve money." He said then walked away. Taemin grew furious at this display and went to help aid the boy. He gave him what he had and gave him something to eat. After making sure the boy was okay, Taemin caught up to the couple and followed behind. He were staying at a hotel near the nicer parts of the Pigneto district near the boarder of the next richer one. He memorized all his movements, even learned his name and swiped a key card from one of the hotel workers after blending in. His heart raced but his mind was determined. 

In the dead of night, Taemin opened the door. Pitch dark but the night from outside loomed some in. He stood over the couple. He didn't hesitate and slashed the man's  throat. He took a pillow and pressed it against his face as he desperately tried to fight. Taemin held strong until his body  gave in. Covered in blood, Taemin took to the shower and washed himself clean. He found the man's luggage and stole his clothing. Emptying the suitcase, Taemin stuffed the man inside and rolled him out of the room, the hotel and finally outside. 

What he did to his body was like what he did to the animals he killed before. He found a place to set up himself in the woods, cut the body into pieces and cook him over a fire. Taemin watched the muscles and meat cook in the dancing flames. Once done, he continued to feast upon him. 

The next day, he ran into the boy again and gave him a good meat pie he freshly made. Along with some money that could possible help the boy as well. Patting his head, Taemin went on his way. He left the suitcase filled with rich looking frabic to the boy to do what he pleased with it. 

His journey had just began after that. He traveled through the cities, through the districts, killing, eating and stealing from those who wronged him. When someone was in need, like a child or a struggling parent, Taemin would gift the things he's stolen to the ones who really needed it. Taemin slowly started to become a figure through the pigento district. Robin hood, they would  all him. They name just stuck. Although Taemin never declaired himself as such. He just wants to forefill his purpose, find and kill the ones who murdered his family and find his sister. 

who they are.
their personality.

basic summary.

Put that here。

their likes.

Put those here。

their dislikes.

Put those here。

their hobbies.

Put those here。

their secrets.

Put those here。

their fears.

Put those here。

their bad habits.

Put those here。

the light of their life.
their beloved.
00 month 2020

Some kind of text goes here. This text space actually scrolls, so don't worry about running over. Also just hit enter if you want to add another paragraph. Should be properly spaced for you when you do. I need to test out what this is gonna look like when it carries under the thingamajig on the left.

the mun behind them.
about their typist.

Before You Approach Me

•.*★ important。 Try to have something in mind and read my profile before actually talking to me about roleplaying. If you'd like, send me a random starter! I actually love 'em! And the more unique or out of the box, the better.

Writing & Plotting Style

•.*★ writing style。 I do script and para to novella. Script is generally done in 3rd pov, while para is done in 1st or 3rd pov. Lengthwise, I try to mirror, but I can get carried away fairly easy, so it's not guaranteed.

•.*★ plotting style。 I prefer winging over plotting most times, but I can plot. Because of this, I'll often do vague-ish plots that provide enough detail for you, but also give me enough room to play with our ideas. I also don't typically approach people unless I have a plot or idea in mind, and I really like when people do the same. Saves a lot of time.

To be honest, I also like writing starters and will most times if I know what I'm doing and if it makes sense for me to do it, but don't shove them on me. I get burned out doing so at times.

•.*★ overall。 I'm very flexible about how we actually rp and will work at your pace if possible. Like, I can do one lining script all the way to novella, in both 1st and 3rd pov. I'm really chill with whatever you wanna do!

Activity & Reply Speed

•.*★ important。 I will never poke you. Never poke me or I will ragequit/ignore you. You also don't need to remind me about me owing you a reply. I usually remember who I'm roleplaying with. Also refrain from using my activity or lack of it as an excuse to pester me about a reply. Doing like that will just annoy me and make me prolong sending something if I send something at all.

I'm usually very slow with my replies, sometimes because of the length, but sometimes because I'm just slow to do them. We can always drop/pick up our thread(s), but make sure you communicate with me. Also know that I might be active in the chat infrequently or a lot. I'm not a very consistent person when it comes to this.

Location Preferences

Honestly, I'll roleplay anywhere I can. I like rooms, walls when I'm busy, and I'm okay with PMs. Most plots I do are public friendly too, and when they aren't, I take them to PMs.

who they know.
their connections.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.