
basic information

name: park bogum.
aliases: bogum, pabo (park bogum), mr. park.
age: 31 years old.
birthday: june 16, 1992.
occupation: interior designer, art director of interior design firm.
residence: seoul, south korea.
height: 182cm, 6'1.
hair color: black hair.
eye color: brown.
body type: muscular, balanced, athletic.
education: hongik university, ba interior design.
hogwarts house: ravenclaw.

character history

- only son, grew up with his father, mother, and grandfather. he always wished to have siblings, so the connections and friendships he made in university are very deeply cherished. they are his brothers.
- came from a middle class family but had supportive parents who were willing to save and invest in their son's talents in design. as an adult, bogum bought his parents and grandfather a brand new house, separate from his.
- a lot of financial issues growing up because of the 1997 asian financial crisis that also hit south korea. he was only five years old but his father was one of the lucky ones to keep his business semi-afloat. later on the business (martial arts gym franchises) bloomed and they were able to reach a pretty comfortable life by the time bogum was 11.
- initially was going to be trained to be a kickboxer because of his father's gyms and bogum's athleticism, his mother swerved him (with father's approval) to something more artistic as he was doing better at those extra curriculars in school. he is still very athletic and works out and does multiple sports just to ease some of the stress he has at work.

personality & notes

- he loves his job but can sometimes spread himself too thin. there's a part of him that is still stuck in the state of financial insecurity his family dealt with when he was a kid, even if they eventually got comfortable with their money and he was even earning extra. he's still very thrifty and frugal, not wanting anything to be wasted.
- he uses sports and working out as an outlet, but never really brags or talks about it. only his three close friends get more details, but more they're shocked that he's decided to take up another sport for fun again.
- he has been grilled by his aunties and uncles for a long time (not his parents, thankfully they know their own son) to have a girlfriend and settle down and get married, have kids, the whole plan.
- his parents understand their son was more okay with helping them financially, but since they're both retired and their son was self-sufficient, they just want him to be happy no matter what he does. so far they haven't really pressured him to get married, but they do worry about him in general.
- has a therapist that he only went to once and has been avoiding the calls of ever since 2013.
- wears glasses, but mostly contacts. he loses his glasses a lot so he would have a few spares or have a more sturdy expensive pair chained to his pants or belt. most of the time he's just wearing contacts instead.


- likes - reading, goldfish biscuits, decorating and rearranging his house, comfortable silence, socially drinking, long and quiet walks, nasty after an exhausting day, exercise, general sports (he's willing to try anything), being affectionate but tastefully (tiny kisses, hand holding) in public.
- dislikes - his schedule being interrupted or changed without his permission, slow people at work, inefficiency, rude people he doesn't like, people hurting his loved ones, the airport (he can't remember why yet).
- skills - interior design, illustration, art direction, furniture construction, most sports.
- fears - physical injury that shortens his health span, falling out with wooseok, taeoh or kangjoon (his found family brothers).
- dreams - to actually settle down and relax, having a normal family with a woman who would be on the same page as him. he's not intent on having kids, and is willing to adopt as long as he loves his wife and child. 
- nsfw - dominant most of the time, can be a switch. loves tossing around the power in the bedroom, more because he likes powerful women too. edging, , overstimulation, , preferred location is the bedroom but is is far from the only location he's willing to do it in. he has been scolded for ing or trying to, in more semi-public spaces, especially with gyuri (mostly by jiwon).

npc connections

- byeon wooseok - best friend, became friends because of kangjoon, architect. whipped as hell for eventual-partner, bookstore owner park jiwon. in general stress because of his profession, bogum helps calm him down.
- seo kangjoon - best friend, university roommate, fellow interior designer. married to go minsi. likes to gush about his wife a lot and gets silenced by the three other guys and warns them that he'll do the same if they gush about their partners too. he has done it and will continue.
kang taeoh - best friend, became friends because of kangjoon, architect. married to jeon yeobeen. had been hating and fighting his then-future-wife in university as she kept beating him to first place on the dean's list every semester when they were both studying architecture. they have since reconciled (fallen in love and got married, somehow)

plot timeline / threads

(a) wooseok and jiwon having some of their friends meet in support of jiwon's bookstore renovation. bogum was wooseok's recommendation as the interior designer and he greets jiwon (wooseok's crush by this time), her friend group, but he locks eyes with gyuri and very quickly wants to get to know her, thinking she's beautiful. in a shallow crush sort of way, but they genuinely do just fall for each other.

(flashback) gyuri and bogum met at the international airport when they were kids, aged 12 and 16. bogum was helping gyuri's dad back then and they sat next to each other in the waiting area and developed brief teenage crushes on each other. it was 2009, and they just forgot to get each other's contacts. the only thing they had for a long time was a printed photo of them sitting at the waiting bay. it's been so long since then that they forgot who the other was, feeling familiar meeting as adults but not remembering anything.