Personal Message


full name: james logan howlett
 ⤿ goes by: logan, wolverine, etc
date of birth/age: unknown, over 200
birthplace: alberta, canada
 ⤿ current residence: wherever this is idk
his powers: claws, regeneration, heightened senses, superhuman strength/speed, etc — adamantium skeleton
 ⤿ what this means: originally with bone claws growing up, logan's metal claws are a result of the experimentation from weapon x. his heighted senses make him more animal-like, and his regeneration practically makes him immortal in a sense. he is quick, uses his senses to his advantage (especially hearing and scent), and can very easily take a punch. his claws are retractable, usually on command, but in high-emotional states it can be a bit unpredictable. his regeneration is usually based on the severity of the wound. the adamantium in his bones make him virtually indestructable, and his claws can cut through basically anything. he is also trained in other general combat skills.
orientation: biual
relationship status: technically taken

• initially frail and weak due to hyperactive mutant immune system
• manifested his abilities as a child
• tended to be amnesiac due to his abilities
• over time began to manifest more, grows up handling them as best as he can
• eventually takes up cage fighting (getting the nickname "wolverine") due to his pent up anger, a way to both make money but also release some of the rage in what could be coined a "healthy" way
• except he ends up killing his best friend, and the guilt of it has him running off, left to the wilderness and giving into those animalistic tendencies — he loses his memories
• eventually comes back around and partakes in each world war and other major conflicts (soldier, criminal, whatever he felt at the time)
• captured by weapon x (he had previously worked with them while on team x) while avoiding the law, and long story short he ends up experimented on due to his superhuman abilities
 ⤿ this experiment wipes him of all memories while also giving him more control over his abilities. this is when adamantium is infused in his skeleton
• partakes in some not great things (lots of killing) under this program but eventually lashes out and kills most involved
• while hopping around afterwards, he doesnt exactly see himself in the greatest light, eventually joining the x-men
• despite his dark and brooding "im a loner" attitude, actually found family (and maybe a little more) in the team, complex relationships with some members but overall caring, kind — they bring out his better side
• on-again off-again relationship with actually being a part of the team though, has left and rejoined a few times
• somehow has managed to accidentally adopt a few of the students as his "kid", bringing out a naturally nuturing role in him
• actually! petra was one of these kids he took in, promising to protect her because charles always told him how important this kid was, naturally he wanted to be a part of keeping her safe
 ⤿ between him leaving and coming and going, though, he ended up missing the biggest part of all this: charles using her. to this day (for now) he has no idea what happened, and was told originally after returning shortly before she left on her final x-men mission that she just decided to leave (which he didn't bat an eye at, especially as someone who was come and go such as himself)
• left at some point after jean succumbed to the dark powers, having had to be the one to put an end to it, kill someone he gave his heart to — it was too much, understandably
• "retired", but not really... more like, went off in the woods (like when he was younger) and gave into that high emotional state, some memories lost or shoved into the recesses of his mind due to trauma and such

which leads us to...

modern times.
• for one reason or another, found himself being approached by charles once again after having been settled and living life as normally as he could
 ⤿ probably was just working some familiar job (re: lumberjacking, idk)
• asked to help bring back a powerful friend, someone charles, needed... that being petra
• ended up agreeing, it gave him something to live for, and he definitely remembered bits and pieces of their past to some extent
• easily found her, no real memory of their past but instantly drawn in by her and not just because of her flirty attitude
• they slept together (quick, act surprised) and she agreed to go back with him, not necessarily to rejoin the x-men but at least to help with what charles needed, unaware of his intentions or the extent of everything
• the two have a very intense connection, its deeper than just or found family
• charles instantly caught onto that and... well, he's being quite selfish, and actively using their relationship and closeness against them
 ⤿ in particular, charles doesnt want to lose his prized x-man to a relationship with someone so against him, and so he tries to drive a wedge between petra and logan time and time again (re: nightmares, getting into logan's mind, etc)
• being sent off on a mission together, they find ava, a 4 year old mutant that charles most definitely plans to use to his benefit, which naturally pisses the both of them off
• in the end they decide not to go back to charles for a while, they wont let ava become a victim to charles' selfish desires, at least not while she's so young and such, so with petra's magic they live in a cabin (under protection) in a hidden part of the woods
• during this time however, charles prods into petra's head, using nightmares of logan killing her (in a similar way he had to kill jean at that what a prick) against them (see the "driving a wedge between them" point)

more to add over time...

• definitely enjoys his liquor
• has had quite a few lovers in his time, but has accepted that they are his past and has said goodbye to those relationships over time (not counting the one he doesnt remember)
• claims to be a loner, often acts like a prick, but actually is a huge softy once you get past the ry
• smokes cigars, namely to calm down and relax, and definitely after
• yes he likes pain during leave him alone
• praise kink!
• maybe, potentially, like definitely easily jealous, he cant be blamed
• despite claiming to never want to be close with anyone again, he definitely opens his heart to a certain witch
• also probably definitely still sees himself as a monster in some cases, in particular after he's lashed out in anger, especially since he fears hurting the people he's loved the most
• only ever wears a shirt when he has to (either if petra makes him in front of ava or if they're doing stuff) — yes he hates clothes but also he realizes petra loves when he's shirtless (more importantly, )

plot points/ideas.
• charles using cerebro to give petra nightmares which she thinks are premonitions
 ⤿ during their mission he sends more throughout, making petra pull away as its taking a lot out of her/weighing on her, they dont talk as much while getting the kid (ava), but she doesnt wanna go back immediately bc she feels like smthn is wrong
• cue someone being all flirty with her, jealous logan time
• at some point logan has nightmare and petra isnt in there, ava sees and is scared so goes to get her, she gets a lil cut but wakes him up, she ends up getting hurt by him during it (nothing too bad)
• charles also getting into logan's head and convincing him to say something that hurts petra pretty bad, causing her to take a step back, etc
• logan having dreams of a little girl that hes desperately trying to save (turns into nightmares at times bc in his dreams he cant save her, etc) and she feels v familiar, eventually petra puts together that its her, he's dreaming of her & their past bc he cant remember her when she was young but he's dreaming it now
• scene where hes having a bad like... anger moment? knows he doesnt wanna take it out on her/ava so hes off outside and literally just chopping down a huge line of trees with his claws and , cue petra having to be outside and calling him back and being all "why must i call you back like a dog in the night rather than have you in my already warm bed?" (its cause emotions are hard petra hes working on it jdhsjshh)
• someway somehow logan getting snatched/captured all that , to be used? he disappears and petra has to go off and find him but really brain is just wanting him cage fighting again (its hot okay), thought maybe whoever has him did some sorta memory suppressing? so he doesnt know/remember who he is or whatever, but they're using him for both money and probably as a hitman (bc i imagine he hasnt killed in a long time rn) so yeah
 ⤿ he smells her while shes watching him in the cage (has no idea shes there) and it 100% triggers something in his brain and it feels familiar, its hot, its y, etc and then he does the head toss thingy to try and refocus
 ⤿ oh also definitely sniffs her out, maybe shes lingering close to the cage and yk... he doesnt remember her so hes all rough, grabs her by the throat and yanks her right up against the cage (hes inside, shes outside, face mushed against it) and he's all gruff and panting bc he just fought and hes like "who are you" while sniffing her
• first time he says i love you to her once hes back its part of him rambling bc again, emotions are hard, and hes just spilling how he hasnt really had a home for a long time but he found one in her and as scary as it is he really does love her and wants nothing other than to have her and be happy with her and then oh is he crying haha wtf and then yeah long makeout scene
• scene where charles is tryna get petra back or do idk but essentially its logan getting super ing pissed, claws out and everything, probably the most angry petra has ever seen him and its him standing up for her, telling charles to back the off and leave her alone, etc etc (she probably has to pull him out of there bc he wont move, bro is locked in bc one wrong move from charles and he'll lunge)
• someone coming by and he goes out on the porch like "can I ing help you, bub", person looks at logan strange before rushing off and Logan is like what's that about, comes back in and sees he's got a pink frilly apron on he definitely didn't have before he went outside... pulling a "petra." and petra running off 

other headcanons.
• once he finds out shes pregnant (and he gets the chance to) its quite literally gonna make him the handsiest person ever... like yes ik my charas usually are but with logan, i really think he will ALWAYS need a hand on her, rubs her tummy, kisses, etc
 ⤿ 100% logan turns to body worship, and i feel like it ends up with petra being frustrated? but like... bc she wants him, ually, like badly, and hes taking his time literally kissing and loving every inch of her... and shes like my love i am and i appreciate this and i love this but me but while 90% of the time my charas give in i can see logan being like shhh no lemme love on you
• a lot domestic scenes with ava... reading her a bedtime story, playing with her to keep her company, being there to hold her with her own nightmares and such, etc etc and it likely makes petra fall even more for him if possibl
• once he realizes that petra is the little girl from forever ago (all the stuff we said about him saving her, etc etc) that hes going to see her with so much more love and adoration ;;; bc thats the little girl he knew and the little girl that was scared and unsure of so much and look at her now
• he teases her and is all "so like its not weird or predatorial that i knew you literally as a child and now we're ing a lot and all that good stuff"
her: yeah no it totally is,
• after they've settled and such, logan getting all domestic and genuinely happy, legit pulling housewife title and enjoying it bc he can wake petra up with a kiss and "i love you" every day
• yk how i said he just lets himself go when petra leaves and he cant find her? yeah but like when he comes back to her at first hes such a whiny pup, whimpering lil mess for his woman u n u a good boy