Personal Message
Minjeong Kim
date of birth 
01 01 2001
Family Farm Hand
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[email protected] (010)xxx-0210
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●∘◦❀ history ◦∘●
brief version:

Minjeong is originally from busan, her parents moved to haepung with the promise of a better life for their two  children, their son being the first born left to pursue a more modern career while their sweet little minjeong remained to help around their family farm. The very farm that supplies majority of the town's agricultural needs, from dairy products to fruits and veggies even flowers, their small but efficient farm works to uphold the keun blue nongjang name that has passed down through the generations and became a staple for the community of haepung. 
family ◦∘●
Mother: Seo Sojung: She had a good relationship with her mother as she was the sole source of her  
Father: Kim Minchul
Brother: Kim 

Grandma: Lee Iseul
Grandpa: Kim Manseok
education ◦∘●
Due to her country side upbringing, Minjeong never attented formal education, her mother and grandmother being responsible for her education.
career ◦∘●
Currently working as a farm hand on her family farm: Keun Blue Nongjang
●∘◦❀ mbti ↪ INFJ-a the advocate
The Advocate is a personality type with the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging traits. They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.
●∘◦❀ enneagram ↪ Type 7: THE ENTHUSIAST
Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness. At their Best: they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative, joyous, and satisfied.

●∘◦❀ alignment ↪ Chaotic Neutral, "Free Spirit"
A chaotic neutral character follows her whims. She is an individualist first and last. She values her own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. She avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but her behavior is not totally random. 

temperament ↪ The Relater
I-S (Sanguine-Phlegmatic)
The Sanguine-Phlegmatic is driven by two temperament needs. The primary need is to be accepted socially. The secondary need is to accommodate others.

positive traits  ↪  easily excitable, thorough, dedicated, slow to anger, empathy, enthusiasm, loyalty, adaptability, observant, supportive, joyful, great listener, patient
negative traits ↪ people pleaser, extremely gullible, impulsive, moody, stubborn, indecisive, self-centered, easily overwhelmed, defensive, dishonest when deemed necessary, insecure

●∘◦❀ habits good + bad ↪  color coding food, mumbling to self to remember things, likes to give extra produce to favorite businesses, makes silly faces, randomly does a happy dance + getting overly distracted, avoiding difficult conversations, overcommitting
●∘◦❀ secrets ↪ has full blown conversations with the farm animals, still has an imaginary friend
 fears ↪ being abandoned, heights, is scared of the dark but only in closets and unoccupied rooms, stepping on bugs, breaking hearts
hobbies ↪ birdwatching, diy crafts, writing personalized letters for each bulk order, tending family garden and making floral arrangements
likes ↪ sweets, baked goods, extra sweet coffees and teas, people passionately rambling, life stories, animals, exploring
 dislikes ↪ cold weather, extra bitter foods, too much salt, prickly textures, too many clothes, not understanding things, being excluded, inside jokes
●∘◦❀ positive traits ↪ easily excitable, thorough, dedicated, slow to anger, empathy, enthusiasm, loyalty, adaptability, observant, supportive, joyful, great listener, patient
negative traits ↪ people pleaser, extremely gullible, impulsive, moody, stubborn, indecisive, self-centered, easily overwhelmed, defensive, dishonest when deemed necessary, insecure
fun facts ↪ she tends to speak before thinking and often doesn't find things that would normally be considered offensive as such, she buys extra food from restaurants to feed strays, has a ritual of eating one gummy bear every night before bed, collects seashells and shiny rocks, names plants 
❀ height: 5'4 (163cm)
❀ build: thin and petite frame with long legs for her height and wider hips for her slender build.
❀ eyes: naturally dark brown
❀ hair: brunette 
❀ fashion: more boho when not working on the fields, favorite muted and pastel colors with cute patterns
❀ distinguishing features: full cheeks and dimples
❀ accent: tries to mimic town speech but still has her busan accent and speaks in satoori
❀ posture: slouches when sitting but stands straight
❀ manners: is innately polite due to her upbringing 
Acquaintances — 
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Romantic — 
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Enemies — 
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Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.

Co-workers —
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.
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