Personal Message
✦ full name 
jung chaeyeon
✦ birth date 
dec. 1, 1997
✦ current age 
twenty six
✦ Birth place 
✦ pronouns 
she . her . hers
✦ NICKNAMES jungchae, jumi, yeonchaejung, napping queen
✦ education 
community college ✧ ba in education and art
✦ occupation 
full time art teacher, part time clerk at serenity stay bed and breakfast
✦ lang. fluency 
korean native chinese fluent japanese fluent
reply speed
thread capacity

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reply length
genre preferences
 light angst

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✧˚ j. jaehyun
chaeyeon: ya i j get paid to sit here and look pretty
✧˚ k. jiwon
✧˚ j. heejin

✧˚ name
frame here!
the jung family has been well established in haepung for many generations now. it was in the late 1930s when jung won moved with his wife jung garam from seoul to haepung. life in the city had grown too hectic for the couple, and when mrs. jung garam became ill, her doctor suggested a fresh of breath air would do her some good. he was a car salesman and she a piano teacher, but they left their life behind in favor of allowing mrs. jung to recover her health.  haepung was the perfect location, small town, good people, and you could breathe the fresh morning air and take a stroll by the shore line. the jung family had found their little safe haven in this hidden nook of the world, and from there, most if not all jungs were brought up in haepung, never leaving their little slice of paradise. and if they left, they would always return to the town where the song of the sea called them home.

jung jiwon is also a haepung native, and like his father before him, he's a hard working fisherman, and he met kim sooah by total accident. at the time sooah was a first year college student who came to haepung, wanting to run away from an arranged marriage her parents had set up, and thank goodness she did because when she met jiwon, it was love at first sight. and sooah now often jokes at family dinner that she snatched up a hardworking and handsome young husband. she did not mind leaving the wealth and name of her family behind, she was much happier here and haepung became her home and holy place. not too long after they were married, somin was born! a bundle of joy to light up their life, and a few more years down the line, along came chaeyeon. 

they had a happy life and childhood for the most part, though not without a few complications here and there. somin was healthy, and sooah thanked god dearly for that, but little chaeyeon was born with an irregular heart beat, nothing that would threaten her life but the doctors did advise that she should have a healthy diet, exercise often and perhaps leave any excitements at the door if she wanted to live a long life without any complications. this is also part of the reason why chaeyeon knows that the hectic city life would bring her more stress than she would care for.

as her parents grew older, somin pretty much helped to raise chaeyeon, almost becoming a second mother to her as well, and although they may often bicker as sisters do, there is nothing chaeyeon would not do for her dearest soso-unnie. she now teaches at the local middle school she went to, and she is happy painting and creating and will from time to time man the front desk at the bed and breakfast. at times you'll even hear her say something along these lines "i was born to be a star in the big city, i'll get out of here and make it so big my head won't even fit in a mansion, ha! i'll have thousands of my works displayed in my own galleries and i'll travel the world, far and wide, and drink all the fancy wines and steaks! and paint, paint until my fingers break and paint until the day my little heart gives out!"

but really, that's just a bluff, deep inside she deeply loves her town. it's where she was born and raised in, it's where she has made friends who have given her so many wonderful memories to cherish, it's where her dear family is. so often times her friends, her sister and her mother have to bring her back down from the clouds to remind her of that! 
✦ ⸺ mbti ✧  isfp-a the adventurer
the adventurer is a personality type with the introverted, observant, feeling, and prospecting traits. they tend to have open minds, approaching life, new experiences, and people with grounded warmth. those with this personality type are true artists, although not necessarily in the conventional sense. for these types, life itself is a canvas for self-expression. from what they wear to how they spend their free time, they act in ways that vividly reflect who they are as unique individuals. with their exploratory spirit and their ability to find joy in everyday life, isfps can be among the most interesting people you’ll ever meet!

✦ ⸺ enneagram ✧ type nine the peacemaker
type nines are accepting, trusting, and stable. they are usually creative, optimistic, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. they want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting. they typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness. at their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to bring people together and heal conflicts.

✦ ⸺ alignment ✧ neutral good the benefactor
a neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. they are devoted to helping others. neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. neutral good can be a dangerous alignment when it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable.

✦ ⸺ character temperamentthe melancholic
the melancholic naturally wants to do things right, and is quality-oriented. they are not trying to be right, they are driven to figure out what is right. they have a cautious, tentative response designed to reduce tension in an unfavorable environment. their second response is often to become aggressive to restore peace in an unfavorable situation. they influence their environment by adhering to the existing rules, and by doing things right according to predetermined (and accepted) standards
✦ ⸺ the positive attributes
open minded, creative, family oriented

likes milk tea, matcha lattes (always iced, no exceptions), the sea, the sunlight, whales, cats, blueberry and lemon tarts, berries, citrus candies, thrifting, skin care, scented candles, seashells

hobbies sketching, painting, arts and craft projects, repurposing furniture and jewelry, daydreaming, yoga and medication, setting somin up on (horribly failed) blind dates, spending time with her family, napping, photography

good habits organized (mainly in her work and professional life), praising her students for working hard (she'd never be the type of teacher to put anyone down for their efforts)

✦ ⸺ the negative attributes
avoids loud and physical conflict (not the type to get involved, but will if it's towards close friends or family),  indecisive, dislikes big change

dislikes cooking and baking (do not trust her with a kitchen knife unless you magically want a house fire), waking up before the sun rises (because what kind of maniac wakes up early?), pollen (she's highly allergic), spicy foods (they don't agree with her stomach but her mom says it's good for her sinuses!)

fears the supernatural (she believes in spirits as well as local myths and folklore, totally freaks her out!), the dark

bad habits an absolute grinch in the morning until she has had her latte, clumsy and very accident prone, reading spicy romance novels at the front desk of the family business, whenever she's nervous her nose tends to twitch and becomes a little itchy which may lead to sneezing

✦ ⸺ fun tidbits
✧ her cosmo persona is the
space time
✧ she wants a matching tattoo with her sister, but she's a total wimp around needles
✧ a favorite past time of hers is visiting the local aquarium. it was a family tradition to go every birthday, so even to this day chaeyeon tries to plan accordingly so her and her family can attend on her birthday
✧ she is so accident prone that it's comically tragic! she is just clumsy by nature and a tad bit ditzy, she daydreams a lot and it tends to cause her to lose focus ✧ her favorite dish is gimbap with fish cake and soft tofu soup, and a hearty warm bowl of jjajangmyeon!
✧ chaeyeon has poor hearing, and at times will mishear the lyrics to songs (especially english songs), so you may find her jamming to taylor swift's "vigilante " and singing, "i don't dress for women, i don't dress for men, lately i've been dressing for dessert!"
✧ one time when somin was in high school, a boy broke her heart and little chaeyeon snuck into his class during lunch break and painted a quite detailed turd on his school desk with the words "big-meanie-jerk-mean-face-doo-doo-head", she was sent home early that day and mrs. jung had a field day scolding both of her daughters (much to somin's dismay)
✧ chaeyeon is not the brightest pearl when it comes to finances (or any math, really...or science, she's the artsy kid) and so she easily gets scammed at times, and she's just terrible with money
familial — 
jung jiwon npc father
faceclaim bae yongjoon
details current head of the jung family, jiwon is a man with a heart of gold who would do anything and everything for his family. his daughters are his world, their shining pearls as he calls them. he is a fisherman, and often times helps at the family b&b

jung sooah npc mother
faceclaim choi jiwoo
details mrs. jung sooah is a loving, but strict mother (tough love works, she swears by it, really and with two wonderful daughters who had their share of rebellion, it was needed!). there is nothing she would not do for her family and the good citizens of haepung. she is the genius manager and cook of the family b&b. her part time job is gossiping with the aunties at the salon, in search for reputable husbands for her daughters

jung somin older sister
played by freckles
details her older sister, despite the age gap, chaeyeon and somin are two peas in a pod. a chaotic, but loving pod. she looks up to her, and always looks to her for advice or anything she needs. somin is who keeps her grounded at all times, she'd never flat out tell her, but she really is the best big sister and friend chaeyeon could have asked for. somin is the cristina yang to chaeyeon's meredith grey, the twisted sisters remain united!

friends — 
character name relationship 
played by user
details about the connection!

enemies — 
character name relationship
played by user
details about the connection!

co-workers —
character name relationship
played by user
details about the connection!

✦ ⸺ ual orientation ✧ heteroual
✦ ⸺ romantic orientation ✧ demiromantic
✦ ⸺ her love language ✧ gift giving

i am a museum full of art, but you had your eyes shut ⸺ ❛❛ rupi kaur (milk and honey)

✎┊note from the mun
greetings! this section will briefly entail all you need to know about myself as a roleplayer and my roleplay preferences! you may call me preciosa/preci, by my character's name, or chaeyeon's mun. i strictly go by she/her pronouns! please be sure to give these ooc notes a glance and also read through my character's profile, if you do have any questions at any point about chae, her upbringing or personality or if something is unclear please ask away and i will do my absolute best to answer!

my activity my timezone is GMT-5 / EST (eastern standard time). i will always be understanding of slower activity on your end, so i hope you may extend the same courtesy to me. i like to be as speedy as i can with replies, and i will always alert you personally and in the mun updates if there are any delays on my end. only give me a poke/reminder if it's been 10 days without any updates on my end.

my plotting preferences whether you are wanting to start plotting for the first time or you are claiming a connection, just shoot me a pm or reach out via dc if you have mine, we can plot through either platform! personally do not like the 'you ask you start' approach, i believe whoever starts the thread should be what makes sense for the scenario (but if you really need/want me to start us off just ask)

my writing and replying preferences regarding my writing style, i strictly write in third pov. in regards to the writing length this will always depend on the time, creativity/muse and whatever makes sense for the actual plot/scenario, but generally i push myself to at least write 1-2 paras. note that english is not my native language so please forgive any mistakes or misspelling of words. i will always try to run my replies through a spell and grammar check. in terms of replies, how i like to approach them is a bulk format, although it may take a bit more time to get to everyone, this ensures that i actually get to everyone at once because all replies will go out at the same time. this is so i don't miss any replies or favor anyone. any mandatory event threads/activity checks will take priority depending on how time sensitive they are.

communication communication is key! communication and mutual respect go a long way. if you have any questions, concerns or just want to talk please approach me either through my character pm or my personal ooc profile, it is open for a reason. if at any point you feel i say something unwarranted please just let me know, i'm always down to talk especially to resolve any misunderstandings!

misc. tidbits  ( ! ) ic =/= ooc, in character is not the same as out of character. please do not get the two confused/mixed up. what my character may think/feel/say may not necessarily reflect how i think/feel/speak as an individual outside of rpr, again i ask that you approach me if you need any clarifications, just don't blindly assume ( !! ) do not godmod my character, please. unless i give you the go ahead do not do it, always discuss with me beforehand. i don't mind if the scenario calls for some light godmodding regarding character actions, but you may not godmod the way my character thinks/feels/speaks in regards to a scenario ( !!! ) in regards to rated content, i will not engage in any (tbh i would rather have the scenes implied over writing them, but this can be further discussed) or any rated threads with users and characters under the age of 21. i will always give any trigger warnings beforehand when discussing something or in my actual threads