Personal Message
Scars are the paler pain of survival received unwillingly and displayed in the language of injury.
— Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves.
#tag #tag #tag
personal quirks
some text for you write something; i'd recommend either a quote that your character would say or something that directly relates to them! otherwise you can just delete :) lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
positive traits
trait here, here, and here, you can keep it simple by writing characteristics or you can go fancy with writing a short para! everything will adjust as you need it too!
negative traits
trait here, here, and here, you can keep it simple by writing characteristics or you can go fancy with writing a short para!
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
fashion style
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
fatal flaw
lorem ipsum.
#tag #tag #tag
a resenting anthology
[TW: character death]
chapter one: a tale of two wails
The origin of Envy is a lengthy tale--one of immense love, passion, boyhood, and treachery. In the beginning, the one we call Envy was a humble boy born into the hands of luxury. Two wails echoed on the night of his birth; one, his own as his lungs mourned the safety of his creator. The second belonged to his mother, the Queen, as the birth had been a difficult one, resulting in a lengthy recovery. The kingdom rejoiced the following morning, welcoming their new heir, naively expecting nothing but greatness from him.
chapter two: Seb
Sebastian quickly became a thriving member of the community that seemingly had a friendship with every person that he met. Even the lowest class of constituents affectionally called him "Seb." Sebastian was a prince of the people--one for the people. Even as a young teen, his studies were often interrupted by his own yearning to help his citizens. Despite his family ruling over the area with an iron fist, there was an overarching hierarchy that superceded them in all regards; the empire. The Emporer had made political moves against Sebastian's homeland long before the young prince took his first breath. Their influence proved to be detrimental to the wellbeing of every citizen, but there was little that could be done. Or at least, that's what Sebastian initially thought.
chapter three: a coup
At the ripe age of 18, Sebastian finally put his plan into action and, with the help of his best friend and lover Antonio, aimed to assassinate the governing head who acted as the liason to The Empire. The liason had a scheduled visit to the kingdom in which he would officially be given the rights to the kingdom. Should the King refuse, prompt and immediate military action would surely follow. Eliminating the liason would certainly spark a war, but it was one that Sebastian and Antonio felt would ignite a fire within their people and unite them under a common cause: freedom.
chapter four: the first snowfall
It was a cold and dreary day; the first snowfall of the season had just began to dust the crop fields. Fear and hesitation welled up within Sebastian's throat, making it difficult to focus on his studies with Antonio. Despite the pair's plans, they had to put up a facade of normalcy and feign boredom despite the thunderous thoughts that plagued their minds. The pair were walking on the precipice of revolution; it felt as though they were balancing on a tightrope with no safety precautions--merely a canyon below them, and they had no choice but to jump.
As the daylight hit its peak with the sun centered in the sky, the pair tidied themselves up and began to prepare for the ceremony. They were dressed in their finest linens, and their hair was perfectly styled with the help of a few servants. Within a few minutes, they were situated in their places at the ceremony, standing on one side of an aisle. The decorations were extravagent; golden ornaments shined wherever the iris turned to glance and violet silk served as a walkway for the liason. No expense was spared for this day. It seemed as though everyone was given an invitation to attend, even those such as the alchemy shop owner and royal executioner. 
A bell rang in the distance signifying the beginning of the ceremony. However, as quickly as the sound disappeared, so did the air from Sebastian's lungs as both he and Antonio were pushed to the ground. Looking up, confused and dazed, Sebastian realized that everyone was staring at the both of them--some with concern, and some with disdain. 
chapter five: a tale of a lone wail
Sebastian's father's voice echoed throughout the courtyard. "Dearest citizens, these two young men dared to interfere with today's proceedings. In fact, they planned to murder our liason and put all of our efforts to waste. Today, while we still wish to go through with our initial plans, we have added an additonal event to your itinerary: their execution." The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as the pair were pulled up off the ground and quickly restrained. The violet silk aisle, meant to appease the liason and treat him as royalty, served as a twisted reminder of the pair's trajectory. Sebastian was the crown prince, and Antonio, his most trusted friend, would have been his royal advisor. However, despite their royal paths, they were now fated for an early death. As Sebastian was placed onto the chopping block, his hair began to fall into his face. The executioner, a man that Sebastian called his friend, whispered just loud enough for the both of them. "It's a pity. You had everything. I envied you." Through the chestnut locks, Sebastian saw his mother's face. Tears fell from her eyes and fell upon the ground just inches from her feet. Sebastian heard a lone wail from her as the axe came down upon his neck. 
chapter six: the end's new beginning
Though death was the end for Sebastian's physical form, his spirit was banished to the underworld. For centuries, it festered, living off of the negative emotions of other entities that had been banished from the mortal realm. Eventually, the spirit was able to manifest itself as a demon and thrive within its new environment. Every spirit that he encountered was seen as merely a stepping stone to become more powerful; he aimed to become a being truly worthy of envy.
chapter seven: envy
Centuries of his pursuit proved to be fruitful, eventually becoming the embodiment of the sin, envy. Despite his ambitions becoming reality, he craved more still. Though he had created a new name for himself in this hellish landscape, his mortal memories were still brandished into his consciousness like a searing mark. He yearned to redeem his time on the mortal realm--to show those in power how someone they wouldn't spare a second glance at would be their downfall. Thus, Envy set out for Heleo and possessed the body of a young slave, claiming the vessel as his own. Donning the mononym, Kai, he vowed to show the mortals just how envious he could be.
dateday of month, year
"How can I hunger for you,
When you are feet away,
Almost near enough to touch,
But out of reach,
Yet I hunger,
I need the touch of skin,
To feel you,
To be with you,
As if we are one,
Jealous of the space that surrounds you,
That separates us,
Yet you are only just beyond the reach of my hand."
— The Ordinary Poet.
#poetry #love #envy
played by sehyung
out of character
timezone: GMT-6
writing format: detailed 3rd, para to multi-para.
activity: 6/10
muse: 9/10
speed: 4/10
Overall, I heavily prefer walls and rooms for roleplaying. PM is for plotting/ooc inquiries or content that is not suitable for public spaces i.e. or rated roleplaying in general.
‣ writing style
I almost exclusively write in 3rd POV. That's not to say that I can't do 1st for smaller replies, but for the larger, more official ones, I prefer 3rd. Furthermore, I enjoy replies that are at least a paragraph long. As with length comes time. Longer replies will take a longer amount of time.
‣ plotting
I prefer plotting over random starters. Winging is okay if the muse is there, but most of the time, plotting is superior in my book. Don't approach me if you don't have an idea in mind. I often don't care who writes the starter. It's usually a toss up to who is willing and/or has the time at that moment. 
‣ reply speed
I tend to be slower when it comes to replies. That's only because I value quality over quantity, so keep that in mind. However, my reply speed can also be directly tied with my muse level. If I really enjoy a plot or person, I will likely have a faster reply speed, but don't count on that. It's not always indicative. Communication is key here. Let me know if your muse drops or if you'd like to not continue roleplaying.
host name
kim jongin
r/s status
don't go insane
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active

Demon of Envy. GMT-6. Slave. Biual. Single.

✫ Tracker ✫
— Name | Title | Location | Status
— Chris Roma | Title | TBD | Plotting
— Seo Inguk | Brotherly Advice | Black Lotus Lounge | Need to Reply
— Joy | Sibling Teasing | Slave Quarters | Need to Reply
— Felix | An Angel & a Demon | Slave Quarters | Need to reply.
— Huang Mi Ni | Discovery | Slave Quarters | Need to Reply
