Personal Message
oh_jinyoung_FINAL1 @ 100% (RGB/8)
oh_jinyoung_FINAL1 @ 100%


— How many years of experience do you have in the industry? 

the 'industry' is a psy-op. but i've been doing graphic work since i graduated, so, maybe like 5 years? that makes me feel old. 

— What was your reason for going into the fashion business? 

fashion was never really my vibe. it wasn't until i interned at i-D in college that i realised that there's a lot more to it than just clothes or pretty people. it's shape, composition, color... all the things i care about. there's a lot more creative freedom in fashion than there is in a lot of other businesses, and that attracts me more than anything.

— Why work for ELLE, specifically, instead of other magazines? 

ELLE just looks better in my instagram bio than anything else. seriously, though, ELLE isn't just a household name. i really respect the vision and the drive here. there's a certain... scope that they offer that you just don't find elsewhere.

— Tell us a fun project you've done/would like to do while in the company. 

ah - well i have a /vision/ but i think someone is stealing my letters to the head office. i really want to make a monthly newsletter in typical ELLE style, but internally. for everyone who works here. even the ones who aren't so engrained in the whole office culture. little bit of hot news, whole lot of staff photoshoots, the works. who cares if HR hates it?
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