Personal Message


cho miyeon. 27 years old. demiual, demiromantic.
haepung native. yonsei uni grad (piano performance), formerly a concert pianist, now a piano teacher. 
yes to ic gossip + i don't mind having my threads stalked.

  miyeon was born into the unfortunate role of being the eldest daughter in her dysfunctional family. her father, who had multiple children with different women, decided to take custody of them all, despite being unable to properly care for them. alongside her eldest brother, miyeon took on the responsibility of caring for her younger siblings while also learning how to become a functional and independent person herself.
  when she was six, on her way home from school, she heard someone playing the piano beautifully in a small house. curiosity got the better of her, and the little girl walked in, filled with questions. inside, she found a woman in her 30s who used her home as a music studio to teach vocal and piano lessons. what miyeon didn’t know at the time was that this woman was her biological mother—the same mother who had been forced to give her up due to her father’s greed.
  at the time, miyeon didn’t understand why this woman cried when she first laid eyes on her. all miyeon knew was that this woman was kind, much kinder than her father, who only cared about his next fix. every day after school, she went to her mother’s studio for piano lessons, and it wasn’t until she was twelve that she discovered the truth about her teacher.
  miyeon overheard the older women in town gossiping about her father, her teacher, and herself. they spoke in complex terms she didn’t fully understand, but she managed to piece together the truth on her own. it was an emotional revelation for miyeon, realizing that she did have a mother who cared deeply for her. the meals they shared after lessons, the downtime they spent together—her mother had become her best friend.
  over the years, as miyeon built a real relationship with her mother and honed her innate talent for the piano, she managed to keep it a secret from her father. but would it really have been a secret if he didn’t care? all he ever did was hurt them if he didn’t get his way.
  when it came time to apply for universities, her mother encouraged her to aim for the best. miyeon was at the top of her class and had the talent to become a star performer. with the support of her mother and siblings, she found the courage to pursue her dreams. her bravery was rewarded when she was accepted into yonsei university’s prestigious piano performance program on a full ride, a highly competitive course with only a few spots available.
  during this time, miyeon experienced newfound freedom that allowed her to explore new interests. she excelled in the music field, but unfortunately, some of her success came with strings attached—men with not-so-good intentions offered her help, assuming they could win her favor. was this the price of fame?
  once, she naively accepted an offer from a man who claimed to be her biggest fan, saying she could be the next yuja wang. when he demanded repayment for everything he’d done (distasteful acts for payment), she refused. angered by the rejection, the man, a petty trust fund baby, sought revenge. he caused the car accident that ended miyeon’s performing career, leaving her with an occasional tremor in her left pinky that made it difficult to play for long durations.
  it happened two years after she graduated, just as she was in the mainstream media as a gifted pianist with the looks of a celebrity. devastated, miyeon left the big city of seoul and returned to haepung at 25, moving into a modest apartment in town. after months of battling depression and barely getting out of bed, she eventually found the strength to start anew. she opened her own piano studio, determined to share her knowledge with others and teach, just as her mother had done for her.

  positives: goal-oriented sort of person who likes setting the bar higher for herself (keeps it relatively realistic), sometimes sassy but doesn't take it to an extreme, affectionate when it comes to her siblings and friends, 
  negatives: oftentimes sleepy so she has to take a couple naps throughout the day, gets overwhelmed easily if she has too many things to do, 
  habits: gets her nails done often so she doesn't bite them when she's nervous (she keeps it short so she can play the piano), has one earphone on in public so she can listen to music, sleeping in a little too often
hobbies: playing the piano, getting her nails done, lounging at the beach, watching shows in bed, and cooking (even though she isn't the best at it), going to the farmers market for a specialty strawberry coconut milk, 

  height: 5'3 or 161cm
  eye color: brown
  hair color: currently dark brown, but she often dyes her hair.
  scars: incision scar on her left hand from a surgery done two years ago.

  familial: father (negative), wi hajoon (older brother, positive), second younger brother (positive), third younger brother (positive), second younger sister (positive)
  past relationships:

  childhood friend:
  [ debating on leaving this relatively open to be flexible with others' ideas ]

  1. feel free to call me by my username (cal) or my character's name. i'm of age. character based pronouns are fine.
  2. link to my writing samples
  3. i am able to write in detailed first and third pov. as of late, i've been more comfortable (& write better) with third pov but i'm open to the first if you prefer it. let's not write one-liners unless we're casually talking.
  4. i am self-paced. please respect that when writing with me. sometimes i will respond rather fast and other times i will take over a few days, perhaps a week or two to respond. if you are unhappy with my response time, send me a message and let's have a civil discussion. poke me after two weeks.

  5. please note that i do not plot with the intention of endgame, unless agreed upon. i like to see where things go with writings partners.
  6. i am not my character. do not get that mixed up, please. when it comes to plotting, i love to go in the nitty gritty details of it and will likely write long paragraph(s) about it.

  7. for my writing partners: if discord is the best way to discuss, feel free to ask for my info! 
  8. this character is not related to the irl cho miyeon. this is a fictional character made for haepung.

miyeon cho
date of birth 
piano teacher
yonsei university piano performance major
social media
contact info 
[email protected] (010)000-0000
reply speed
thread capacity

Do you consent to ic gossip?

Do you mind having your threads stalked?
reply length
genre preferences

Would you/your businesses like to appear in ads?

Would you like to participate in events?
Profile faq
Can I use a different profile?
Yes, feel free to edit this profile as you'd like or use another profile altogether! Using this profile is not required. 

How do I edit my profile?
Click here for a detailed tutorial on how to edit your profile.

The section above is probably the hardest part to change in this layout, followed by changing the aesthetics. Please feel free to ask us in the
FAQ room if you have any further questions on how to edit your profile! Baram created this layout with duct tape and elmer's glue, so it's far, far, far from perefct.

Do I have to fill out the whole thing?
Nope! Feel free to delete or add sections as you'd like. This is your profile, you're allowed to do whatever you want to it.

Character faq

How do I change my faceclaim? 
Feel free to tag admins Bada & Baram in the CC room to change your faceclaim or name. 

Can I change my occupation? 
Go ahead and delete your original post in the occupation room and update us with your new occupation!

I want a new character!
An upvote is required for a second character and an ad blog is required for a third character. Please see ad blog requirements here. For every month you've been in the roleplay, you'll be allowed an additional character! 
Activity faq

I'm too busy to be active.
That's fine! Take things at your own pace, don't bite more than you can chew. We're here to have fun! Activity shouldn't feel like a chore. Out of everything in your adult life, being active in a roleplay on a website you've been on since middle school (anecdotal example) is the last thing you need to worry about.

Do what you want and nothing more. 

I need to go on hiatus.
Please update your profile to state somewhere that you're on a hiatus, whether it's on your wall, status, or profile layout, then post in the hiatus room how long your hiatus is going to be and how active you'll be on hiatus.

If you have absolutely no activity at all for over a month, us admins will put your character in hibernation. 

I want to leave.
Please add Bada and Baram to a Group PM before you leave and let us know:

1) that you're leaving

2) if you intend to rejoin in the future

3) if you would like to close any of your businesses in the town, or continue to have them open with npcs (otherwise, they'll be closed IC).

Advice Corner with Baram
I don't remember how to write. 
Trust Baram when he says he doesn't remember how to write either. That's okay!

Baram made this roleplay as a way to regain muse for the website and writing. Believe us when we say that a lot of rpers on the site are on the same boat as you if you feel as if you don't remember how to write. It's nothing to feel ashamed of and we're all here to support each other!

No one wants to write with me. 
Are you sure about that? Before you come to that conclusion, be sure to work on your profile and connections, then take a look at open connections that others have open and see where your characters can connect.

You don't need to write together to connect and you don't need to connect to write together, but it helps to reach out to others in the roleplay and communicate the things you want to do.

Sometimes you just aren't compatible with people and that's okay! There are plenty of other people to reach out to. Don't feel like you need to make any major changes to your character or writing if you don't have the muse to do so. 

I have no muse. 
That's okay! There's no need to force yourself to do something you don't want to do, but we all fall into slumps sometimes.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself and feel free to linger around until something strikes your muse! Sometimes all it takes is one change for everything to click, sometimes it takes time to recover your muse.

It's not always something we can control and that's okay! If you need to leave and catch your breath, go ahead, we'll always be here to accept you back with open arms. 

The chat goes by too fast and I feel left out. :( 
It'll be like that sometimes, right! :( It's okay, baby, you don't always have to feel like you have to be super duper active to enjoy the roleplay!

If the chat is too fast, feel free to interact with people in dms instead, OR shoot your shot and wedge yourself into any conversations going on in the chatroom. People are more receptive than you'd think! Even if they aren't, we all don't always have time to divide our attention 8 different ways and that's okay, too!

If this becomes an issue, Baram will create breakout rooms for the chatrooms so people who want slower conversations can take a breather. However, since chatrooms aren't a key feature of the roleplay, this will probably be unlikely.

love life
self image
what others see
who they are at their best
who they are at their worst
distinguishing features
Acquaintances — 
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.

Friends — 
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.

Family — 
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.

Romantic — 
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.

Enemies — 
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.

Co-workers —
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.
Name, relationship: description.
who are you?
what are your goals here?
how active are you?
what are your expectations from the roleplay and others?
name time frame here.
name time frame here.
name time frame here.
name time frame here.
name time frame here.

[ OPEN ] connection #1genre, (0/1): connection details here. requirements.
[ OPEN ] connection #2genre, (0/1): connection details here. requirements.
[ OPEN ] connection #3genre, (0/1): connection details here. requirements.
[ OPEN ] connection #4 — genre, (0/1): connection details here. requirements.
[ OPEN ] connection #5genre, (0/1): connection details here. requirements.