Personal Message
e n t e r t a i n e r
muse stats:
keeping up with the talent.
Current: Idol at get! creative.
BRILLIANCE Count: 000.
Debut Date: 00 Month 20XX.
Competitions won: 000.
Competitions lost: 000.
penned by persica
basic information
quick trivia
  • Full Name: Rhiannon Boo || Boo Hyebin.
  • Stage Name: Riri.
  • Nickname(s): Annie, Rhiannie, Babyboo, Reen.
  • Date of Birth: 11 April 1700; Visible Age 24.
  • Zodiac Sign(s): Aries.
  • Place of Birth: Lyon, France; Reborn in Cardiff, Wales.
  • Group/Occupation: Idol in Group Name.
  • Group/Position: TBD.
  • Known Languages: French (native), Korean (fluent), English (semi-fluent).
  • ual Orientation: Biual.
  • Romantic Orientation: Biromantic.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
  • SNS/Username: @riribiriboo (public); @babyboo (private).
history information
Born into a life of chains, Hyebin and Hyejeong were inseparable in a world that saw them as nothing more than property. Sold to a family in Lyon, France, their days were filled with the hum of the sewing machine and the rustle of fine fabrics as they toiled under the watchful eye of the house's Leading Lady, a stern yet kind woman who found solace in their company.

The twins' lives, though constrained, had a small glimmer of joy in working together. Hyejeong reveled in creating beautiful garments, even if she could never wear them, while Hyebin cherished the simple comfort of being with her sister.

But shadows loomed large in their world. Men with greedy eyes sought to buy them for "companionship," and while the Leading Lady fiercely protected them, her husband saw only profit. He auctioned the twins in secret, drawn to the promise of nobility offered by a erse French prince who desired Hyebin. The deal was sealed, and the Leading Lady’s heart shattered.

She devised a desperate plan to save the twins, arranging for their escape to London.

But fate was cruel.

The Prince, tipped off by a jealous servant, stormed the seamstress’s shop. In a final act of defiance, the Leading Lady sent Hyebin ahead to the docks, but Hyejeong was captured, mistaken for her sister. The Prince's fury knew no bounds, and Hyejeong's life was brutally cut short.

Hyebin and their elder brother reached London safely, but the news of Hyejeong's death plunged Hyebin into a grief so deep that life became unbearable. One cold (undecided) night, she stepped to the edge of Tower Bridge, and with a fulfilled joyful smile, she leapt into the Thames, longing to be with her sister again, even if it may be only in the afterlife.

But death was not the end for Hyebin.

Reborn as Rhiannon in Cardiff, Wales, she carried on, driven by a need to be close to Hyejeong, now reborn as Rowin, once more. Discovering her sister’s rebirth and subsequent move to South Korea, Rhiannon joined GET! Creative, embracing the idol path to stand beside her sister again.
reason for seeking humanity
  • This is only applicable to fallen muses.
  • You can bullet list reasons here if you want to.
get! creative information

present employment history

  • Status: Active
  • Employment Period: 4 years/TBD.
  • Date of Employment: TBD.
  • Training Period: 4 Years.
  • Date of Debut: TBD.
  • Group & Position: TBD
  • Stage Name: Riri
  • Fandom Names: group (singular), (plural); solo (singular), (plural).
connections & plots

the tentacles of fate

  • Rowin Bu: Twin sister.
  • Connection Name: Older sibling.
  • Connection Name: Work wife (bff from the same company).
  • Connection Name: Crossover wife (friend from another company). 
  • Connection Name: PR Dating Stunt.
  • Connection Name: Here.
  • Connection Name: Here.
  • Plot: Here.
  • Plot: Here.
  • Plot: Here.
  • Plot: Here.
  • Plot: Here.
  • Plot: Here.
human appearance

what you see is not always the truth

  • Face Claim: Yoo Jimin (Karina) - aespa.
  • Height: 168cm.
  • Hair Color: Dirty blonde; likes wearing it blonde, dyes when the job requires.
  • Eye Color: Blue; wears contacts when needed.
  • Piercings: both lobes, bellybutton, left nostril; left eyebrow (healed).
  • Tattoos: Left upper arm's backside - insignia worn as a tattoo.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: Here.
  • Personal Style & Aesthetic: Here.
arbiter appearance

devil in the details

Skill Tracker

take a stand

General vocal ability.
General dancing ability.
General rapping ability.
General acting & modeling ability.
PIANO : GRADE D. (45%)
General ability to play the piano.
How well she can entertain in variety shows and situations, as well as how good she is at improvising and thinking on their feet.
Natural appeal when performing and general stage presence. This is also how well she can engage a crowd and keep them engaged.
General ability to lead.
Level of performing in a general sense.
Ability to choreograph or create music/lyrics, etc.
i l l u m i n a t e   •   r p r