Personal Message


❁ lee sohee 1 minute ago Reply

❁ lee youngji21:59:09Reply
❁ sung hanbin7:58:59 AMReply
gaslight gatekeep girlboss he


so i don't let my guard down again :pensive:

❁ choi san [A] 17 minutes ago Reply

❁ lee youngji2:02:44 PMReply
there is a stranger in this house

❁ jung wooyoung 18 minutes ago Reply

❁ lee youngji 28 seconds ago Reply
idk how who this person is??



currently online!

character name


A little tidbit of some sorts would go here, but this text box does not scroll, so you gotta be minful of how much you type here. Use it for a quote or something important you wanna say to whoever reads.

About Me



birth name.

Kim junsoo


Information goes here. If you happen to need another line, just hit enter.


date of birth + age

Month DD, YYYY + Age



Information goes here.



Information goes here.


r/s Status.

Information goes here.

my beloved


Name: here.

Date: here.

Status: here.

Phasellus eget nibh turpis. Nullam at nibh at lorem pulvinar rutrum. Proin dignissim porttitor metus, non dictum tortor sodales a. Aenean sapien urna, sodales vitae sagittis eget, tincidunt nec nisi. Vivamus lacinia scelerisque neque vitae dictum. Fusce et consequat leo. Nunc in vehicula justo. Aliquam vel magna ut lorem tempus rhoncus. Aliquam malesuada enim eu tellus dignissim, in commodo elit mattis. Quisque eu ultrices eros, id convallis sapien. In tristique orci eget tristique finibus. Sed tempus facilisis odio non luctus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.





name said

name said

name said

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