Personal Message


park sunghoon. 21 years old. heteroual, demiromantic.
haepung native. b-list horror film actor who's taking a break from the industry, now studying in university + working as a part-time barista at his favorite coffee shop.
yes to ic gossip + i don't mind having my threads stalked.

  lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. aenean ut elit maximus, maximus sem ac, porta nunc. sed sed libero et ipsum pellentesque pharetra. suspendisse porttitor ut mauris at faucibus. suspendisse potenti. nulla porta vel nibh nec rutrum. quisque dignissim sem ex, at efficitur ipsum congue dignissim. vestibulum efficitur bibendum sapien congue malesuada.
  curabitur est tellus, consequat sit amet arcu nec, mattis bibendum tortor. duis pharetra orci nec libero consectetur, non placerat lectus placerat. phasellus interdum tortor sollicitudin lorem pulvinar congue. ut pellentesque odio a condimentum luctus. pellentesque vitae purus ac sapien pulvinar consectetur sit amet ut mauris. nam auctor quam eget tincidunt lobortis. integer ut lectus a lacus luctus blandit. aenean aliquet rhoncus leo, ac rhoncus urna. donec varius quis ante ac auctor.


  height: 5'11 or 181cm
  eye color: brown
  hair color: currently dark brown.
  scars: none.

  past relationships:

  childhood friend:
  [ debating on leaving this relatively open to be flexible with others' ideas ]

  1. feel free to call me by my username (cal) or my character's name. i'm of age. character based pronouns are fine.
  2. link to my writing samples
  3. i am able to write in detailed first and third pov. as of late, i've been more comfortable (& write better) with third pov but i'm open to the first if you prefer it. let's not write one-liners unless we're casually talking.
  4. i am self-paced. please respect that when writing with me. sometimes i will respond rather fast and other times i will take over a few days, perhaps a week or two to respond. if you are unhappy with my response time, send me a message and let's have a civil discussion. poke me after two weeks.

  5. please note that i do not plot with the intention of endgame, unless agreed upon. i like to see where things go with writings partners.
  6. i am not my character. do not get that mixed up, please. when it comes to plotting, i love to go in the nitty gritty details of it and will likely write long paragraph(s) about it.

  7. for my writing partners: if discord is the best way to discuss, feel free to ask for my info! 
  8. this character is not related to the irl park sunghoon. this is a fictional character made for haepung.