Personal Message
full name
baek sohee.
october, 13th, 2002.
employee relations manager @elle kr.
human resources.
korean(fluent), english (conversational)
nonconformist & demiromantic.
partnership status
"There is little success where there is little laughter." Andrew Carnegie.
now playing
liquor store on mars - kk&th
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing —that’s why we recommend it daily.” — Zig Ziglar.
baek sohee.
baek sohee.
baek sohee.
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose. To do so, I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.

Past pfp.

her : story (brief ver)
Sohee would be described by anyone who knew her as dorky, fun-loving, and amicable. Raised in an middle-upper-class family with her father and mother, who were well-known political socialites, she enjoyed a gracious upbringing marked by a blend of joy and valuable life lessons. This environment, coupled with her parents' influential social connections, helped shape her into the person she is today. Instilled with a strong work ethic and a clear sense of purpose, Sohee always followed her path with determination. From serving as class president to advancing to a managerial role in her first job, she has consistently shown a passion for being around people and helping them in any positive way she can. Her hard-earned achievements and her unique family background ultimately led her to a position at Elle Korea.
interview question one : — How many years of experience do you have in the industry?
"how long you ask? well you see questions like these.. haha i think it's not in the experience of the person but rather the effort one brings you know? oh right answer the question ahem.. yea yea i was getting to that you know actually.. this year marks my 4th-ish year!"
interview QUESTION TWO : — What was your reason for going into the fashion business?
"well first off by influence of my parents ultimately. my father always in the most neat and fascinating suits and my mother, she passed down her appreciation for it for as long as i can remember. encouraging me to always dress my best and never leave the house unkept! i would play in my parents closet for hours on end. but also my personal mission and passion to drive the lack of androgynous scene to the beautiful streets of seoul and my years of flipping through fashion magazines and admiring the flashy pictures brought about my interest in fashion as a complete whole!"
interview question THREE : — Why work for ELLE, specifically, instead of other magazines?
"i like to strive for the paragon of any aspect of things i partake in and the company i settle into for my career is no exception. and who comes to mind when you think of one of the most successful fashion magazine? exactly!"
jellybeans, jokes of any kind especially ribaldry or crass humor, her seeing glasses,tropical and nature scents, office pranks, pickled treats, all forms of coffee, fashion-related puns, wearing mix match socks and flashing them at co-workers who share her humor, the smell of window cleaner.
boring people, negative attitudes, wet socks, boring offices, losing her wristwatch or hairtie, sending attendance issue or policy violation or disciplinary emails, crumbs in her lap, buttons popping on her blouse.
wouldn't you like to know.
moves her lips when people are talking to her, needs to have her morning pastry before work, enjoys wearing her prescription glasses(thinks it makes her look more studious), loves buying quirky office decor.
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
other information
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
liam park.
the flirtatious fools
whether it's testing out obsolete tumblr pickup lines on him, planting a single paper shred in his hair to pluck it out kabedon style or showing him a new trick with a random office object she stole off of, liam is sohee's go-to a lot of the time for amusement among other things. often deleting mandatory drivers and registrys off her computer just for him to fix it for her so she can yap his ears off the whole time with reason. surely it was a mistake allowing their lunch break's to align. have you ever microwaved a single gummyworm? well, they have.
lily zhao.
gossiping goddesses
sure there are things managers shouldn't participate in and gossiping is one of them. but does that stop sohee? not exactly and who may that enabler who always catches her with the hottest scoop under elle's roof? none other than lily. lily is always in the know about office drama and secrets, often exaggerating or misinterpreting information, which adds to the humor of their interactions and office environment. that was the base that bloomed their friendship even going so far as to take their gatherings beyond the office corridors over margarita's and mimosa's.
name here.
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
dynamic duo
reqmt: works in hr depart.
them and sohee work exceptionally well together despite their different approaches or personalities, complementing each other’s skills in a way that leads to comedic and effective teamwork.
the rule breaker
genres & requirements
frequently bend or break office rules, causing trouble and hilarity as they navigate the consequences of their rebellious behavior which are none.  sohee favors them for whatever reason and that alone is why she turns a blind eye to their write-ups and complaints.
office decorators
reqmt: hr or managerial
often roped into decorating for office events or parties with sohee. they both enjoy a friendly, easygoing relationship. Their decorating sessions are filled with laughter and good-natured banter. Sohee, the creative visionary, loves to brainstorm unique ideas and get hands-on with the crafting, while INSERTNAME, the meticulous planner, ensures everything is perfectly aligned and executed with precision. They complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses perfectly.
out of character
part one : introduction
call me by muse name or creamy. pm for plotting and ooc. gpm and rooms for roleplaying. walls to stay empty. timezone is gmt-5. never poke me, or the thread is done and you will be ignored. 
part two : preferences
I will not be doing gigantic multi-para threads here. I don't have the time or energy and it will take me forever and a decade to reply them anyway. i opt for 3rd over 1st at au's but any pov is okay by me. we can go with your preference. Please come with a general idea of a connection when asking to rp. I expect you to start if you ask and i come prepared to start if i ask. no winging but we can always just create a connection and make a thread later. any genre except and romance is ok with me.
part three : boundaries
I am not my character, IC and OOC are very different so do not confuse the two. i will not plot or romance. do not godmod or metagame my character. if we do not have a prior connection that privies your character to information my character has not shared with your character do not utilize that information IC.
part four : extra notes
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.