Personal Message
Liam  Park   
"no, im not going to show you how to send an email. but mention
me when bonus pays are in the works"
FACECLAIM : 90 x 90
FACECLAIM : 90 x 90
FACECLAIM : 90 x 90
NAME : liam park
BIRTHDAY & AGE : december 8th (24)
occupation : chief information officer / it director of elle kr.
nicknames : give me some
【 NAME 】: explanation
【 NAME 】: explanation
【 NAME 】: explanation
orientation : demiromantic, heteroual.
languages : fluent in english and korean. 
BIRTHTOWN : cheonan, south korea
HOMETOWN : nolita, new york
height & weight : 6'1 & 67kg
APPEARANCE : notable beauty marks along his face,   neutral hair colors such as brown, black and sometimes blonde.. Currently has (1) hidden tattoo .
style : its always been sophisticated wear since he started at elle, dress shirts, and slacks.  but on his off-days it's awfully casual wear. 
socials : public instagram: liampark. priv instagram: invisiam. priv twitter: n0t_li4ble
❝ you can disagree with me. i cant force you to be right. ❞
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traits :
 pos 】: Calm when under pressure, great listener, reliable, fairly open-minded, creative problem solver, usually a conflict resolver, dynamic, .
【 neg 】: indifferent, perfectionist and can be overcritical, methodical, nearly caught and bad experiences. sometimes apathetic.
【 neu 】: easy going, sarcastic, organized, greedy
PERSONALITY : becomes an ergophile perfectionist, diligent and serious. but despite so he's a little more careless and free willed. fairly easily connects with others granted a mutual interest, but his fidgeting habits and avoidance when it comes to certain topics may come off as shy or rude depending on how he changes topics.
has a liking to abstract and odd ideas that are sometimes dangerous and those who act on them alongside him almost immediately fall into his good graces, he seems to believe all kinds of fun is fun in the end but dont indulge him too much you'll be the one he calls when he has a dumb idea.
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【 likes 】: office parties, or any social events. taking coffee cups & tops from the middle of the stash and not the top.  sending emails about the receiver catching a virus (harmless pranks) when he's bored.  light and elegant scents. fast food and junk food, going out for drinks, leaving work. funny jokes or funny people.  
【 dislikes 】: being late. being backed up on work, fruity scents, sea food, food or drinks in his office, or on desks in general but he doesnt have control over that of course. mixing tye dye with weird combos. extreme weather because its difficult to dress in such conditions, naggers and scolders. boring people. loud mouths in the morning. 
【 habits 】: Chewing on pens or constantly clicking them, putting on his headphones during work hours, fills the mini fridge in his office with water, juice and ciders (if depends how he's feeling that day what he drinks)
【 hobbies 】: playing phone games. thrifting. scrapbooking, .
【 fears 】: the company being struck with a ransomware, or even mydoom having to work on his birthday..  
【 misc 】: changed majors twice, allergic to cats and dogs, but owns a dog. prefers the sunset over sunrise. hates the taste of garlic. doesnt like flowers but gets them for others. .     
❝ everyone learns to be their own person by themselves. ❞
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timeline : brief run of his backkground. (no triggering topics are mentioned or inferred.)
【 chapter final: adulthood 】: below
history : Liam emerged from a lineage of industrious individuals who cultivated their fortunes through sheer determination, though fortune smiled upon him with a more effortless inheritance. With both parents entrenched in the fashion realm—one as a prominent editorial model and the other as a renowned behind-the-scenes photographer—it seemed almost fated for Liam to follow a similar trajectory. His foray into modeling during high school, driven by his parents' unwavering encouragement, was an eye-opening experience that, despite its rewards, left him yearning for something beyond the glamour. As he entered college, Liam navigated through various disciplines, from fashion design to marketing, each having a year of his time merely to realize that these paths did not resonate with him. It was then that he pivoted to a seemingly disparate field: IT management. This unexpected shift made perfect sense upon reflection, as Liam had long harbored a fascination with computer technology—a hobby that seamlessly aligned with his aspiration to contribute to the industry in a manner akin to his parents. This newfound clarity ultimately led him to pursue a role at ELLE magazine, to which he succeeded in his aim for the very role he sought.
/ / /
misc : 
【 achievements 】: bachelors degree in cumputer, graduated with honors in high school.  
【 interaction starters 】: mention a malfunction with any of the technology... / ask about his week . /  create a debate / offer to skip hour / mention you didnt receive protocol papers (only if you are in the it dept).  
【 interview questions 】: below
How many years of experience do you have in the industry? : 
Oh- Does a bit of modeling history count? To put it plainly, wearing the pieces began my interest and opened my eyes to where i should've directed the passion i had, which were being the mastermind to /help/ put the pieces together, oh and 4 years, add 2 more if we're counting the whole model thing.
What was your reason for going into the fashion business? : 
Both of my parents were in the industry before me, i guess you could say i had it in me all along. Their encouragement the success they procured, it was inspiring to say the least. So my own path began when i first had a photoshoot, thanks to my dad- i knew then i wanted to do something with my career involving the industry.
Why work for ELLE, specifically, instead of other magazines? : 
It was a recommendation from my parents, a magazine known for its intricate wonders and legendary footprint it would leave in the fashion world, i want to be apart of the history it's continuing to create by adding to the creativity and endless possibilities some people aren't aware of when it comes to beauty and fashion. I want to be appreciated for heightening that awareness, and what better platform for that, than ELLE?
Tell us a fun project you've done/would like to do while in the company. : 
In the past i was collaborator of a project where you'd take an emotion, say melancholy, and a form of garment, say a skirt, and you would create a piece that simply gives off that vibe while still appearing chic and trendsetting. A grey and dark shaded color interlaced with loose threads and sheer fabrics sewn together to create a skirt that the loose threads serve as the frills while the hem is adorned with a captivating pattern- it looked far better than i can explain, but yea, that wouldn't be a bad project, no? See everyone's creativity skills. 
the following : connections, plots & trackerS
this section will be updated with premade connections and plots.
then updated further as they are claimed or created.
RELATION : 90x90
relationship : the flirty & equally odd companion
Sohee is like liam's check-point, when he comes out of his office he  stops by hers, no not to remind her not to eat by her important papers, but to grab her to share the remainder of his break with him, probably sharing a snack and seeing how many layers a single puzzle piece has...
baek sohee
RELATION : 90x90
relationship : pending
describe their relationship.
the boxes will automatically become scroll-able as you write more.
choi gyeongmo
RELATION : 90x90
relationship : pending
describe their relationship.
the boxes will automatically become scroll-able as you write more.
lily zhao
RELATION : 90x90
relationship : pending
describe their relationship.
the boxes will automatically become scroll-able as you write more.
yoo iseul 
RELATION : 90x90
relationship : you'll forever seem new
requirements:  must work in the it dept.
you always need liams help to go over the smallest of things, at this point he sends you task with very, very detailed descriptions. sometimes liam believes you do it on purpose but other times its amusing how he sometimes has to watch you go over the task even if it cost him finishing his work for the day.
name of person
RELATION : 90x90
relationship : prank-receiver (∞)
reuirements: none.
lets discuss the details.
name of person
RELATION : 90x90
relationship : old buddies (0/2) 
requirements: must be close in age. male or female.
lets discuss the details.
name of person
RELATION : 90x90
relationship : rivalS
requirements: different depts.
lets discuss the details.
name of person
RELATION : 90x90
describe their relationship.
the boxes will automatically become scroll-able as you write more.
name of person
RELATION : 90x90
status : 404-error
nicknames : ---
song i think of to them : ---
the before : how we met and interacted .
the love story : how this relationship developed as the story proceeds.
ending : how this relationship ended up.
/ / /
out of character (mun sect)
❝ i am not my character. dont perceive me in the same regard. ❞
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timezone : est
writing format : para to para/multi,  novella, purple prose, mirroring
post directory : rooms & gpm for rping,  pms for plotting, wall reserved for mun only.
activity : 8/10
muse : 10/10
speed : 6.7/10
【1】: i dont forget about my ongoing threads, i will do replies when i can, with that being said do not poke me. it wont make me move any faster. if either of us get bored with a plot/thread lets come up with something else or drop it. just let it be known. you ask you start lmao. im always down to rp, we can always wing (if we have a connection) or just drop a starter and tag me. 
【2】: im comfortable in every writing style so i have no preferance. one liners and anything below 4 lines is discouraged by me and may get ignored unless it is in room interactions / text threads. 
【3】: i'd appreciate if you put in some effort if you choose to plot with me, otherwise i will grow uninterested if i feel im putting in all the work, we might as well wing. a  little string of an idea is do-able, but if you or i have nothing then im open to text threads. 
【4】: reply speed depends on the day, one day i wont feel like doing replies and just stick around in chats. other days, i may give out consistent replies. i do work so thats another factor to keep in mind, otherwise i have fairly well reply speed and will get back to you timely, no rush.  
extra : currently no cap on threads.



memorable moments.
or memorable text  or dialogue.
Below the past dps check point. will be updated every now and again.

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past displays.

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name here.
Text of sorts goes here.

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00 Month 2020

name here.
Text from recipient goes right here. This is so you don't look like you're talking to yourself.

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name here.
Text of sorts goes here.

08:43 PM

00 Month 2020

name here.
Text from recipient goes right here. This is so you don't look like you're talking to yourself.

08:43 PM

name here.
Text of sorts goes here.

08:43 PM

name here.
Text here.

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