Personal Message

how many years of experience do you have in the industry?
"zero. HAH. but it was like i was born to intern here since day one. i'm just an i.t. guy."

what was your reason for going into the fashion business?
"again, i'm just a computers guy, however, you guys need a website that can handle the surplus of traffic, right? you get a lot of people probably scrolling through your website at a time just to see the latest issue or run the social media. i can help do that."
why work for ELLE, specifically, instead of other magazines?
"it's a well known company. a lot of prestige, pays well, and has a lot of staying power even for someone like me who isn't adjacent to the field. even i know what ELLE is."
tell us a fun project you've done/would like to do while in the company?
"when i got the email to come in for this position, i was accidentally cc'd to another email that seemed internal. these obviously can lead to internal leaks and breaches in security if certain information isn't sent or encrypted properly. first i would start with some basic digital literacy lessons and then go from there. tech support is the foundation for most companies that expect to continue thriving in the age of information. and you wouldn't want your company to fall behind because one of your senior employees accidentally sent the wrong thing, right?"


02032002. intern @ i.t. department.

enter the matrix...