Personal Message

nicknames: sang, sangie, yeo...

age: 25

group: ateez

likes: berries/seeds/nut, tea, collecting things, cuddling, singing/dancing, traveling/taking pictures, training, pastel/neutral shades, sweet/floral scents, candles/flowers,...

dislikes: bacon, clowns, deep waters, feeling lost/out of control, lies, loud noises, spiders, smoke, uncleanliness, when people are late,...

personality: injf

relationship status: single

current friendships: open

position: bottom

scent: lavender and lemon

heat: around the 5th each month

hybrid: mountain bluebird (omega)

about his hybrid side: mountain bluebirds love to nest and can be found in different environments/countries. they loves all berries/seeds and are protective of those that they love. they often breed in open areas (can be a kink for a plot) and are prone to anxiety near loud areas/pollution. they also will often collect berries/branches for their nest (something yeosang can often do). they make pretty sounds/love singing.

pms/walls open for interactions/plotting/starters (drama/romance/slice of life/)


the mountain bluebird