Personal Message


01 name
moon hyeonju
underwater adaptation
level 10 - mastered
02 occupation
royal advisor
healing torrent
level 10 - mastered
03 D.O.B
26 november 1999
tsunami crash
level 5 - intermediate
04 orientation
homoual, panromantic
coral manipulation
level 0 - locked

mist manipulation
level 0 - locked
hair colour
blueish black
eye colour
blueish black
THUNDER/STORMS; pearls, his birthplace haean, aquamarines (the precious jewel), good food, visiting the underwater gardens and coral labyrinths; lavender tea; the waterbending theater; the great Tide festival. (used to love swimming, but now is skittish)   
needles; noise, industrialism; people who interrupt; cult leaders; scammers; baseless accusations; blind following; dirty shoes; tuna.
playing chess; cooking, especially seafood - marinated seaweed; having walks across the moonlight bridge; reading stories and fairytales, especially about mangseon;
Losing his father, or anything harmful happening to him; tba
bad habits
acting like an overprotective oyster towards the people he loves, in fear of any harm coming their way; clinginess; picks at his nails and lips
low tide
the following background section may and will include triggering topics

Hyeonju was born in the serene Haean, into a family with deep spiritual roots.
*open for sibling connections*
His mother was once a revered priestess devoted to the worship of the water goddess, revered for her ability to commune with the water element and guide the people of Haean through the ebb and flow of life. She gave Hyeonju a uni name, one she had initially chosen for its meaning - "one that is worthy of pearls". She would train and educate Hyeonju in the sacred texts and teachings of the goddess, enabled by his natural ambition, hunger for knowledge and desire to learn.

His father on the other hand is "a simple gondolier" as he himself would put it - a man of trade, not religion, who comandeered a gondola for tourists as well as packages along the kingdom's many canals and water "roads", and who adored his wife and son. He never claimed to be anything special, but had seen his fair share of the world and knew all the nooks and crannies of the kingdom, with interesting tidbits of historical, architectural, you-name-it information that he lad learned while working and talking to all kinds of people. There were some occasions where his route would take him away from home for a longer time, but he always came back to his beloved family.

As a child, Hyeonju often found solace by the shores of Haean, communing with the waves and seeking answers to life's mysteries. His childhood was happy one, somewhat split between the earthly world - school, play, etc - and the spiritual realm that his mother painted, the two worlds shaping him into an individual with a multi-dimentional approach to all topics.
His "3D" way of thinking prompted his friends to dub him the "mad hatter" or "mad scientist", but it was never done out of malice and he laughed along with them, knowing he was respected.

For long years his bending skills had not awakened, which was somewhat odd - with both of his parents being benders of their own - but they had decided to let him take the path he himself chose and if that path did not include bending - so be it. There were many people who had never had an awakening and the goddess loved them just as well.

Going into his teen years you could say Hyeonju was an observant, bright boy, his mother would say that the goddess gift of prophecy was spoken into him, while his dad would call him a "curious cat" - and he was - he did notice a lot of the undercurrents and could read a room very well, catching the changes of flow in a conversation or a person's expression.
What he had missed, was the way his mom would leave the temple more and more often. How, when his father was away on a longer route - she would sneak out of the house with not much of an explanation. How she seemed to covet her notes more, and not show them to him so much anymore, as if they were a secret...

For long months she hid it well, but at one point in Hyeonju's 14th year, he and his father realized the truth - she had joined a secretive cult attempting to master the forbidden blood-bending technique.
It was unthinkable. How could she do something like this, didn't it go against all her beliefs? But she had let this warped faith cloud her judgement, firmly believing that in order to be a true follower, the forbidden bending had to be mastered.
They couldn't present her to the authorities, that was out of the question! She was family! So they tried and tried to talk her out of it, begged and persuaded, every other night at their house was battle of wits - none of them would get physical, but it was truly emotional warfare.

As long as it was behind closed doors, they could endure it, they thought. They just had to persuade her to leave the cult that was brainwashing her. Nobody else had to know.

But someone found out.

One fateful night, a cult meeting was busted by the royal military - they had been following this operation for weeks, and on this full moon, when the cult had gathered all of its members for a "sacred" ritual - they took charge.
Hyeonju's mother tried to escape - found her way home and banged on the door. Hyeonju was home alone - his father regrettably on one of his longer routes - and went to open the door, awoken by the sounds, only to be met with his disheveled mother, muttering nonsense, and uniformed men chasing after her in the distance. She didn't even enter the house.
As soon as she noticed the men after her, she zapped in another direction, probably hoping to evade them by running to a nearby hill. Naturally, the men followed her and Hyeonju ran after them.
If he could just reach her first, maybe he could convince her to surrender peacefully, then they could work it out in trial... maybe...

He did not succeed.

*TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of death, suicide and self-harm*

When the young boy reached the cliff, his mother was perched on the peak, her long hair whipped by the wind as if carried by waves, the men surrounding her.
There was only way for her to take, and Hyeonju's "3D" brain quickly realized that.
His scream pierced the night, arms outstretched to reach her as he tried to run up, but strong arms wrapped around him and held him back, held him firmly grounded as his mother wrapped her own arms around herself, took one step, just one was enough, and dove down the rocky cliff, the waves crashing against the rocks, meeting her in their embrace, swallowing her graceful fall and washing away all remnants of her physical body away from the mortal plane.

Even in death, the goddess was graceful and merciful, choosing to pluck away one of her devoted priestesses, even if she had strayed.

*trigger warning's end*

Hyeonju's mother's path had taken a dark and twisted turn, which altered her sanity and cast a shadow over her son's life.

But it was also his awakening. That faithful night, his bending skills awakened, starting with underwater adaptation - for he had tried immediately to dive into the waters and find her. He remained underwater so long that people began to worry, but it turned out he would just breathe there and swim at an enhanced speed.

It was all in vain anyway. 

His father returned the next day, carrying gifts from his trip only to be met with a cold home and a 14-year-old son with newly awoken bending skills, who barely spoke any words for months. He felt like he had yelled his lungs out at that cliff, and had no more words.

His ever supporting father never gave up on him, nor did his mates, even when he had become mute from the trauma - they lead him to therapy, and talked to him, even if he wouldn't talk back. 

Life goes on, people say, and time heals. Maybe. Or maybe you learn to live with the pain. Hyeonju couldn't say. But he knew his mother wouldn't want this. His mother before the clan. The devoted priestess, the heart of the community. And his father - he deserved so much. He should never suffer a day more in his life. Strength returned to Hyeonju's veins, and he eventually shook off the cloak of darkness that had overtaken him. In his heart his still carries the pain and hurt, but he also carries the light that was his mother, and every full moon he goes to swim again, in remembrance of her.
high tide
Hyeonju inherited his mother's innate connection with the spiritual realm, exceptional intelligence, and a profound thirst for knowledge.

Despite his intelligence and potential, Hyeonju was known for his eccentric behavior and penchant for acting goofily and foolishly. This persona, combined with his seemingly carefree attitude, led most of his peers to underestimate him. They often regarded him as a quirky oddity rather than a serious scholar.

Unbeknownst to his peers, Hyeonju was a hidden gem, living up to his name, mastering a wide array of subjects, including philosophy, history, and political strategy, all while maintaining his whimsical facade. He was, in fact, a top scholar of his generation, able to dissect complex problems with a clarity of thought that often left seasoned advisors and scholars in awe. His dual nature allowed him to view situations from unconventional angles, granting him unique insights that others often overlooked.

After catching up on his studies after his trauma period, and continuing with his development, Hyeonju's rise to prominence was swift and unexpected. He was appointed as the youngest royal advisor in Water Nation history, holding the title that his peers had never expected him to attain. Behind his seemingly foolish demeanor lay a brilliant mind, capable of steering the city through turbulent waters and ensuring its future prosperity.

As Hyeonju assumed his role as a royal advisor, he continued to hide his true intellect beneath a mask of eccentricity. This enigmatic nature only furthered his reputation as an underrated genius, allowing him to influence the city's future without attracting the jealousy or suspicion of those around him. His dual identity as both a goofy eccentric and a scholarly genius made him a unique and indispensable asset to the water nation, its royal court, and the legacy of its water goddess.
lover boy
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
smoke and mirrors
imagine dragons
mad city
nct 127
I'm him
black sea
natasha blume
blood // water
bishop briggs
out of character
hey, call me peachy :)

I am of age, EEST timezone, i work a 9-to-5 and real life will always come before rpr. rp-ing is a hobby and a creative outlet, i am not here for drama and i am not my character, i hope we can all differentiate those :)

i prefer to be addressed by my username in OOC setting - so you're free to use it or any form - persica, persi, sica, and the most usual ones - peach and peachy (persica is the latin name of the peach plant)

I loooooove connections - so please hit me up with those, if i don't do it before you, usually my characters are laid out in very basic terms, so they are always open to accommodate connections. In this way i develop my characters and build them up. If i have to be 100% honest - sometimes i even tend to get too immersed into building and clearing out a connection, than plotting and having an actual thread, so be patient with me. If anything, i promise you very immersive and detailed connections, that serve great premise for plots. Fear not to pop into my PMs with plot ideas! I have very few limitations and if you hit them - i will tell you very politely if it's out of my scope, as a rule of thumb I'm open to anything IC. Any genre is fine. mature plots are fine IF you are also of age and mental capacity.

My writing varies from partner to partner - i will mirror what you give me. If a little character god-modding is needed, feel free to do it with mine, but make sure it doesn't go over board. Again, I will ping you if something doesn't sit well with me.

Lastly, when hitting me up, PLEASE read through my character's profile first. It's there for a reason and i slaved over it exactly for the purpose of people reading through it and plotting. Appreciate my hard work juseyo. Also while plotting - if I'm the only one giving ideas, my will die very easy - i need a partner to bounce off ideas with and brainstorm together.

All cool? All aboard the peachy train then :)



❛ ‹ ❄ › wan namra。 5 minutes ago Reply

the majestic imagery of a fine man bathed in blood


connections & tracker.
Character Name
nickname: here
childhood friend, unrealized more
nickname: tba
workmate, role model
nickname: tba
Friend from town
Religious follower (negative)
Character Name
Character Name
Character Name
Character Name
Character Name
Character Name