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𝓹𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓭𝓹𝓼


𝓎𝓊𝒽𝓀𝑒𝒾: rooms (park) - reply needed

⇢ 𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼: 

♚ p. seonghwa 

*a gift left on your doorstep with a small note of old parchment written on with fancy calligraphy*

I baked you a fresh strawberry shortcake roll. I just wanted to show my appreciation to you for being kind to me. I do hope you enjoy it.


lilmoney ft. lym en

Full Name

handa ryushin


ryu, ryu-kun / he / him / they / them

Date of birth & age

12/01/2001 & 22

Occupation & position

makeup artist & sub


ual orientation panual

romantic orientation grayromantic

Relationship status

single (not looking)


human (is open to be turned)

History / About

In a small, dimly lit apartment nestled on the edge of a bustling city, lived Ryushin. From a young age, Ryu was introduced to a world marked by chaos and unpredictability. His parents, struggling with their own demons, often found their anger and frustration spilling over into their home life. Ryu's father was a man whose rage could ignite at any moment, turning the smallest inconvenience into a storm of verbal and physical aggression. His mother, on the other hand, battled deep-seated depression and fluctuated between episodes of overwhelming sadness and bursts of erratic energy. The household was a tempest of conflicting emotions, with little regard for the young boy who stood in the eye of the storm.

Despite the instability around him, Ryu was a sensitive child, deeply perceptive and empathetic. He quickly learned to read the subtle signs of his parents' moods, developing a sort of emotional radar to navigate the volatile environment. He often retreated into his own world, finding solace in makeup tutorials and skincare. Even if there was no way to physically to try these devices at home. His only escape was his small corner of the apartment, where he would bury himself in videos and articles of his now profession. As Ryu grew older, the impact of his upbringing began to manifest in his mental health. At school, he was often seen as withdrawn and anxious. The constant tension at home had left him with a asive sense of fear and insecurity, making social interactions difficult. He was plagued by intrusive thoughts and an ever-present worry that something terrible might happen at any moment. What helped him the most was being able to skip from classes and purchase all the tools he needed to practice his craft.

The complexity of his emotions became even more pronounced as he entered his teenage years. Ryushin began to experience intense mood swings that he couldn't fully understand. Some days, he felt on top of the world, brimming with creativity and excitement, while other days, he was engulfed by a profound sense of despair and hopelessness. These fluctuations in his mood often left him feeling alienated from his peers and unsure of his own identity. His parents' inability to provide the support and stability he needed only exacerbated his struggles. They dismissed his mood swings as mere teenage angst and showed little understanding of his growing mental health issues. Ryshun, left to grapple with his emotions alone, became increasingly isolated. He found himself battling not only the effects of his upbringing but also the stigma associated with mental health. Using the now learned knowledge, he used his talent to control his emotions and contain the demons that brewed inside of him. Living on his own and learning hardships along the way made him into the person is now.

Personality / Quirks

personality ryu likes to put a facade, it's not a bad one but he has one. he likes to play a very sweet and innocent person. in most cases he is however, under that same cheerful and playful person is a mixture of a masochist and sadist. he loves to play with people and tease as much as he gets self. even though he has his sides, he is a very genuine guy, truthful and very quick at the tongue. 

Likes dogs, makeup, skincare, the color pink, deep chats, , drinking, late night walks, fashion, and shopping.

Dislikes obnoxious people, moody people, liars, bullies, people who can't take no for an answer, and not being able to take care of his skin

Hobbies watching japanese romance movies, doing random makeup looks, dressing up, walking on the beach, going to new shopping places, and dressing up other people.

Secretshe is a very ual person, he likes  lot of things but a lot of people don't know that about him from his facade he puts on.

Fears having to fight someone and stability

The Quirks Fun Facts About Them
— laughs loudly.
— randomly looks at an imaginary camera.
— bites his bottom lip in thought.
— cusses quite a bit.
— rolling his eyes.
— putting a peace sign up for absolutely no reason.

My Beloved





Ut blandit, nibh vel auctor imperdiet, nulla tortor mattis quam, eget luctus magna lectus vel nunc. Praesent nec ullamcorper dui, sit amet tincidunt leo. Morbi tempor pellentesque sapien, non mollis nibh bibendum quis. Proin eu egestas odio, eu hendrerit quam. Donec at leo lacinia, tristique eros eu, eleifend nibh. Phasellus consequat, risus semper sollicitudin condimentum, neque justo egestas urna, vel suscipit lorem turpis vel elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quis nunc ac est ullamcorper dictum sit amet in ligula. Nam eu odio eget odio pellentesque posuere in et arcu. In ut rhoncus nisl, vel posuere odio. Praesent luctus semper orci a porttitor. Pellentesque lacus libero, finibus sit amet ex sed, rutrum congue est. Nulla commodo imperdiet malesuada. Fusce interdum nibh justo, et facilisis sem viverra et. Praesent tempus sollicitudin neque, vitae pellentesque risus blandit at. Cras placerat libero in sapien elementum ornare.

Out of Character

ONE. hey! My name is Gemini, or Gem, whatever you fancy. I am 24 yrs old feeling 40 lol.

TWO. my writing style I like to do is detailed 1st and 3rd pov. I can range from para to slight novella. Novella will depend on how intense the plot is and who I am doing it with. 

THREE. I am always open to plotting and will more than likely encourage it. however, I do love winging it. if you ask to rp, please start. but in some cases I don't mind starting. just let me know.

FOUR. I have no triggers honestly. If we talk through about all the intense topics together I am more than willing to do them. please do not spring them on me. ex. or gore. 

FIVE. My time zone is gmt - 5. I do work randomly and I have a life outside of this so sometimes I will reply very fast sometimes I will reply slow. please work with me. If I am taking too long, please poke me. I am very understanding and I will not get mad for a poke or occasional check up.

SIX. my absolute no's are: godmodding, , lolicon, and watersports. I feel like these aren't in the intense topic aspects but just complete disgusting topics I don't want to be a part of. As well as facechasing. 

SEVEN. overall I am very chill and willing to various of things. lets make some magic with our writing! Disclaimer: I used chatgpt for his backstory cause I was very lazy to come up with everything on my own. however, I will not use chatgpt during rp as I want to reply with my utmost authenticy.


Esse quam videri.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Pellentesque dignissim pulvinar orci ac ultricies. Praesent eget gravida mauris. Suspendisse non justo lacinia, luctus elit vel, vulputate enim. Morbi semper auctor massa, vitae pulvinar dolor venenatis sed. Curabitur et quam non neque porta placerat. Ut consectetur mauris magna, sit amet dapibus tortor hendrerit eu. Cras in magna sed lacus sagittis molestie non ac ante. Vestibulum nec urna eu diam finibus pellentesque. Maecenas sed pulvinar ipsum. Fusce maximus nisi ex, nec vestibulum tellus suscipit ac. Maecenas a semper nisi, eu ultricies ante. Proin pretium convallis ante ut ullamcorper. Donec sit amet diam non elit consectetur porta. Ut tempor sapien magna, id elementum mi hendrerit eu. Quisque ultricies lobortis condimentum.

Vestis virum reddit.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Nam varius augue vel hendrerit fringilla. Suspendisse sit amet massa vulputate, pulvinar enim in, molestie nunc. Donec viverra auctor egestas. Integer id commodo metus. Nam cursus odio nisi, sit amet fermentum tellus tempor in. Cras consectetur, libero vitae luctus efficitur, mi leo tempor massa, at rutrum lacus nunc non dolor. Duis porttitor est nec velit convallis, quis pulvinar ex bibendum. Nam id diam id felis rutrum imperdiet sed sit amet elit. Sed posuere viverra purus eget lacinia. Ut tempor tellus et faucibus sollicitudin. Mauris in dictum nisi.

Cura te ipsum.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Aliquam vitae arcu sem. Sed pretium mi vitae diam dictum hendrerit sit amet at tortor. Integer aliquam dignissim dui sit amet consequat. Nulla nulla sapien, mollis sit amet erat sit amet, porta volutpat arcu. Nullam lobortis, dolor nec consectetur sollicitudin, sapien ex luctus purus, luctus finibus lacus dolor id augue. Maecenas eget placerat lorem. Curabitur ac nulla aliquam est pharetra tempus. Curabitur magna urna, dignissim sed maximus in, suscipit eget turpis. Donec id elementum sapien.

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