
an artist's woes,
by yours truly.

Scars are a form of art, some people would say. And Wonbin believed it once, too. Like trophies earned from a battle long fought.

Only he did not expect his own body to become the canvas.

His artist, long dead, leaves him to deal with the aftermath. And Wonbin, his wandering artwork, finds no peace in a world that has long been dissolved of its color.

• • •
trivial information.

basic information.

  • Nickname(s): Bin, Binnie.
  • Date of Birth: March 02.
  • Human/Eon: Eon
  • Element: Water.
  • Faction: Pearlesii
  • Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea.
  • Current Residence: District Three, Aeonys.
  • Occupation: Artist, former Sentinel.
  • Spoken Languages: Korean, English.
  • Orientation: Demi-gay.
  • Relationship Status: Single.

appearance notes.

  • Height: 176 cm.
  • Weight: 56 kg.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Eye Color: Dark Blue (right). Pale Gray (left).
  • Piercings: Three on both ears.
  • Scars: A few overlapping scars on the chest, right above the heart.
  • Tattoos: None.
how far they've come.
their history.

he first thing six-year old Wonbin sees when he steps foot on Aeon soil is a concrete jungle full of towering skyscrapers and bright neon lights. Blues and pinks burn at his eyes as he passes by noisy shops, bumping into strangers on the street as the man with an iron grip on his hand guides him through the bustling crowd, hoping not to lose him.

Wonbin doesn't know where he's going, or where they're even taking him for that matter. He's never been this far from his parents before, and the realization brings tears to his eyes.

"You're just special, Bin-ah. And you get to go to this super awesome camp that'll have kids just like you! Us adults can't go with you, but we'll come visit as often as we can, okay?"

As he'd been promised, the camp was indeed the best thing he's ever experienced. Wonbin made new friends, learned that he could turn water into funny shapes, and afterwards was rewarded candy for his efforts. But as Wonbin grew older in the facility, things began to shift drastically—he started to miss his parents more, began to grow distant from his peers, and preferred to stay locked up in his room with nothing but a pencil and a journal to keep him entertained.

He did well in his tests and came out with impeccable stability results, but he never celebrated them like he used to. Even when he was promoted to Sentinel status at the young age of seventeen, Wonbin requested to stay in his room all night instead of attending the ceremony.

He would eventually come to serve with the Sapphire Facet until the age of twenty, until a terrible accident cost him the life of one of his closest friends, his own elemental stability, and the ability to see color with his left eye.

With nothing but nightmares and a handicap to his name, Wonbin leaves the Sapphire Facet despite researchers' begging him to stay, that they could still "fix" him if he gave them a chance. But Wonbin had long given up his position by then.

Instead, he picks up his old art hobby again, and decides he'd be much less harm to Aeonys as an artist, silently carrying the painful scars of a Wonbin that had survived a war.

who they are.
their personality.

basic summary.

Aloof at first, doesn't seem very friendly when you first meet him. But will eventually and very slowly warm up to people when he spends enough time with them。

their likes.

Art, Music, Literature, The sea, Strong coffee, Spring, Autumn, Warm comforting scents, Vibrant colors。

their dislikes.

Eonstrikers, Complete Darkness, Tight and closed spaces。

their hobbies.

Painting, Sketching, Playing the guitar, Reading, Walking by the beach。

their secrets.

They're secrets for a reason。

their fears.

Losing people, Losing his vision and his colorful perception of the world, Losing his muse as an artist, Being stuck in small dark places。

their bad habits.

Overworking and forgetting to eat or take care of himself when busy。

the light of their life.
their beloved.
00 month 2020

Some kind of text goes here. This text space actually scrolls, so don't worry about running over. Also just hit enter if you want to add another paragraph. Should be properly spaced for you when you do. I need to test out what this is gonna look like when it carries under the thingamajig on the left.

the mun behind them.
about their typist.

Before You Approach Me

•.*★ important。 Please try to have something in mind before approaching me to plot. It doesn't have to be much because we can always discuss it in PMs, but I do appreciate having an idea about what you want to do.

Writing & Plotting Style

•.*★ writing style。 I mostly write para and can novella on a really, really good day. I also mostly write in 3rd pov because I can't do 1st for the life of me.

•.*★ plotting style。 I prefer plotting, but winging is also welcome. If you want to send me a random starter instead, feel free to do so! I love a surprise every now and then uvu. As for starters, I don't really mind who starts first, I can work either way. But I'd prefer that a person starts if it makes sense for them to kick off the plot first.

•.*★ overall。 I don't really have a lot of rules or anything, only thing I'm a bit particular about is the fact that I can only do 3rd pov for para and novella replies, but other than that, I'm pretty flexible with everything else!

Activity & Reply Speed

•.*★ important。 In regards to poking, I'd prefer if you don't. I'll tell you if I have something going on that'll keep me from replying for a while, and rest assured that I haven't forgotten about our thread or anything, I'm likely just tired. Also, if you see me being active in chatrooms but not replying, please understand that I do get stressed and sometimes I just want to chill and hang around. It's much less taxing to chat than to write an entire reply. No, I'm not ignoring our thread, I just want to take things slow for a little bit. I'll get to the reply as soon as I am able to.

My reply speed is more dependent on muse than on length, but I may still be slow if I'm trying to mirror a really long reply, so please be patient with me. I try to mirror replies, but I do all my replies on mobile and it makes it hard to see how much I've actually typed, so it may still look quite off at times.

Location Preferences

I prefer rooms over walls. I rarely rp on walls anymore. I don't roleplay in PMs often, but I'm not opposed to it either.

who they know.
their connections.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.

Connection Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Relationship: Here.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Trivia: Here.

⸢ ⋆ ⸥ description
Description of the connection or scenario goes here! Type as much as you may want or need.