Personal Message

gabriele de santis
don john • the black knight

posted by

( 22.09.21 ) Some kind of mun update would go here! Type as much as you need. It stretches
What are some things we should know before we approach you to rp?
asked by

FOR PLOTTING. Please pm me if you're interested in plotting with me. You don't need to do brackets because I don't really write in personal PMs, but you can if that is your preference. I enjoy a combination of plotting and winging it; mainly I just like to establish a connection and a reason for our muses to be interacting or an general goal in mind to work towards.

That being said, I'm happy to accommodate you however I can so please don't take above(or below- with the exclusion of genre and scenario limits) as a hard or fast rule.

TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT+10 and I'm pretty slow to reply most of the time. I work a lot and I'm braindead most days lol. I can sometimes take up to a 1-2 weeks to respond, especially if threads are longer. Do not rp with me if that will be a problem.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age. I am open to NSFW threads for my muse as long as they are not in a closed relationship.

WRITING STYLE. I primarily do para to multi-para in 3rd person but I am comfortable doing script.

GENRE LIMITS. My character is not, and will not, be involved in committing any kinds of SA. Most of my taboo topics are generally shared across the rpr platform so I don't think I need to list them.

OTHER NOTES. Please only poke me once if I have not responded to our thread for 3 weeks and you feel that I may have forgotten.
basic information
✶ ⁞   Basic Trivia Concerning Muse.
  • Skeleton: The Black Knight ( Don John )
  • Full Name: Gabriele de Santis
  • Alias(es): TBD as roleplay progresses.
  • Date of Birth: 24th of January, 1990.
  • Zodiac Sign: Scorpio, Earth Dragon.
  • Place of Birth: Undisclosed.
  • Home Province: Genoa.
  • Current Location: Vista Verona, Verona City.
  • Known Languages:
    • Italian ( Native )
    • French ( Native )
    • English ( Fluent, received pronounciation )
    • Spanish ( Fluent, castilian )
    • Russian ( Advanced )
  • Occupation: Nobleman ( Count ), Kingsguard.
  • Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Heteroual.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
  • SNS: None.
✶ ⁞   Appearance Trivia Concerning Muse.
  • Face Claim: Regé-Jean Page.
  • Body Type: Soft Classic - balanced, gentle features.
  • Height: 180cm (5'11").
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Eye Color: Deep Brown.
  • Piercings: None.
  • Tattoos: None.
✶ ⁞   Muse's Notable Relationships.
  • Parents:
    • ( Father ) The Duke of Genoa
    • ( Mother ) Unknown
  • Siblings:
    • ( Younger Brother ) The White Prince - name tbd
  • Children:
    • None.
  • Lovers:
    • None
  • Friends:
    • Here.
  • Pets:
    • Victor - Black German Shepherd
    • Clara - Irish Setter
character study
On a warm summers day / frigid winters day / cool autumns day / fresh spring day, there is a frenzy of excitement at the palace. Joyous news for the Duchess has given birth to a beautiful baby! It is news that spreads through the duchy quickly, and one by one, citizens throw celebratory festivals in honour of the infant heir/ess, pleased that their beloved Duke and Duchess have sired a child at long last. "Glory to the royal highnesses in these difficult times!" rings across the land for all to hear; a momentous occasion for all.


As underneath all the joy is the sour tinge of dread from a little boy who has just had the world swept from under him.
There are many kinds of childhood stories.

There is the story of the child who comes from a family below the poverty line who succeeds in gaining a successful job. Next, there is the story of the child who had an excitingly average home life. Finally, there is the child who is hurt daily by their parents. Regé's story.. fits somewhere in between.

Regé's life is one of opulence and grandeur; because he is the Dukes oldest son, he lives in the palace and is served three meals a day; he sleeps in a warm bed during the winter; he has access to the most marvellous gardens. 

Regé's life is one of loneliness and simplicity; the Duke and his wife scorn him; the staff serve him food that is days old only out of necessity to avoid him from starving; his existence is wilfully ignored by all of the other nobles amd their families.

It's only when he gets older that he attempts to force his staff to acknowledge him, but even then, he receives the bare minimum.

All his young life, Regé-Jean has reached, reached out for the attention that he so desperately craved from his family. He trained harder, studied more, dedicated his life to be the perfect son, all hoping that someday, his accomplishments would be recognised. But they never were.

The only one who recognised him was the person he despised most; his younger sibling collected all the love in the world.

And eventually, the truth came out.

Regé-Jean was not the child of the Duchess but of a Korean maid who was long gone by the time Cass was told of his lineage. So it was no wonder the Duchess didn't love him, didn't hold the adoration as she did for her other child because he was never hers to begin with. As it turned out, the Duke only required him to stay at the palace so that enemies of the state could not use Regé-Jean against him. Not that it ever mattered, it seemed, as the Duke had no issue with expressing how much of a burden he felt Regé-Jean was. And in the typical fashion of a younger teenager, Regé-Jean blamed himself. So the only reason nobody loved him was that he was dirty, he would ask himself each night, nobody cared because he was the son of a filthy peasant who couldn't keep her legs closed? If he was clean like the rest of them, would they care for him then? Regé-Jean's thoughts filled with self-loathing, and he vowed to himself, in the dark of his room, that he'd make himself as clean as possible to hide his rotten lineage.

He continued to discipline himself and moulded himself into the perfect politician to prove that his rightful place was by his fathers' side and heir to the Duchy. That he was clean.

But it didn't work. It would never work.

Regé-Jean would never be good enough, no matter how talented, no matter how charming, how handsome, it would never be good enough compared to his saint of a sibling. So his hatred towards ___ grew uglier, more profound, but he could never express it.

Regé-Jean's rightful place was passed over to his sibling when the two siblings were of age, and he finally snapped. Regé-Jean fled, intent on obtaining back what he believed was his, with a decent following of women and men who were wronged by the Duke. It was a bloody conflict. No side came out unscathed, Regé-Jean would come to realise that he would be on the losing side of the schism towards the end. But the seeds had already been planted; he became the sympathetic villain to the people. His surrender was all too easy, as his sibling had never wanted to fight in the first place. Regé-Jean was forgiven and given the title of Marquess.

As expected, Regé-Jean proved himself to be an excellent advisor, stepping in when his sibling went off around the world, but he was seldom well-received. Regé-Jean showed the appearance of a man who deeply regretted his actions for all intents and purposes, but underneath, his rage still boiled his blood. But he was lost on how to gain his leverage.

Then, two years ago, Regé-Jean heard whispers of a ruthless organisation with the means to do anything for a price. And it was then that his plan went into motion. Now, Regé-Jean doesn't mind the price that he has to pay; in fact, he is more than willing to be a puppet and sponsor of the Montague syndicate for a time, so long as they hold up their end of the bargain.

To kill his sibling and secure Regé-Jean's place in the dukedom.
character study
general information
Personality stuff goes here.

Goes right here.
Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral
A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but does
Strengths: Put those here.

Likes: Put those here.
Weaknesses: Put those here.

Dislikes: Put those here.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Put those here.

Good Habits: Put those here.

Bad Habits: Put those here.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: here.

Secrets Kept to Themself: here.

Known Fears: here.

Unrecognized Fears: here.
Other Personality Information
This information is pending as of now. Enjoy some nice filler text though.
and tracker
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.
name here
Relationship Level  ⠀★★★★★☆☆
Information about the nature of your muse and the other muse's relationship goes here. If used as a tracker, put that you replied or are waiting for a reply or something. I don't know.