human name
avan jogia
waiter/freelance model
physical age
32 years old
information here
information here
information here
now playing
it will come back - hozier
Death is temporary, living is eternal.
None at the moment. . . 
section 1 : the births of the resurrected
His story begins similar to that of Adam & Eve; his father, the almighty Zeus, shapeshifts into a snake to woo over the heart of Persephone, the goddess of spring who later bedwedded his underworld ruler of a brother, Hades. Unfortunately, Avan (known as Dionysus in Olympus) barely got to breathe in life as Zeus' sister/future wife/unlikable step-mom to Persephone and coincidentally Avan's, Hera, ordered Gaia's sons, the Titans, to dismember the infant. Fortunately, Zeus saved his ungratefully slain son's heart, implanting it into a mortal goddess named Semele in an act of rebirth. Avan did not get to know her, herself having been struck by Zeus, now disguised as a lightning bolt on behalf of Hera. From there, his own father snatched him from his secondary mom's womb and sewed him into his thigh until the end of pregnancy. 
section 2: mommy issues
Though he was adored by the masses, Hera was inexplicably indifferent about Dionysus despite having birthed quite a few children of her own. She often disregarded Avan whenever she wasn't making snide comments, and as much as he preferred being dismissed he hardly missed an opportunity to bark back at her unnecessary remarks. After all, she had him killed shortly after his first birth before doing the same unto his second mother beforehand of his second birth. Naturally, his estranged father wasn't keen of his son's rebellious attitude and ironic to Avan perceiving Hades as more of a decent figure from occasional visits to his world of darkness, the brother wouldn't be all too keen of said attitude either. Nor would Persephone. Or Aphrodite, Dionysus' divine lover who would be forced to go astray and fall in love with his half-brother, Hermes because of Zeus' (read: Hera in devilish disguise) impending plan...
section 3: like a mortal 
For as long as the greek gods existed, each one had been bethrothed a prophecy to fulfill. Alternatively, this is known as oneself's life purpose; accomplish it and be rewarded by the highest graces of fate. Or so everyone believes. Avan thought it preposterous, although not as much unlike the day Zeus (unbeknowest to him it being his conniving step-mom) sat him down and told him to start taking the whole idea of prophecies a little more seriously. Being an adult, and an independent one, no less, he had the right to take on his life of obvious immortality however he saw fit. He didn't need to heed his old man's religious guidance. Rather, Avan wanted to pursue a peaceful life involving that of Aphrodite and any future children they could have, next to a cuddly cat companion. Happily ever after, as they would say.

But it's not like " Zeus " didn't want to give his blessing for his son's preference, the man just wanted to teach him a lesson first. If he wishes to act mortal then he's going to learn how to live like a respectable one. " Let's see how you do on your mission first, kiddo. " with that, " Zeus " ed a cellphone into his hand, it equipped with a single added app omniously titled " P:S " and sent him off his way via a teleporting snap of " Zeus' " fingers.
Grapes, berries, wine, fine dining, partying, people watching, admiring the sunset, big cats, venturing the world, pretty things on two legs
The complexity around his family and his repeated deaths caused by them, greed, selfishness, power trippers, awkward situations, boredom, confinement, Hera (his step-mom).
He has a tattoo of a woman that closely resembles Aphrodite, a goddess of an old flame, on the upper part of his left arm.
distinctive features
In addtion to his secret lover tattoo he has two others ink pieces that revolve around his character; a fairly sized ivy wreath encircling his collarbones and shoulder blades (a symbolism of protection originally meant to be worn to ward off the ill-effects of wine) and the words " Buy the ticket, take the ride " written over the right side of his ribcage (an invitation for ual pleasure). 
Genuine, drama-free connections that won't result in him being unalived for the umpteenth time.
positive and negative traits
Amicable, generous, kind, capable, moody, finicky, confrontational, abstracted.
name here (female only).
ex divine lover
Note: Species has to be that of greek goddess Aphrodite!

He knew of the many lovers that came before their union, but with his devotion having been bored underneath skin their long since abrupt separation left him wondering one thing: where do they stand now? has she been seeing someone new? or has she been talking to the moon every night until Dionysus comes home?
name here (male or female).
Not just any friend, but overall the first person he feels he could trust and establish a sane, safe and steady bond with.
name here (male? female? multiple?).
He's known of the concept that is soulmates for awhile now; having heard that everyone is destined to have one, or more if they're lucky. However, what he has yet to learn is that a soulmate isn't just found through sole romantic attraction, but only fate can decide that. 
genres & requirements
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
genres & requirements
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
genres & requirements
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
out of character
part one : introduction
Greetings. You may refer to me by my muse's name or Fangz. My timezone runs in GMT-7 and I have a full time job which will inevitably affect activity levels. Don't be deterred, however, for patience isn't a virtue for nothing. xo 
part two : preferences
I am diverse at best! Angst, action, , slice of life, comedy, etc... I'll pretty much write it all, strictly in 3rd pov, too, and at most in the length of a few paragraphs. The latter i'm flexible in, so let me know your preferences! 
part three : boundaries
NO poking, godmodding, meta-gaming, pressuring me to reply, left field disrespect towards me/my muse. If you don't abide by any of this then I have the right to drop whatever we're doing.
part four : extra notes
For any and all plotting, exclusive ooc chats and problem resolution purposes, contact me via pm!