Personal Message
shin yuna.
shin yuna.
shin yuna.
to escape and sit quietly on the beach,
that's my idea of paradise - emilia wickstead
current muse
activity level
reply speed
present mood
basic information
name: shin yuna.
dob + age: december 9th, 03 + 20yo.
occupation: psych student + vet assistant.
uality: heteroual.
rs status: single.
mbti: esfj.
languages spoken: english, korean, chinese, basic latin.
section 1 : lights
yuna originally came from a wealthy background. her father and mother are ex-actors, they have lived in the industry in the u.s for quite some time and thrived off such fame, with the glitz and the glamor. upon having 3 kids and having to tend to them, with the kids growing up day by day and needing more attention, their parents sacrificed their bits of happiness where the glory of acting is concerned in favor of paying proper attention to them, they decided to go back to their roots. both of her parents met in vet school, when they were studying to become animal doctors aka vets. when they settled back in seoul they picked back up their original love. having the money from their fame, they opened up their clinic and started thriving in helping wounded, sick and homeless animals. even having a joint animal shelter for those who are homeless and injured, tending to them and basically giving back to the helpless beings roaming the streets of seoul.
section 2 : camera
yuna at first wanted to follow in her parents footsteps. she had the knack for modeling and acting as a kid - appearing in small tv commercials and getting some form of recognition, but she never really wanted that life for herself over time. yuna has always been caring in nature, loving animals and always seeking to help people. hence, when graduating highschool, the young girl decided to further psychology as her major and pick up a part-time job with her family's clinic, learning the ropes of becoming a vet-assistant and tending to animals and treating them as they deserved to be treated. it always comes and goes, the sadness, the joy, the state of calm and peace - this job has a lot of mood drops, mood swings, not one mood is allowed to be present, since there's always something that can happen and make her sad at the end of the day.
section 3 : action
today, yuna is finishing up her first year in psychology - her certificate year and she would be moving on to her degree, she thinks this is her calling and one day she would love to have her own practice, a place to call hers. a safe space for those who need to speak to her and gather the help needed for their mental health struggles. even if the young girl isn't a full-fledged psychologist like she wishes to be one day, she's always the caretaker in her group of friends, the one always giving advice and taking care of others. giving a nurturing role. she's also the type to volunteer for different things where helping animals and helping people are concerned. she also takes part in many workshops for mental health issues and counseling. always learning, always growing.
personality & details
anything to do with nature; the beach, sunsets, sunrises, stars, astrology to a point since she isn't that educated, gardens, flowers of all types. animals, especially dogs, cats and birds. helping people, volunteering, charity and giving back to those in need. she still models in her free time, she's an amateur make-up model for a make-up store her mother's friend owns.
those who has their head up their own and won't see the consequences of their actions, animal abusers, mean people, those who are rich and think they're far too high up on a pedestal and cannot seem to touch the ground and be down to earth to other human beings. liars, manipulators and toxic people in general.
wouldn't you like to know?
staring off into space at random times, not even when she's thinking - it just happens, and her eyes get all wide and bright as if an idea hits, but genuinely - she's just in another world by herself. she's very imaginative and random - she always thinks of the most random things and blurt out even if there's another convo happening. she tends to stare at people in their face, not even realizing she's doing it until someone nudges her to stop. even a bombastic side eye won't stop her - since she doesn't realize what she's doing.
she wants to have an animal shelter of her own and be able to tend to injured animals - not a full on vet, but what she's doing right now with her parents, she'd like to be able to tend to them one day in her own shelter if needed. protect them and keep them safe at all costs. she wishes to have her own psychology practice one day, practicing clinical psychology and helping people who genuinely need the help out there.
other information
yuna is the smartest in her class, she even placed first in the country in psychology of her year. earning a chancellor first place award and a choice of granting a scholarship to go abroad and study - however, bahiyyih gifted that scholarship to a child in her class who needed it much more than her, since if she wanted to go abroad and study, her family can easily make it happen.
❛ n/a ; positive [something]
it all started when he barged into the clinic late at night -  this is when yuna is around majority of the times volunteering her time and studying, it's also when a lot of accidents might happen - this was the case. apparently he hit a dog on the road, thankfully, it's just a sprain leg, it wasn't too bad, but the boy was panicking nonstop, his words jumbled up and his jitters taking over, she listened as he rambled on and on in English with an amused expression crossing her features as she tended to the pup. the doggo even allowed him to touch her, even if he was a bit scared at first. only then, did he realized he's in seoul babbling in English and she must not understand,, right? he quickly apologized, as bahiyyih just stayed silent and looked on in amusement as he's bowing and apologizing - only to greet him back in English. 
this started off something between the two - friendship? more? all she knows is that the guy is pretty cute and his voice is quite endearing, she wanted to know more about him - wanted to see him in another timing where he isn't this panicked out of his wits. so she texted him to check in and see how he's holding up - inviting him out a Saturday in hopes of getting to know him better. after all, who is [name here]? [this was a plot made beforehand, still kept it in case i find someone i hit it off with to do it with]
❛ name here ; relationship
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
❛ name here ; relationship
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
❛ name here ; relationship
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose.
❛ title ; availability
genres & requirements
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose. To do so, I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.
❛ title ; availability
genres & requirements
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose. To do so, I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.
❛ title ; availability
genres & requirements
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose. To do so, I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.
out of character
➼ intro: hello visitor, you may call me roza or by my muse's name, yuna if you wish. i am online at sporadic times, my timezone is gmt-4 but truthfully, i don't really sleep at nights. so you would mostly see me as a fake plussie at this point. you can hit me up anytime and i would get back to you as soon as possible. mun is of age and gives full consent for nsfw themes or rated content, depending, at this moment, may not be looking for that fully, however, my mind may change according to how the plot flow or characters chemistry coincide with one another. i am okay with heavy theme stuff, such as angst, drama, gore and toxic themes in the sake of plotting. do not take that ooc and ruin our dynamic as plotting partners whatsoever, it is strictly ic and consensual. do not do something out of pocket that we did not discuss, it is not appreciated as i would have the same respect and not do the same. i ask that you take your time and read her very detailed profile, i know it's a lot but take your time, no rush, no pressure. before coming to me and asking questions that are already presented in her profile. there are a lot of things possibly missing since this is just a mere "base profile" as her character would grow throughout the rp when she's making connections and character growth shall be apparent then. i would do the same as well. it helps us both from wasting time.
➼ plotting rp location preference: all plotting must take place in pms. i rather have the privacy in pms to discuss plots, i don't usually plot big in ooc rooms where everyone's talking, i tend to limit ooc interaction in rooms unless i really must partake. just a personal preference, since i am mostly around for rp connections and to thread. i would like to keep my wall clear, until bahi finds her special someone. for all plots, i would rather it be done in rooms, because generally, i enjoy rping in rooms, brings a rp to life, if there's not a room provided for the plot, gpms it is. if the thread is a bit too nsfw or rated with triggering topics, gpms are there for those too. pms are for strictly ooc talk on plotting threads.
➼ writing style & speed: i am most comfortable writing in 3rd pov but that is my personal preference, i don't expect my writing partner to follow the same. they can do whatever makes them comfortable, once i am allowed to do the same. with this understanding there shouldn't be any problem. length wise, i would say multi paras are more my thing, i don't go to the extent of novella writing anymore due to ooc life and brain burnout. i tend to write according to how my mood deems fit for the occurrence in the rp at that given moment, right now i rather para or two short paras, so my length would vary. i prefer beige prose over purple prose when writing, sometimes you may see me using laplslock over the proper capitalization, if that is a pet-peeve of yours, please let me know. genuinely, i am a very slow rper in general, depending on time and then level of muse, my replies speed would vary. i tend to take some time replying pms too, however, how this is a fresh rp, i would do my best in replying pms to plot as quickly as possible. i would say that i might take a week to get a reply or two in? depending on the length, if you are impatient and cannot handle that, this is your forewarning and we might not click right and that's okay. if you are tired of waiting after giving it a try and wish to drop the plot, i just ask for a simple heads up, that would highly be appreciated.
➼ genres for plots: i am an open-minded person, you can literally hit me up with anything and i'd be down to probably try it, if i am uncomfortable, i shall let you know. i am an open person and we can discuss comfortably what we like, and agree on from what we don't. it's all about communication, just talk it out with me. i am open and consenting to nsfw themes and rated themes that may come off as brutal or may have trigger warnings as well, and if so these can go into gpms of course. however, i am possibly not fully going to plot any ty plots unless our characters actually have that vibe and chemistry. i don't plot any endgames in rps, i'm okay with her having a fling, exes, fwbs, but anything romantic of sorts, i rather those happen naturally, or if i know someone ooc and we plotted xyz beforehand and joined the rp together.
➼ any questions or suggestions: simply pm me, i don't bite, i am quite pleasant to talk to and i'm very open-minded. i look forward to plotting with everyone.