
In Heleo, a city known for its splendor and privilege, Kim Yerim lived in grand mansions with servants and a future paved for greatness. Yet, Yerim was a girl without ambition, a soul dulled by the weight of comfort. From an early age, Yerim displayed an indifference toward life, finding no joy in the things that captivated others: academic accolades, social standing, or the promise of leading her family's vast empire. Her parents, like all wealthy elites in Heleo, had grand expectations for her, which she ignored with a lethargy that soon became notorious.

Yerim's existence was defined by inertia, as she despised the idea of striving. The more she was urged to succeed, the more she retreated into the shadows of lethargy, sinking into the comforting embrace of her own inactivity. As the years went by, Yerim became more isolated, and whispers began circulating about their youngest daughter, the girl who did nothing. No matter how much her parents pushed, threatened, or bribed, Yerim remained an enigma of sloth.

One night, as Yerim lay in her lavish bedroom, she felt a shift in the air. A coldness seeped into the room, cutting through the warm glow of her hearth. The shadows seemed to deepen, and a figure materialized at the foot of her bed. It spoke to her not with words but through the oppressive weight that filled the room, pressing down on her chest, making it hard to breathe. Yerim knew instinctively that this was no ordinary visitor, a manifestation of something far beyond her comprehension, that had been watching her, nurturing her apathy that had defined her life.

With that silent exchange, a transformation began. The shadows of the room wrapped around her, curling into her skin like ink sinking into water. Her heartbeat slowed, her breath deepened, and a wave of unimaginable fatigue washed over her. As days turned into weeks, Yerim rarely left her bed, eating sparingly, moving even less, and speaking only in soft, slow murmurs when absolutely necessary. Her family, once frantic, soon gave up trying to rouse her, realizing that their daughter was no longer merely a listless child but had become the living embodiment of Sloth, one of the seven deadly sins.

Her transformation was complete when a scar appeared on her feet, as if the very act of walking or moving had become an impossibility. She would now wander the world, or rather, let the world drift by her, forever bound to her new existence as the demon of Sloth, a reminder of the quiet, creeping danger of apathy and indifference.