ooc tings

Read Before You Approach Me

FOR PLOTTING. I will plot with you, I will brainstorm with you, but we have to be able to have an actual conversation. Do not bother approaching me if you are going to expect me to come up with the plot by myself. If that's the case-- go choose from the plots I already have posted. I am absolutely okay with random starters as long as you stick to the rules in this ooc section.

TIME ZONE & PACE. GMT-8/PST. My pace varies depending on the plot size and literacy, as well as my ooc life and muse. I will keep you updated throughout responses, so please do not poke me before 1 week of silence.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. I am 26 years old. In order to do Mature Threads I expect you to be 20+ and will be asking. As for the thread itself, we can discuss the content in the case of choosing to commit to a mature plot.

WRITING STYLE. My style varies between para and novella. Depending on my muse and ooc schedule I lean more towards literate, light novella. Currently I am busy and so I will be writing in semi-literate, multi-para third person. I do not expect you to also use third person, however I do wish for mirrored responses. I too will mirror your responses. If you would like me to start the thread I will, however my starters are always abnormally sized. Please do not base your responses on the size of my starter.

GENRE LIMITS. I will plot anything other than romance. The only times I will plot romance are as follows; 1: I have posted a connection searching for a partner, 2: I have posted a plot searching for an ex, 3: You have posted a connection searching for either and I reach out to you.

TAGGING. I do not want anything on my wall. Threads are to go in rooms and rooms only unless the plot is a mature thread, in which group pms are the appropriate location.

BIG NO-NOS. Poking me before 1 week. GOD MODDING. Non Consented Plotted Romance. IC drama involving my characters without prior consent..
The Basics

General Trivia

  • Alias(es): Choi Soobin.
  • Date of Birth: 05th December, 2000 (Age 23).
  • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius, Dragon.
  • Place of Birth: Busan, South Korea.
  • Nationality: Korean.
  • Current Location: Seoul, South Korea.
  • Known Languages: Korean, English, Japanese.
  • Occupation: Cake Decorator.
  • Romatic Orientation: Homoromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Homooual.
  • Relationship Status: Plotted.

Character Trivia

  • Race: Hybrid.
  • Species: Aurei.
  • Mortality:: Immortal.
  • Mastered Abilties: Shapeshifting, Telekinesis.

Appearance Trivia

  • Height: 190cm (6'3″).
  • Weight: 67 kg (147 lbs).
  • Hair Color: Brown/Black.
  • Eye Color: Gold.
  • Piercings: Left Double Lobe, Right Lobe Piercing.
  • Tattoos: 0
  • Scars: 1 horizontal scar just below his left collarbone.
  • Personal Aesthetic:
    Soobin's fashion is characterized by a relaxed, effortlessly cool aesthetic that combines oversized, comfy pieces with clean, minimalistic design. It often features oversized outerwear like trench coats, blazers, or sweaters, paired with slim or straight-cut pants for balance.

    The color palette is typically neutral or earthy tones such as beige, gray, black, and green, giving the look a polished yet understated feel. Layering is key, mixing casual elements like hoodies or tees with more structured pieces to create a laid-back, chic vibe that feels stylish but approachable.
The Story

Part I


his species

A physical being, the progeny of a Vampire and a Fae, where the Fae is the female, and the Vampire is the male. Aurei have the form of the Vampires, and the power of the parent Fae, which can be shape-shifting, telekinesis, mind control or even some others, although those three are the most common powers of the ancient Fae.

The Aurei are capable of consuming human food, and liquids, but will have to injest blood periodically, whether it is once every five/six days, or once a week, depending on the percentage of the Vampire's genes reflected in the progeny. They can go up to six weeks without feeding, although it will result in extreme tiredness and fatigue, and going even longer will result in death. Aurei are immortal beings, but, unlike the Fae, cannot heal themselves. However, they can be killed by normal human weapons like guns and knives, unlike vampires, who could only be killed by a stake to the heart, or by silver weapons. Thus, the Aurei are as much in danger of death as humans are, though the chance of death due to old age is none.

The Aurei are capable of normal human reproduction, and possess the same organs and vitals as that of humans, although their physical form is that of a Vampire. Aurei, unlike the former two, do not have bloodthirsty urges to kill and feed from humans when they have not fed for long, and can survive on human food highly rich in iron, for a maximum of six weeks without fatal consequences. Further extending this practice will be fatal for the Aurei. They are born as humans, and will seem so until puberty, when fangs start to grow and thirst for blood arises. They stop aging just after their teenage years, and their appearance will remain as such- at around twenty to twenty five years of age- until death, when their bodies will decay at once and turn to ash.
his origins

✶ ⁞   important Soobin did have one traumatic incident happen during his teenage years that he does not disclose to most people. In the occasion your character truly gets to know him, he may divulge that information to them.

Imagine the most normal, loving childhood your brain can fathom. That is how Soobin was raised. His family is large, his father having 4 parents in a polyamorous household, and his mother of whom is a child in a family of twelve... it's safe to say that when the entire lineage got together for events, it was an entire ordeal.

Soobin is the only child between his two parents, some would say that because of this, he was spoiled growing up in the countryside. He was given the best life they could offer, able to go to the schools he wanted and explore any hobbies or talents he discovered along the way.. but somehow he managed to stay humble. He knew he was privileged and that most families did not have life the way he did, which is why he began volunteering for programs when he was only a teenager.

Graduating from school at eighteen led him to choosing the one passion he kept throughout the many years; baking. While attending pastry school, he learned he had a real knack for cake decorating and chocolatier work, having steady hands and an eye for artistry. He ended up pursuing the career and now runs a successful small business of his own where he sells his own cakes and cupcakes, and also does commissioned cakes for weddings, birthdays, and events.

You may catch Soobin out on the streets shopping for ingredients, volunteering at either the homeless shelters or animal shelters downtown, or even wandering about the park at night with a starry look behind his eyes, searching for his next bit of artistic inspiration.

Part II

his persona
Choi Soobin can be summed up into one well-known phrase: A Gentle Giant. He is a very well rounded individual who knows what he wants in life and goes about it a day at a time. Soobin is a kind person, with a tendency to enjoy lovely-esque things and, in a way, live with his head in the clouds.

He is resourceful and creative, strong-willed, intelligent in ways outside of the normal scope of life and-- a bit clumsy. He is not the type to manipulate or lie, and he lives with his heart on his sleeve. He can be easily manipulated and naive, and has experienced his own fair share of that personality feature biting him in the later on, but his stubborn side refuses to allow it to taint how he views the world and the people who walk within it.

The Vibes

MBTI (infp)
The INFP type suits Choi Soobin because of his gentle, kind-hearted nature and his tendency to live with his "head in the clouds." INFPs are known for being deeply empathetic, idealistic, and creative, much like Soobin, who embraces lovely things and views the world with optimism despite past challenges.

His openness, emotional vulnerability, and refusal to let negativity taint his view of others reflect the INFP's strong values and idealism. The occasional naivety and clumsiness also align with the INFP’s focus on feelings and intuition over practical details.
Type 9, "The Peacemaker," is characterized by a deep desire for inner and outer peace. They are easygoing, calm, and harmonious, often avoiding conflict to maintain stability in their relationships and environment. Type 9s tend to be accommodating and adaptable, prioritizing the well-being of others and seeking to create a serene atmosphere.

However, they may struggle with assertiveness and can sometimes neglect their own needs or opinions to keep the peace. Their biggest fear is conflict or disconnection, and they often seek comfort in routine or familiar surroundings.
Strengths: Empathy and kindness, optimism, creativity, honesty, adaptability, strong will, loyalty, resilience, gentleness, emotional intelligence.

Likes: Nature, baking, painting, photography, videography, working out, red meat, warm beverages, late night, alternative and indie music, neutral tones, fuzzy items, motivational messages, poetry, hiking.
Weaknesses: Naivety, tendency to avoid conflict, susceptibility to manipulation, occasional clumsiness, difficulty asserting himself, overidealizing others, procrastination, indecisiveness, lack of attention to detail, sensitivity to criticism.

Dislikes: Sudden loud noises, flashing lights, stinky things or places, intense temperatures, inconsiderate actions, the texture of paper and cardboard, tight clothing, aggressively loud music, swimming, vegetables.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share: Soobin cannot swim, he never learned properly and has always been terrified of deep, or open bodies of water.

Secrets Kept to Themself: Get closer to him to unlock these.

Known Fears: Drowning, Grave Injuries, Losing Loved Ones.

Unrecognized Fears: Get closer to him to unlock these.
Other Info
If you have any questions, please send a pm my way.


Choi yeonjun
Relationship Level
romantic ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level
platonic ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level
antagonistic ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
name here
Relationship Level
Professional ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning how to dance in the rain. The best way to predict your future is to create it, and the only way to deal with change is to embrace it. Stay true to yourself, trust your instincts, and remember that the journey is just as important as the destination.
- Robert Frost
#tag something here
Embrace the journey, cherish the moments.