Personal Message

lee youngji10:28:16 AMReply
seungmin is a sweet pup

minatozaki sana9:32:28 PMReply
jeon wonwoo 16 seconds ago Reply
lee jeno21:31:56Reply
seungmin about to pull up in a santa suit for trick or treat

lee juyeon10:25:36 PMReply
pls don't make jump through fire hula hoops
kim seungmin10:25:33 PMReply
^ _______ ^ so about the fire hula hoops...

choi san 57 seconds ago Reply 
seungmin is very cute until he start throwing punches

lee minho12:28:21 PMReply
but it's our arch. our slow burn enemies to lovers to divorcees to single to married to divorced again?

lee minho1:07:17 PMReply
my kid (umbrella term) (stray kid) (husband).

uchinaga aeri12:20:21 PMReply
seungmin at the crime scene giving peace sign ✌
jennie kim12:20:19 PMReply
seungmin is the detective who just looks
but doesn't have to lay a hand fhdhfh