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GMT+9.    Plot Genre: Anything [Let's talk]     POV: 
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I'll update you when I'm busy or finding the muse to write.
[You'll see me pop into your PM when that happens]

I am patient with replies. OOC life comes first.
We're all here to have fun and write, so let's do that.


Seo Joohyun - Professor Seohyun of Unseen Dark Arts/Mortal & Immortal Law 
♦ 30 years old ♦ Witch 


Among the brilliant minds of Castle Bay, there was one whose talent shimmered brighter than the rest: Professor Seo Joohyun known as Seohyun. She was admired by her students and revered by her colleagues, Seohyun carried a secret heavier than the weight of any spell.

Born under the gossamer glow of a blue moon, Seohyun and her twin brother, Suho, had always been inseparable, linked by more than just their looks. Both possessing immense potential that seemed limitless. But in their family's shadow-her father, viciously ambitious politician with a gambling addiction - Seohyun was haunted by her brother. In the world of sorcery, only one could truly shine from a twin. To survive against the lurking darkness in her heart, Seohyun made an unspeakable choice.

Years had passed since that fateful night when she decided to embrace her future at the cost of her brother's life. Seohyun had enacted a dark spell, one fueled by desperation and ambition. In a heartbeat, the bond they shared unraveled, leaving Seohyun with her unyielding power. No longer bound by sibling rivalry. She alone stood as the only heir to the family's fortune.

Currently, she teaches at Castle Bay to preserve its tradition and uphold secret laws of Magna Carta. She is ambitious and strict to her students. She does not discriminate but dislikes incompetence and tardiness regardless of their status in life. 

Outside of work, she loves reading and exploring nature to keep in touch with her roots. She can be kind to strangers but will not hesitate to use force if she feels danger. She barely talk about her family but speak highly of them if she ever does.

Her abilities include: Conjuring, Necromancy, Binding and Summoning.