Personal Message
established 2020

full name : elio lockehart
birthdate : unknown
orientation : pan
occupation : archive keeper
type: archangel
timezone : gmt -5


Elio is the embodiment of purity and light, with soft, golden-blond hair that falls just below his ears and shimmering blue eyes that seem to sparkle with curiosity. His wings are pristine white, with a faint glow that makes them appear almost ethereal. His robes are often immaculate and well-kept, though there are times when he’s so absorbed in his work that ink stains or papers get caught in his garments. 


intro :  Elio is gentle and kind-hearted, but his naivety often leads him into awkward or confusing situations. He has a deep belief in the goodness of others, even when evidence suggests otherwise, and this innocence can make him seem overly trusting. Elio takes his duties as a record keeper seriously, and he prides himself on his meticulous attention to detail. However, his understanding of the more complex dynamics at Vinclis can sometimes be limited, leading to moments of confusion or disbelief when things don’t go as expected.

Despite his naivety, Elio possesses a quiet strength and resolve. He may be naïve, but he isn’t weak—when push comes to shove, Elio can stand his ground, especially when defending what he believes is right. He has an unshakeable faith in his role and the importance of keeping the records of Vinclis in order, and that sense of purpose helps him navigate the more chaotic aspects of the speakeasy. 

likes :  Books and Scrolls: Elio is happiest when he’s organizing the archives or getting lost in a good book. He enjoys uncovering forgotten stories or learning new things, even if he doesn’t always fully grasp their deeper meanings.


Simplicity: Elio appreciates the simple things in life—quiet moments, a well-organized shelf, or the sound of rain. He finds joy in routine and order, and he thrives in peaceful, calm environments.


Helping Others: Elio lives for acts of kindness. Whether it’s assisting someone with a minor task or lending a sympathetic ear, he feels fulfilled when he’s being useful and supportive.


Starlight: On rare moments of free time, Elio enjoys watching the stars. They remind him of the celestial realm and bring him a sense of calm and connection to his heavenly origins. 

dislikes : Chaos: As someone who values order and routine, Elio finds it difficult to function in chaotic situations. He often struggles when things are out of his control, leading to stress or confusion.


Deception: Elio is easily tricked, and though he tries to see the best in others, it stings deeply when he realizes someone has lied or manipulated him. His innocent nature makes him vulnerable to deception, and he finds it hard to accept when his trust is betrayed.


Conflict: Though he is capable of defending himself, Elio avoids conflict whenever possible. He prefers peaceful resolutions and can become flustered when forced into confrontational situations.


Darkness: He’s uncomfortable in dark or gloomy places, both literally and metaphorically. He tends to avoid the darker corners of Vinclis, preferring to stay in well-lit, orderly areas where he feels safe. 

aBILITIES :  Divine Light: As an archangel, Elio has the power to summon and wield divine light, both for healing and for protection. However, he rarely uses it for combat, as he prefers peace and order over violence.


Celestial Memory: Elio has a near-perfect memory, able to recall vast amounts of information and history. This ability makes him an excellent record keeper, though sometimes it overwhelms him when too much information piles up at once.


Soothing Aura: Elio has a calming presence, radiating an aura that can ease tension and soothe anger. Many at Vinclis find themselves feeling more peaceful in his presence, even if they don’t quite understand why. 


Elio was assigned to Vinclis as the primary record keeper, ensuring that all accounts, transactions, and events are meticulously documented. Though he takes great pride in this role, the chaotic and morally gray environment of Vinclis often leaves him feeling lost or out of place. Elio had little exposure to the rougher aspects of the world before his arrival, and the mixture of angels, demons, and humans in Vinclis has been a test of his understanding of good and evil.

In truth, Elio was somewhat sheltered in his time in the celestial realms, his duties largely focused on keeping divine order intact. His limited experience with the complexities of mortal and demonic behavior makes Vinclis an eye-opening experience for him. Still, he tries to maintain his innocence and grace, even when faced with the darker, more manipulative inhabitants of the speakeasy.

Though his superiors sent him to Vinclis for his organizational skills, there’s a lingering suspicion that there’s more to his assignment. Some believe Elio was sent here not just to manage records, but to learn and grow in ways that the celestial realm could never teach him. Whether he will maintain his innocence or be forever changed by Vinclis remains to be seen.