Personal Message
park jiwon [human] seraphina [demon]
march 20th
looks 26; is 356 yrs
overlord - lord of nine hells
one look at seraphina and anyone with eyes can tell what she is. a woman of seduction, class and, a snarky form of commanding in her tone as she speaks to anyone, male, female, demon, angel, or human. doesn't matter who gets in her way, she's rude and impulsive. being hellborn didn't bring her up like this, oh no.
instead, when she was at a rather young age, when she was still going by the name of park jiwon, her parents were indebted to the devil himself; lucifer. their only child, now a demon known as seraphina had a pact with lucifer himself, selling her soul and becoming what she was then; a low-ranking demon. she had the burden to bear for her parents crimes and actions, by performing worst acts compared, which could possibly be in the form of a way to raise her hierarchy into becoming something better than the lowly demon class she was. a mere succbus with dream walking, lust empowerment, flight, and enslavement kiss (basically have them as her puppets). her essence/nodily fluids that are released during ual activities, contain a high dose of drugs and this is passed onto her victims, also presenting another way for her to deal drugs at a price. 

with something she has seen over the years, demons, fallen angels, anything lowly such as herself, pick themselves up easily and with the temptation of persuasion and hell-lust manipulation they get what they want in the end. how hard is it? persuade a desperate soul in need and convince them to sell it, reimbursing lucifer with innocent souls to play and toy with- torture and grind as much as he wishes. jiwon has been one of the demons in the torture cage before, doing the grunt work, torturing the sold souls when their time is up. the sadness in their eyes as they try to sneak out of their deal and drive another bargain, but jiwon is good at what she does when she does it. with motivation to save her parents - how could she not? it has been some decades, jiwon has placed herself on a high pedestal, respected by the other low-ranking demons around, aspiring to be one of her kind and step up to becoming an overlord. it isn't quite easy, since anytime a soul gets away, her power diminishes and she cannot continue protecting her parents, along with the other souls she takes pity on. there are the good ones, there are the bad, greedy and selfish ones. those are the ones she has great pleasure in torturing and having her way with them. the powers that she find herself having today would be resulted in grasping at two abilities she has had from before, another price she had to pay in hopes of keeping her family safe and everlasting;enslavement kiss with lust & dream walking. 
personality wise, when you meet jiwon, you think she's sweet, warm and friendly - that she is, yes, unless you get on her bad side, then her pretty, delicate features may turn into something more carnal and evil. she loves being a conniving little when she's ready, she enjoys the ruthless, dark things in life. she loves , it's in her dna, but she also loves hurting others and derive pleasure from that. would you be willing to dive into the depths of this dark overlord's mind? fear not, she won't bite - much. after all, she loves to prolong the pain and suffering in her victims.
angels and demons run vinclis and jiwon is no stranger to that, it's how she run her drug dealing business to unsuspecting humans. adding her little slice of sweetness to the top, because after all, what's life without a bit of spice and sweet to make things much more fun? her assorted drugs are made from scratch by the workers she hired, adding in her lust enchantment kiss [in the form of her saliva] to produce mind-inducing drugs that alter reality and keep them coming back for more. it's the perfect little business for the brothel/speak easy establishment, encouraging the dark and greatness that the area has to offer. 
name here
yours forever
どうせならもう後戻りもできないくらい どうにかさせて まだまだハマっていきたい なんか、まるで恋してるみたい 好きになっちゃったぁ つってさ
ooc: call me roza or by my muse's name- gmt-4 - 3rd pov detailed or 2nd - just once it's detailed - my muse varies - some plots i have higher muse for versus others, i won't abandon plots, if i lose muse completely, we'd talk on it. i am willing to do all genres, but romance, fluff (if with jiwon) this happens i prefer it happens NATURALLY, unless there's a pre-established connection [thus far, none] - all kinks are on the table minus and pee. anything else pm me. - plot over winging, i love throwing ideas around and character building. all genres loved. rooms over walls. as of late due to ooc life being busier and more hectic and muse burn out - I have been sticking to smaller lengths, so 2-3 short paras length form would be ideal. thank you.
now playing:
hollow - yosh morita
muse: 75%
speed: 50%
activity: 90%
OOC NOTE: don't bring ooc drama into ic. keep that away from me, don't nag and poke me for replies ic or ooc, I would ignore you.