

true strength is found in compassion

 From the Start

Born in a small, secluded village, Hoseok was raised in a culture that revered strength and honor. From a young age, he demonstrated a natural talent for combat and an innate understanding of justice. His emerald heritage bestowed him with a connection to the natural world, allowing him to communicate with plants and creatures. This ability, combined with his physical prowess, made him a respected figure among his peers.

In the late 15th century, Hoseok left his village to explore the world and seek adventure. He traveled through bustling cities and vast landscapes, absorbing different cultures and honing his skills. Eventually, he found himself in a vibrant metropolis known for its nightlife and diversity. Drawn to the energy of the city, he decided to settle there.

As a bouncer at one of the city’s most popular nightclubs, Hoseok uses his size and strength to maintain order and protect patrons from trouble. His imposing presence and keen instincts make him a formidable force, deterring potential troublemakers before they can cause chaos. Despite his intimidating role, Hoseok has a gentle heart and often helps those in need, using his connections to support the community.

 Nitty Gritty

Personality — Hoseok is a blend of stoicism and charm. He takes his job seriously but has a playful side that endears him to regulars at the club. His loyalty to friends and his commitment to justice make him a dependable ally. Beneath his tough exterior, he has a deep sense of empathy and often finds himself acting as a mentor to younger individuals who come to the club. Hoseok enjoys sharing stories from his long life, imparting wisdom from centuries of experience.

⋄ collecting trinkets
⋄ Storytelling
⋄ exploring
⋄ stargazing
⋄ hot chocolate (he loves it!!)

⋄ injustice
⋄ betrayal
⋄ destruction of nature
⋄ thieves

Appearance — Hoseok stands at an impressive 6 feet 4 inches tall, with a lean yet muscular build that conveys both strength and agility. His skin appears mostly human, but his striking emerald green eyes hint at his dragonborn heritage, glimmering with an ancient wisdom. His horns, a vibrant emerald green with elegant gold accents, curve gracefully from his forehead, giving him an air of regal authority. His long tail, also adorned in emerald and gold, sways behind him, providing balance and adding to his unique presence. Hoseok typically dresses in fitted button-down shirts that accentuate his physique, favoring darker colors that complement his striking features..



♡ His Name

who shall he be?

☆ sample name five
words will eventually end up here to describe their relationship.

☆ sample name four
these are open to anyone who is interested in connecting. 

Sample Name One
Turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra. Sit amet cursus sit amet dictum sit amet.

Sample Name Two
Dignissim suspendisse in est ante in nibh mauris cursus.

Sample Name Three
Sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra. Vel turpis nunc eget lorem dolor sed viverra.


Name  lee hoseok
Birthday  03 • 01 • 1453 (571)
Gender and uality  male, Homoual
Relationship Status  single
species  emerald dragon
occupation  bouncer
position  dom
mun status  open to connections and plots

mood levels.


Bored (70%)


Inspiration (100%)


Online Activity (65%)


Lurking (90%)

colour palette.





[!] Read Me
 I will plot with you, I will brainstorm with you, but we have to be able to have an actual conversation. Do not bother approaching me if you are going to expect me to come up with the plot by myself. If that's the case-- go choose from the plots I already have posted. I am absolutely okay with random starters as long as you stick to my preferences.

Writing Stye: Multi-Literacy
Roleplay Preference: Detailed Interactions, Plotting preferred
Timezone: GMT -8
plot Restrictions: not currently open to nsfw plots, angst is ok
