
Lorelei Riversbrook

25 years old

Bicurious, male lean



Secret Keeper

Lorelei, once a scion of the Riversbrook elite, chafed against the rigid expectations imposed by her parents. Their meticulous training, designed to mold her into the perfect lady, was met with unwavering defiance. She yearned for a life beyond the opulent confines of the Riversbrook family name, a life driven by her own passions and talents.

Unlike her mother, who envisioned a traditional role as a housewife, Lorelei dreamed of exploring the world and making her own mark. Her artistic inclinations clashed with her parents' rigid expectations, leading to a confrontation that culminated in her departure. In the dead of night, she fled to her best friend's home in another city, leaving behind the stifling confines of her former family and embarking on a new chapter.

Lorelei's newfound freedom allowed her to immerse herself in the world of art. With a particular passion for painting, she reveled in the vibrant colors and breathtaking landscapes she brought to life with each .

While attending private classes, she couldn't help but notice the captivating dramas unfolding in the lives of her fellow aspiring artists. Intrigued by their stories and gossip, she kept her own experiences to herself, using their tales as inspiration for her own artistic endeavors. [more to come~]