Personal Message




basic information.
last updated : 03.07.24
shim hyewon(belle).
student/p/t florist.
art & journalism & track .
orientation & status:
heteroual & crushing.
last updated : 03.07.24
section : belle's introduction
hyewon comes from seattle, washington, she decided to come to korea to pursue her studies, her father got a job offer in korea, so belle decided to leave behind her old life and start fresh out of her break from highschool by attending university in korea. belle is a single child, and genuinely her parents love spoiling her rotten. she wouldn't say she grew up with a silver spoon in - although, her fashion sense amongst other qualities may beg to differ, but she was at least of high-class material back in washington.
as time goes on, in korea, she realized that maybe she's just a chic-looking nerd, rather than a rich and privileged girl. she may even seem "poor" to the other chaebols attending the university, as funny as it may seem. she never slacks off on dressing, she never really cared about fashion either, always wishing to dress that makes her comfortable. but over the years of her break from highschool when she finished at age 18 - she took an internship with a newspaper catalog, becoming an amateur writer for the paper, this is how she realized and found her love for writing; wanting to do something different that her family never ever did before; journalism.
over the time of being in korea, she developed a keen sense of enjoying the arts, hence the club she partakes in at school - she has a thing for blending colors and creating things of different shapes and sizes. eventually, even with her folks being rich and well-off, she wanted to grant herself a part-time job becoming a florist. as of now, belle is a part-time florist, which helps pay her tuition, not that she needs it desperately, but it's also a way of being independent and on her own feet without relying all on her parents. she also enjoys culinary arts, always trying to make something new and try different dishes and pastries here and there. she has a lot of ambitions, goals and hobbies and cooking and baking is one of many. one of which she's on the hunt for someone willing to give her one on one lessons and take her on as their apprentice [hopeful.]

her father, wanting to keep her happy, allowed her to splurge when she wanted, of course, when he gets a change in his job and they have to settle into korea, a big move, big changes, she got to humble herself a bit and respect that he isn't working for the big bucks he did back at home. things are starting back over in baby steps all over again. It doesn't deter her nonetheless. Which is why she's keen on becoming independent and paying for her own things, because she loves experiencing new adventures and she believes this would be something positive for her. 
section : belle's personality
her mbti- is infp - which is described to be a mediator and idealist type of person. it's a rare personality type and she's genuinely seen to be very open-minded, creative, imaginative in everything that she does. the one part she may not strongly agree with is being quiet, when she's new to different people, she would be very quiet at first, warming up to them and figuring out how she can act around them. when she does warm up to them and become comfortable in her own skin, then she would be more of her open self. being loud and wild at times, depending on her company. has zero filter and she speaks her mind, she's truthful and blunt, a bit too honest sometimes because it can come across as being offensive. she never backs down from her beliefs and morals, so this causes her to make a lot of enemies. she's a very temperamental individual, always having anger issues since growing up, something she's trying very hard to work on, sometimes she thinks if someone pushes her to the limit and she gets that angry, she can even hurt the person or herself. it's best to not get on her bad side.
she's a bit of a goody two shoes kind of girl, since her parents expect it from her, but deep down she wishes to break away from that. she's a bit of a hypocrite, honestly, deep down she's envious hence she judges others - would look at the stoners or jocks hosting their frat parties and be disgusted and wonder if they just come to school to get high and drunk and have . she would look on at people in the city, day in and day out at the floral shop, enjoying their life to the fullest, couples on the streets getting handy, people merely living their best adult life at night, wishing to break loose from the strings that suffocate her. deep down belle wishes to break free from her norms, her parents expectations and experience life to the fullest. she's a bit disheartened and sad, because the morals and beliefs she grew up with, fights her down on being who she wishes to become. 
personality & details.
last updated : 03.07.24
cooking, baking, trying new recipes and foods, reading, learning new things, arts and crafts, gossip and fashion, she loves getting down to the middle of things, she loves investigating and that's why she thinks journalism is the major for her, tea (she enjoys chai, coffee at times but mostly chai and peppermint), animals, especially cats and dogs, she loves writing and journaling, she tends to write short stories on an online forum and post bi-weekly.
over-priveleged people, rich folks, even if she's well-off, she doesn't use money and status over others' heads. she hates animal abusers and people who bicker behinds one's back, especially if the person is a friend, disloyal persons and liars. 
won't you like to know? [for plot purposes; she was kidnapped when she was six years old, held for ransom by one of her father's rivaling business conquests back in seattle, it was messy and left the girl severely traumatized and unable to trust anyone that cross paths with her. doesn't mean she won't talk and laugh with people and get to know them, but it's severely limited.
she's flamboyant in any and everything she does, she holds a sense of leadership quality, very confident and would hold her head high, she snarks back at anyone who wishes to take advantage of someone - causing her to end up in trouble. sometimes she has a task defending herself, but always take on the role of helping others. she wears glasses on a regular basis due to her eye sight being rather terrible, but she wears it as a fashion statement too since she got compliments from others back home saying that she suits weraring specs as a style, but genuinely she's blind without it.
to become a better person morally, but also become someone who can evolve into the person she wishes to become, not what her parents wish for her to become.
it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting changes.
last updated : 03.07.24
❛ name here;
r/s: apprentice/mentor
belle was lucky to have heard about him, seeing as she was hoping to find someone who can help her enhance her cooking skills, her baking skills - her culinary skills in general. this is where the older man comes in, he's an angel in her eyes, strict and rough around the edges - but someone who she looks up to and admire in all his tell-tale glee of showing off his skills. in the most righteous and respectful way possible. she met him and over time, he decided to give her lessons for free; even when she can more than afford it. leading them to have harmony with each other in the kitchen. he doesn't even do this with anyone else, teaching them personally to cook, it developed into something sweet between the two. belle doesn't have to pay for her lessons, but she found herself donating finances to the man's establishment and also to a good cause of helping him cook for homeless shelters around the area on a once-a-month basis. 
❛ choi yeonjun ;
belle met choi yeonjun during her art club. yeonjun is well known junior who's excellent in art, his art is well-known around campus and he's known as this popular, it boy so to speak. something that always infatuated belle since she entered university  - but what spoke to her more so was seeing his exotic masterpieces, wishing to be more like him one day. she didn't once think she'd be lucky to meet him helping tutor the art club activities and looking over their work. as time goes on, yeonjun took an interest in belle just as she did, passing little notes during the check points when he has to check her work for pointers. he always paid extra close attention, helping her and bettering her skills. yeonjun eventually had to get an assessnment done for a major exam that was coming closer and he needed a muse. the only person he can think of is little sophomore belle who takes part in the art club. she was beautiful and inspirational, making him just that more motivated to have something aesthetically pleasing to present. this is how the two got closer, spending more time together one on one and getting to know each other on a deeper, more romantic level.
❛ name here ;
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of reprobating pleasure and extolling pain arose. To do so, I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.
last updated : 03.07.24
friendship & any gender [one of each]
being the new girl, you took it upon yourself to help belle around [whether it's in the city or around school], getting her acquainted with the place and people around since it's such a huge step and it's quite different for her as well. what started off as something polite and respectful turned out to be the start of a sweet, blossoming friendship. you have quirks that belle loves and she has some that makes you even more curious to know more. you both start hanging out a lot together, always eating lunch together [at school] or on weekends [if they both met in the city or via work] and even visiting each other, and hanging out on the weekends, maybe you can also be the one to introduce her to parties and the nightlife that she's oh so curious about.
frenemy/rivalry/any gender/ preferably someone who attends uni too - if not, someone at work [?]
you and belle are always butting heads no matter what, seems like you both can never see eye to eye. and why? all because you both are two sides of the same coin. both are hard-working, wanting to be the best of the best and on top of the class or the best at work. for all the competitions and prize winning seminars that the college attends [for uni]. [for work], you're both always on top of your game at work and trying to outshine the other with your floral arrangements, trying to see who can create the most unique of pieces to impress the boss. it's always you and belle battling it out no matter what. Belle has always been the top of her class in Seattle and always takes pride in all she does, doing her best, so it's brand new for her to have some level of competition in korea. you both are intrigued by one another and maybe could even become great friends but your rivalry and envy for one another comes in between.
hate, angst, exes/ male/ages: 20-25
[for plot purposes, perhaps your muse family went on vacation in seattle and met belle and her family there during the summer, two months for a little flame or could just be when she moved to korea for the new semester]. things have always been rough around the edges considering you both dated and it wasn't for a long period of time either, but it was something no less, painful, bitter-sweet memories. belle was always too much of a perfectionist, daddy's girl, daddy's princess type, somewhat too spoiled for you. something you wanted to change about her, but alas, belle is set in her ways, she thinks she's probably too good for you. you both always heads, it never worked, could it work as friendship this time when you both meet once again?
out of character.
last updated : 03.07.24
part one. introduction
➼ hello visitor, you may call me roza or by my muse's name, belle if you wish. i am online at sporadic times, my timezone is gmt-4 but truthfully, i don't really sleep at nights. so you would mostly see me as a fake plussie at this point. you can hit me up anytime and i would get back to you as soon as possible. mun is of age and gives full consent for nsfw themes or rated content, depending, at this moment, may not be looking for that fully, however, my mind may change according to how the plot flow or characters chemistry coincide with one another. i am okay with heavy theme stuff, such as angst, drama, gore and toxic themes in the sake of plotting. do not take that ooc and ruin our dynamic as plotting partners whatsoever, it is strictly ic and consensual. do not do something out of pocket that we did not discuss, it is not appreciated as i would have the same respect and not do the same. i ask that you take your time and read her very detailed profile, i know it's a lot but take your time, no rush, no pressure. before coming to me and asking questions that are already presented in her profile. there are a lot of things possibly missing since this is just a mere "base profile" as her character would grow throughout the rp when she's making connections and character growth shall be apparent then. i would do the same as well. it helps us both from wasting time.
part two. plotting and rp location preferences
plotting: all plotting must take place in pms. i rather have the privacy in pms to discuss plots, i don't usually plot big in ooc rooms where everyone's talking, i tend to limit ooc interaction in rooms unless i really must partake. just a personal preference, since i am mostly around for rp connections and to thread.
rp location preference: i would like to keep my wall clear, until jie finds her special someone. for all plots, i would rather it be done in rooms, because generally, i enjoy rping in rooms, brings a rp to life, if there's not a room provided for the plot, gpms it is. if the thread is a bit too nsfw or rated with triggering topics, gpms are there for those too. pms are for strictly ooc talk on plotting threads.


part three. writing style & speed
➼ i am most comfortable writing in 3rd pov but that is my personal preference, i don't expect my writing partner to follow the same. they can do whatever makes them comfortable, once i am allowed to do the same. with this understanding there shouldn't be any problem. length wise, i would say multi paras are more my thing, i don't go to the extent of novella writing anymore due to ooc life and brain burnout. i tend to write according to how my mood deems fit for the occurrence in the rp at that given moment, so my length would vary. i prefer beige prose over purple prose when writing, sometimes you may see me using laplslock over the proper capitalization, if that is a pet-peeve of yours, please let me know. genuinely, i am a very slow rper in general, depending on time and then level of muse, my replies speed would vary. i tend to take some time replying pms too, however, how this is a fresh rp, i would do my best in replying pms to plot as quickly as possible. i would say that i might take a week to get a reply or two in? depending on the length, if you are impatient and cannot handle that, this is your forewarning and we might not click right and that's okay. if you are tired of waiting after giving it a try and wish to drop the plot, i just ask for a simple heads up, that would highly be appreciated.
part four. genres for plots & any added info
➼ i am an open-minded person, you can literally hit me up with anything and i'd be down to probably try it, if i am uncomfortable, i shall let you know. i am an open person and we can discuss comfortably what we like, and agree on from what we don't. it's all about communication, just talk it out with me. i am open and consenting to nsfw themes and rated themes that may come off as brutal or may have trigger warnings as well, and if so these can go into gpms of course. however, i am possibly not fully going to plot any ty plots unless our characters actually have that vibe and chemistry. i don't plot any endgames in rps, i'm okay with her having a fling, exes, fwbs, but anything romantic of sorts, i rather those happen naturally, or if i know someone ooc and we plotted xyz beforehand and joined the rp together.
any questions or suggestions: simply pm me, i don't bite, i am quite pleasant to talk to and i'm very open-minded. i look forward to plotting with everyone.

park sunghoon2:23:31 AMReply

I don't know no yunjin, i only know hyewon

choi beomgyu [A]2:57:33 AMReply

ahn yujin [A]11:56:58 PMReply
like i know we just met but i think i love you .. thanks for joining us and talking to us and being so cute and kind