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kim minjeong - kim meaning gold, iron, metal. siwoo meaning streaks in jade, gentle, affable . Here's her story.

history / about

kim minjeong, one look at the petite girl, much like a kitten, a little doll, you won't even think she has anything else lurking underneath. Nothing bad by any means but minjeong is one of those types you'd call a "hot-mouthed, chihuahua. she's a psychology major, in her third year of her degree. she also works part-time at nightclub, bartending and learning on the job how to make an array of drinks. She's also president of the student council, her flamboyant, confident and resilience helps her be a great leader.


minjeong grew up as an only child, She isn't spoiled per-se but she's the type to always stand her ground and stand up for herself. she is a nervous wreck, while juggling classes and majoring in psychology she's trying to figure out her way in life. She's a bit lost and confused, some may even call her ditzy at times depending honestly. She can be a bit of an airhead. Something that irks her mother to no end. She belongs to a single parent household, her mother— being her lifeline, she's always going to be a pillar for her mom, just as the older woman is to her. She's minjeong's life. Everything she's doing while studying hard to pass all her classes are for her mother's sake and happiness. Wanting to make the woman proud of making someone like minjeong, bringing this young woman into who she is today.

personality / quirks

personality ;
sweet, boisterous, confident and commanding. minjeong knows what she likes and dislikes, she knows what she wants. She holds her head high and her taste in men is on quite high of a pedastal. Making people assume shes snobby or full of herself. But she just has high standards, in general. She's that queen b type of girl at school, very popular and people flock around her wanting to befriend her. The only difference to the regular queen b would be that she's very kind, warm and sweet to just about anyone. She never stands up for bullying or taking advantage of others...

likes ;
learning new things, anything to do with art and photography, she loves visiting museums in her free time, dancing and singing, she has a popular tiktok account for her talents being showcased. Follow her @ baebee_100. Reading especially mystery and thriller novels, psychological thrillers and documentaries are her go to. She enjoys cooking and baking when she has the time and volunteering in many different activities, wherever and with whomever she can volunteer her time for a good cause, count her in. Cheerleading and SHE'S the university's cheer squad leader. 

dislikes ;
snobby people, rude and disrespectful persons, anyone who looks down on others or Bully others, onions and juice.

attractive qualities ;
charming, bubbly, fun to be around, kind and warm, popular but not to the point of being snobbish. She's easy to talk to and get along with, she loves skin-ship and she's very touchy-feely. Her way of showing love and care would be skin to skin contact and words of affirmation and quality time. She also loves indulging in gifts for her loved ones.

secrets ;
SHE'S lonely, sometimes very insecure but she fakes it till she makes it. She wonders if she'd ever find love. Does she deserve it?

fears ;
the dark, drowning due to almost drowning when she was a kid at the beach. Being left all alone and abandoned, her mom leAving her behind with old age.

quirks / fun facts

1 ;
— her friends call her 'winter' because her skin is fair like snow and she gives off a very intense aura upon first meeting, however, upon getting to know her, she's a party animal  she can probably out drink you, fun, wild, charming and witty.

2 ;
— she's an intelligent person and could memorize quite well, always acing spelling bee competitions and memorizing phrases.

3 ;
— she's very flexible and it shows in cheering and dancing.

love of their life

name here

date here

status here

Nam varius mauris vitae justo dignissim ullamcorper. Suspendisse ac magna neque. Duis elementum euismod nibh, nec gravida nibh condimentum in. Mauris mattis in est dapibus placerat. Phasellus sed elementum arcu. Praesent viverra vel enim vel sagittis. Integer pulvinar sem non leo auctor mollis. Praesent pellentesque nisl leo, eu imperdiet diam convallis ut. Suspendisse id eleifend urna, ac sodales lectus. Phasellus lacus tellus, accumsan quis elit ac, finibus tincidunt quam. Curabitur gravida lobortis pretium.

out of character

1 ;
Call me roza or my muse's name. I am gmt-4. I'm a fairly slow replier honestly, i take my time especialLY with serious threads. If you are impatient and caN't wait then don't approach me. I'm of age and am okay for mature themes, but i am not planning on having my muse around, it may change if she finds someone she likes.

2 ;
Replies length vary from time to time. I tend to do multiple paragraphs especially if my muse is high. I don't ever go to novella due to brain burnout. my style of writing is third pov but you can do as you wish. I can do script if it's a light plot but serious plots, i rather do para personally. You do as you wish.

3 ;
When approaching me, you can just come by if you think she's interesting and you wish to rp. Don't need ideas right off the bat it's all good. I love brain storming and coming up with ideas and i absolutely love character building.

4 ;
I don't plan romance and stuff unless my muses have chemistry with someone properly. Or unless I'm moving in a rp with someone ooc me absolutely trust. Don't push romance on my muse or me.

5 ;
you can also just copy and paste more, if that's easier for you to do.

6 ;
this section is yours to have fun with and yours to edit as you please, so do what you want. the sky's the limit.

7 ;
filler text goes here because i have nothing else of importance to say. if you're actually reading this, you're a cutie patootie and i hope you have a good day or night or whatever applies.


burn me up.

genrE - best friends, romance, fluff, drama, tom & jerry behavior, bickering, teasing, hurt & comfort, love, etc

where to begin? he annoys the out of her on a constant basis, yet she cannot give him up for the life of her. that's her best friend for her, sim jaeyun, devilishly handsome, charming, idiotic, with a voice that makes her ears bleed [it doesn't] she just loves telling him that. making fun of his accent to back for testing her patience on a daily. he's also that person she calls when she's drunk out of her mind to pick her up, the person she drags with her to too many frat parties or at the clubs. he's just... her comfort person, her soulmate. but it also has a bit of a boundary there being crossed on many occasions to count, why does he seem so desirable suddenly? his lips look kissable, he looks pretty under the moonlight. she would blame it on the alcohol but even when sober and in her room or at work - she can't stop thinking about what it would be like to kiss him and have him hold her. a dream... so surreal...

ride or die. Taken. Beomgyu.

genre childhood friends,  slice of life, humor, etc- , gender - m/f, status [0/1],  etc.

Well, hello there, thank you for being her ride or die throughout the years (perhaps they grew up together), you're the fun friend who decided to stick with her during her drunken nights, fun-filled times, never turning your back on her. You know just about everything concerning minjeong. Close and tight-knit. Close like family, siwoo thinks she'd never be where she is right now, without you.

Scenario Title Here.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Duis placerat eros et consequat egestas. Pellentesque quis est porttitor, congue diam ut, imperdiet ligula. In semper porta dolor, eget dictum metus convallis in. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis pulvinar hendrerit risus ac dignissim. Etiam tristique, purus porttitor luctus laoreet, est diam fringilla erat, eu accumsan erat risus sed purus. Sed velit lorem, facilisis in dolor at, posuere semper sem. Donec et viverra arcu. Nam pellentesque orci velit, sit amet commodo turpis condimentum non. Aenean at sagittis arcu. Suspendisse iaculis gravida iaculis. Suspendisse blandit erat sapien, id tempor mi bibendum quis. Curabitur et dapibus nisi, eu malesuada est. Ut tristique sollicitudin blandit.



























choi beomgyu [A]10:10:27 PMReply

she's very loveable and cute, that's haneul's class pres for sure!!

kim jiwon10:43:16 PMReply

minjeong and I are real girls and not bots (truth)

park sunghoon5:25:13 AMReply

my lady, please grant me the blessing of smooching your cheek in return so i can return to my grave and down hell to boast to the devil about receiving heaven on earth?