Personal Message

kim taerae, 18, freshman, double major in applied mathematics and physics, @taeshanks 

background: kim taerae grew up to a single parent household with only his mother. growing up, his mother would often take out her anger on him and would yell at him every time possible. her words were never gentle, he felt like he never experienced love from his mother. he did get smacked when he was younger as a form of discipline, but it was the angry faces and loud voices of his mother that scared him more. "kim. tae. rae." was all it took for him to do whatever his mother needed him to do. his mother also had 4 sisters who were all aggressive characters who were loud, rambunctious, and tough, which scared him more and cemented his view on women. when they visited, they would always smack his back a little too hard, laugh a little too loud, shove him a little too hard, everything was just too much for him. this made him develop a fear of women in general. it didn't matter if you were nice to him, as long as you were near him, he would run away. this also made him dislike loud and aggressive people and noisy places, as it overstimulated him. as a coping mechanism, taerae would often study to get his mind off things or watch anime. this ended up turning taerae into a typical 'nerd' that people made fun of at school. this was especially bad in elementary and middle school, when he naruto-ran away from girls that tried to speak with him, which ended up getting him further ostracized. however, getting into high school, taerae slowly grew into his looks and he was considered decently attractive to the point where he was no longer bullied, but rather looked up to as a smart, handsome boy. however, he hated that more. every time the girls stared at him at school, he felt as if their stares were like lasers. he wanted to hide himself so much. he would grow his hair to cover his eyes, however, he wasn't completely unable to make friends. in fact, he was always on anime forums online and had a strong online presence, he could call them and speak with them perfectly fine, as long as they were male. this allowed him to be able to successfully make male friends at school too, but anytime a girl would get close, he would shy away and get completely silent. his friends jokingly for this, but he would just laugh it off. THEY WILL NEVER UNDERSTANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


personality: quiet (extremely so around women), gets chatty when it's topics he's into, doesn't like wasting time, likely to back down and avoid an argument, not assertive, instead of being a pushover he's more likely to walk away from situations, dismissive avoidant completely, speaks fast when he's nervous 
mbti: intj 


- signs up and attends math competitions for fun 
- terrified of women, nice or mean. first day of school, gertrude scared him so bad he vowed to never change courses or ask for any administrative help 
- his favorite animes are one piece, dragon ball z, baki, record of ragnarok 
- he's not a fan of furry animals, he especially does not like dogs 
- he has 2 close friends (up for grabs, u gotta be kinda nerdy though) 
- the library is his favorite place, specifically the most hidden spot in the corner by the window
- he likes watching birds fly
- he has 12 followers on instagram
- shanks is his favorite one piece character, hence his instagram handle @taeshanks 
- least fav character is nami 
-lives his life in routine mode 
-world's ugliest chicken scratch handwriting 




2 WOMEN? (/2 girls) taerae was taking a course outside of his discipline for an extra elective, when all of a sudden the professor assigns a group project.. with pre-selected groups. that's fine. it'll be okay right? but he looked at the names he was grouped with.. not just one woman, but TWO women? should he just drop this class? 
hey that's my spot! (/1 MAN) taerae always sit at the same seat at the library. far corner, by the windows, hidden. same seat, everyday, same time. so why was someone else there during his designated bird watching, studying time? but we have a problem.. taerae is not confrontational at all, he could only stand by, linger, and stare at the man who had taken his spot. 
anime gang for lifers..? or not? (/1 girl) after being in the same online anime forum for so many years, the 10 of you were quite tight knit. taerae was almost positive that all 9 members were all men who enjoyed anime together and chatted together this whole time. although there was 1 member who never joined the calls, but that's okay. you were all understanding and maybe they were shy. you all decided to meet up one day and taerae arrived first. so why was the second person who arrived.. a WOMAN? 





"i'm kim taerae and you're my 13th reason"



park sunghoon01:39:04Reply

oh so that explains the fatherless behavior


kim taerae01:38:47Reply

why is thwt crazy my ic char is fatherless