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alpha - snow leopard - dark chocolate & scotch - cycle: week 3 in the month┆ ° ♡ • ➵ ✩ ◛ °

—  Basic Information

  • Full Name julie han
  • Date of Birth 29-03-00 + 24yo
  • Zodiac Sign aries
  • Orientation heteroual
  • Occupation flight attendant                       
  • R/ssingle/interested

— julie's History

julie han, there's nothing too hidden than what meets the eye. grown up with both parents, two younger siblings (sisters), julie being the oldest, always shouldered a lot of responsibilities on her shoulder. her father and mother always pitched in but being the oldest child, julie wanted to do more, be more. while attending college at age 18, she met a friend, they became close relatively quickly, seeing as julie enjoyed hanging out at the park close to the university late at night, taking a breather from all the assignments piling up, quizzes to study for and assessments coming up - smoking a blunt in the quiet of the night as she calms her nerves. her proper home and family, can never know what julie gets up to when she's away at school. oming from a church-going family, julie has to carry herself in a proper, respectful, prude way just as her mother and father likes.


however, upon meeting this friend of hers (could be made into a connection), she started learning about other things out there, stranger things that colored her interest, piquing her curiosity all too well and she was told about the "black opal club." julie being rather sheltered at the age of 19 at the time, didn't know what exactly it was, her friend simply saying, "let's go this weekend, and you shall see..." curiosity got to the cat, she went ahead with her friend and discovered a whole new world, a new life, a life that brought her money and things to help her family and herself too! what julie started off as being just a mere pet/slave to masters visiting the club, snagging some sugar daddies in the process, julie grew into her skin, realizing that she would enjoy being on the 'giving end'. upon furthering her studies and becoming a full fledged flight attendant. completing the flight attendant course, flight attendant swimming, and first aid, working in the airline for 2.5 years now.


here she is, living a prestigious, well-off life, she cannot complain and she's a mistress in the black opal club, being the one to treat pretty boys when they come by, how they would wish for. being both sadistic and masochistic aided the woman in being one of the most popular mistresses in the club, even having the money now to help her family, herself and give her pretty sugar babies some cash as well. within the airline, julie is a well-known flight attendant, always being friendly and accommodating the needs of her passengers, even helping out her co-workers in times of need. she has gotten pretty close to one pilot in particular and they have a secret, hidden relationship. since dating within the job is prohibited by the rules and law for cabin crew. it doesn't stop julie and taehyung from having a promiscuous relationship, sneaking around and finding time for dates on their layover when they are actually on the same flight. If you wish to know more, you can always meet her at the club at nights, thursday, friday and satuday [depending on her shift for flights].

—  her personality

upon first look at julie, when she's working on flights as a flight attendant you would see a pleasant, kind and heart-warming person, someone who would always put others safety before her own, it's her job description after all, unless, you've done something to warranty her anger, then that'll be another story. julie on the outside however, is just like any young woman out there - outgoing, friendly, always making friends anywhere she goes, left and right there's a friendly face. she's a giving person and she gives without expecting to receive, she isn't a greedy person in that sense. her ambitions, goals and maybe more 'toys' to indulge in however, would be something she's seeking left and right, greedy would be described for such things. julie at the club, her mistress name there is "jules", just as it is on her social medias, she's firm, gentle at times, depending on who her plaything for the night or week is. but, she can be quite rigid and stern, if her partner is into that, she bends and molds into what her partner prefers.

—  more about her

» likes

cooking, baking, presenting dishes, flight attending, protecting others, anything to do with medicine intrigues her, a good joint rolled, takes the stress away, anything with the devil's lettuce would be fine for her, alcohol depending when she's in the mood, she's a coffee addict, black and bitter, not sweet. , a lot of , she needs it in her system or she wouldn't be able to function properly, perhaps she has turned into a bit of a addict, always depending... recreational drugs, depending on the company she keeps, books, occasionally, she loves reading those cheesy romance novels at times, a too. jewelry, you'd always see her sporting a new piece, it's one of her weaknesses and every week she treats herself to a new piece, whether it's a chain, earring, or ring. teaching, helping others, giving advice and communicating with people, she always believes giving someone a listening ear can do wonders and work miracles, just be patient and hear them out.

» dislikes

overly emotionally people, impulsive and bratty, she likes brats to an extent but tick her off by over doing it and she would leave you in the dumps without another glance. Whiite rum, she hates the scent and taste of all white rums, she prefers whiskey and you can always see her sipping on a johnny walker on the rocks. Insects and all creepy-crawlies, julie is quite mature and she holds herself up well, but upon seeing or feeling one of those on her, all hell breaks loose, she would even scream.

» habits

biting her cuticles when nervous, always giving her nail technician a headache, chewing on her lower lip when she's chewing on food, or thinking long and hard about something. Saying 'uh,' a lot while teaching her classes, making her seem quite unsure but she's very confident in teaching her kids. sticking her tongue against the inside of her cheek when she's itching for a joint, her hands get clammy and her fingers twitch. always putting her money bills a certain way and side in her wallet due to ocd and having her table neatly organized with the stationary arranged from biggest to smallest.

» hobbies

learning new things, stargazing at the park late at night or at the than river, strolling the beach by herself, under the moonlight with a joint in her hand and a beer in the other, , anything to do with at this point. she's a very ual person. participating in extreme sports and outdoor activities, especially hiking and swimming. clubbing once she has the time, since she dedicates majority of her free time at black opal.

» apperance & attire

on flights - f/a uniform, she mostly wears pencil skirts on flights with a blouse and jacket, matching scarf for that day, dresses and a cardigan or blazer/jacket over it, sometimes slacks depending on her mood for the day and if the slacks look better than the skirts for the given fit.

outdoors when with friends or just chilling - if with others, she dresses to impress, sporting shorts with fishnets, crop tops or halter backs, jeans with these types of tops as well, or skirts, depending, she likes shorter dresses compared but when she's out on her own maybe strolling the beach, she goes for longer, flowy dresses and sometimes joggers hanging low on her hips and a cropped tee or hoodie.

at the club - she almost always wears latex, leather or suede, depending. she's mostly fully covered with her stomach, thighs and cleavage showing depending, if she's with someone softer she might go with something softer as well like a pleated skirt and slim-fit blouse. It mostly depends on her partner for the night, once she knows who she's getting involved with due to prior meets, when it's not planned, her go to would be a form fitting leather romper and leather boots that meets the knees.

Piercings wise - she has three piercings on each ear lobe and one helix piercing, a belly button piercing and nose piercing that she only showcases when she's out at the club or out with friends, never to work.

tattoos wise - she has a trampstamp of a heart with wings on each side, a blooming rose on her upper right thigh and a star on both of her hips just under the underwear line. Her hair is dark and mid length, mostly tied up when at school, depending, and at the club as well, dark brown eyes that almost looks black unless in the sun you can see the golden color of brown swirling in her irises.

—  out of character

You can call me by my muse's name or roza. gmt-4 is my timezone but don't rely on that, because I'm around at weird times. I'm a 96 liner so i am fine with nsfw themes or dark plots, just shoot them at me. i rather do nsfw plots in pms depending on the level of the and how the plot goes, and since this is not a nsfw theme rp, i'd rather pms. [however, it would only be mentioned in writing about something ual-related with my muse and yours if the plot surrounds her club work. since I would not be taking on any -related plots with anyone besides taehyung - since he's her romantic connection.]

  • Writing Style: 3rd pov detailed
  • Writing Length : para/multi paras.
  • Muse Level: 5/10
  • Reply Speed: slow rper; 5/10
  • Plotting Style: character building and throwing around ideas.
  • Current Status: open to plotting

—  Connections

» name here

Uni friend who introduced her to the club.

» name here - a plaything at the club still needed [0/3 slots]

One of her playthings at the club / exes hate/love.

» name here

A pet in the making from meeting out and about or maybe a pax on her flight. 

» kim taehyung

Co-worker./ cabin crew member. [her love interest and partner, she's 100% loyal to him besides the people at the club for her job. or helping someone out, financially, emotionally. their relationship is quite promiscous, fun and spontaneous and he makes her happy, through and through. she couldn't ask for more, besides wishing he can be hers officially. one day. one day.

» name here [endless slots open for this connection]

Pax on flight.

—  Tracker

  • Name: Status ( location )
  • Name: Status ( location )
  • Name: Status ( location )
  • Name: Status ( location )
  • Name: Status ( location )
  • Name: Status ( location )