⠀⊹ sign: taurus
⠀⊹ likes: fall, rain, thunderstorms, warmth, books, lofi, quiet, alone time, Seongmin
⠀⊹ dislikes: loud people, cigarettes, crowded areas, snow
⠀⊹ hobbies: reading, exercising, trying new foods, going on adventures with Seongmin
⠀⊹ quirks: lorem ipsum
Can words truly describe what a wonderful part of my life he is? I'm doubtful. However, I'll do my best to paint a picture. Bright, round, chocolate eyes, a slender nose, perfect lips and a voice that resembles that of an angel. He's smart, curious and talented. One of my favorite parts is that he's tiny, perfect to hide away in my arms. If anyone deserves to have their dreams come true, it's him. Ahn Seongmin, thank you for being a aprt of my life. I love you with all my heart.