Personal Message
Doesn't identify as being any particular (primary) gender, and so will respond to all pronouns and not correct anyone. He dresses androgynously on purpose. Her outfits range from androgynous to straight up woman's clothing. Likes to dress ily.
Go, run, hide. You can't escape me anyway.
X Mentality
The strong survive, and the weak deserve to die.
X Backstory
Jiaolong was born and raised in the Wen clan, the clan of his father.
Her father forged the most beautiful blades in her magic fire, and her mother, a Nie, baptised them in fresh blood. It was a beautiful synergy, passionate and violent. Jiaolong flourished under the love of his parents, growing more like them every day. But his father changed, and he started speaking of another son he had once had. Shortly after her father was dead.
Jiaolong still remembers his face contorted in anger as the head dropped to the floor and rolled towards his feet. Her mother stood over the crumpled body, her favourite blade doused in the blood of her lover. She looked content. The two left for the Nie clan that day, and never looked back.
Her mother was strong, ruthless and fierce in battle. Jiaolong is the same, just a bit... sneakier.
Upon reaching maturity, she became a Fast One. And upon killing 50+ people for sport, he semi-retired by taking up a position at the university. The change was not voluntary, and he is bored out of his mind.
X Personality
Jiaolong is angry that he has to be here. The switch to a 'desk job' has her bored, and in turn restless and hungry for chaos. He's a bow strung so tight it's about to burst.
Jiaolong is not a good socialiser. He is blunt and rude, a side-effect of spending more time in nature than around others. She has no interest in integrating with the others, so far.
Age: 25
Scent: A freshly lit fire
Professor of Conservation Practices (Fast Core)
Orientation: Pan
Earth Manipulation (Earth Swimming, Earth Density Manipulation, Earth Projection)
Heat Manipulation (Heat Immunity*, Heat Generation, Heat Detection)
Looking Great in Faux Leather
*only immune to heat he himself has generated